Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I don't understand America's logic that Israel can attack multiple countries but only America and Israel have the right to defend itself, and if Iran does than US will kill Innocent civilians to protect a rough nation... America has become a Bully and their hate towards Arabs/Islam is now very apparent.
Does anyone actually believe the US or others believe Israel has made a mistake and will face consequences alone? For all we know, Israel could embark on surprise ground invasion of Lebanon. Or move equipment, defenses, and men to the border with Lebanon under guise of making preparations for Iranian retaliation. Since it coincides with timeline they gave for a attack on Lebanon.

It should be taken into account too, that Israel was prepared for this and is making its next moves.

I think Netanyahu and the settler leadership have gone for broke now.

They are betting that these brazen attacks will cow Iran and Hezbollah and also other parties like Houthis.

In fact it is likely to result in their cowing as they now will face a devastating attack simultaneously from Iran, Hezbollah and Houthis.

US will not join them in attacking anyone in "retaliation" as that would lead to a wider ME war and potentially even world war. They cannot do much alone without US support and will just invite more destruction on their settlements and infrastructure in Palestine.

In essence, they are desperate and can see that unless they can regain their deterrent power their days will eventually be over, as the settler colony will start to wither and eventually die.
The face of the Jordanian envoy after hearing Iran's answer:
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This piece of shit should be kicked out of our country with slapping and kicking in his face and rear.

He has made calls to our foreign ministry at least once a day ever since Haniyeh's martyrdom.

While his shithole has no former relationships with Iran, he comes and tells us Israeli words. What a Najes, what an unholy shit this Jordanian is.
This piece of shit should be kicked out of our country with slapping and kicking in his face and rear.

He has made calls to our foreign ministry at least once a day ever since Haniyeh's martyrdom.

While his shithole has no former relationships with Iran, he comes and tells us Israeli words. What a Najes, what an unholy shit this Jordanian is.

I think Iranian government is aware of exactly who this traitor is but has to at least show diplomatic niceties, especially to a fellow Muslim country.

He will now go home and join his traitor toy King who relies on the Zionists to keep him in power.
Sir when you see the bigger picture, it doesn’t really matter whether Iran provides any proof or not. Iran has suffered a lot from the state terrorism of Israel with the blessings of the United States.

If we switch the table and put Israel or America in the shoes of Iran, the war would have begun years ago but it is the unbelievable control of Iran that has not lead to a war if not the World War 3.

They killed Iranian civilians including top scientists who were merely working in the technology and welfare of their country, they killed Iranian generals, bombed Iranian embassy and now killed their guest. What’s the point of providing an evidence if it means nothing as the Israel-led evil nexus is looking for a war for a long time.

They are pushing Iran to the level where they cannot hide their face and ultimately confront. Whether Israel did this terrorist activity by breaking international laws with gun., missile or explosive is irrelevant in the end.

Not that I am inclined to engage in serious debate on PDF due to the prevailing environment, I will try to make an exception this time and discuss the bigger picture as you mention. You are right that taking a broader view makes any presentation of evidence by Iranian not matter as much given that context.

Throughout the previous century, the Middle East, given its rich resources, has been a battleground for supremacy by the reigning world powers of the time from the demise of the Ottoman Empire, the demarcation of borders made by the British Empire in its dying days, and then throughout the Cold War and the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR, but let us concentrate on the record of the Iranians after the Ayatollahs rose to power, since they are ruling Iran today.

One can easily make a counter-list that presents a long series of Iranian actions that rivals the list that you mention. After all, international geopolitics is always a two-way street. Suffice to say that Iran under the Ayatollahs has sought to expand its influence in the region, and as a sovereign nation, let me make it clear that it does have the right to do so in order to serve its national interests. However, it has done it in a manner that has provided ample reasons for world powers from outside the region - and not just USA - to get involved in the power dynamics within Iran's neighbors. Without risking any deviation of the discussion into sectarianism, let me just observe that the schism within Islam runs deep and wide and affects all major Muslim countries, giving not only Iran, but all other neighboring countries, as well as all outside powers, a six-lane highway deep into the entire Middle East.

To use your own argument and switch the table, only for purposes of rational discussion if it is indeed possible by some miraculous change in PDF policy, Iran itself has tried to push just about everywhere in the region to undermine and confront all those that it sees as standing in its way of furthering its own national interests. To be fair, there is nothing wrong with that and Iran has every right to do so. But so do all the others with their own national interests.

As always, those who engage in this tussle harder and smarter will gain the upper hand, until the next round of developments, since international geopolitics is a never ending process.
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They should focus on Israel and ignore the nations trying to block it. They played with fire when they unnecessarily attacked Pakistan about 7 months ago.

Iran should play smart and strictly keep it to Iran vs Israel to garner support from Muslim nations. If they start playing with the puppets, it may deviate them from the objective and convert the war into Iran vs Arab World.

They should try to avoid conflict with Arabs as much as possible under the present circumstances and the public pressure from Muslim world will make it easier for them

Good advice here to be sure, but I will wait and see what Iran does as a retaliatory response.

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