Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

If you are in America, watch this :

If you are not, use Firefox and an American proxy to watch it. (I used HTTPS, do not sign in to google.

Watch the section on the BIGGEST supporter of Israel in America. Its not just the jews. Its evangelical christians... Yup, Christians supporting Israel and jews whom they blame for killing the christ. Because, according to bible, when Jews moves to Israel, Apocalypse will happen and they will be raptured by Jesus Christ while Jews will be shown that they were wrong while rest of the world will burn. Yup! that's a typical White Evangelical thinking.

And these people support Israel, they lobby for more military aid for Israel.

Reality is stranger than fiction.
Its da same logic with muslim converts who support Sawdi Judea, even though we all know that Sawdi Judea is a total Zionist proxy. Or the Pakistani UK cabby (including many here) who watch Ertha-ghrool ghazi iss-toopidd turkish drama and then go out on da street and start yelling:

Saddam must go
Assad must go
Qazzafi must go
Humraand must go
Mian sahb must go

Lower caste convert got no opinion bhai......You give him $5 and he will sing your tune. Whatever you want him to sing...... :p.....Anything goes......Al-Jazheera plays a key role in the indoctrination.

This is no surprise.
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I have heared report that in case of an all out war one of the first targets Israel will hit in Iran will the the giant $4 billion dollars petrol refinery of "Satr of Persian gulf" in Bandar Abbas ..why this site...it provides 40% of Iranian domestic petrol production..if destroyed.. Iranians will need to uses bicycle for transportation..and no one will offer Iran any free gas...Isreal in other hand will receive all she needs from Western world just as 🇺🇦 does...so let's see if the crazy mullahs of Iran are still willing to fire their hardware towards the most technologically advanced team of US/ Isreal for the sake of an ideology that even their own nation does not believe in...time will tell..
slave pakistani establishment will ask for $ in return for not supporting iran. i bet they are happy to get this opportunity
Its not just us in this situation, its all the remaining 56 muslim countries now too! Iranis taking the full brunt of the wrath, others got no standing. Total colonial situation bro.

I keep saying had Ayub Khan sahb stayed another decade and cultivated strong relations with Iran/ Turkey/ GCC and brought em up on our thinking 60 years ago.......

Shaid aaj hamara ye haal ne hota!.......(we wouldn't be in this situation today)......

So disappointing!
Its not just us in this situation, its all the remaining 56 muslim countries now too! Iranis taking the full brunt of the wrath, others got no standing. Total colonial slavery bro.

I keep saying had Ayub Khan sahb stayed another decade and cultivated strong relations with Iran/ Turkey/ GCC and brought em up on our thinking 60 years ago.......

Shaid aaj hamara ye haal ne hota!.......(we wouldn't be in this situation today)...... :(

Ayub khan was a slave stooge, who got rid of saharwardi elected govt in 1954, and was hand in hand involved in putting quaid e azam under house arrest in ziaraat. he got rid of fatima jinnnah, his grave should be dug and his remains should be displayed with traitor on it..
Ayub khan was a slave stooge, who got rid of saharwardi elected govt in 1954, and was hand in hand involved in putting quaid e azam under house arrest in ziaraat. he got rid of fatima jinnnah, his grave should be dug and his remains should be displayed with traitor on it..
Yaar Ayub khan sahb figured out its a very harsh world out there.......You gotta become a wild jungli cheeta to survive, like these Iranis today.

There ain't no mercy out there bro.......You gotta turn into an animal to survive in today's world.
If all America wanted was cheap oil, they have all they want just next door. Venezuela has VAST amount of really cheap oil in the sea around them. It puts even Middle East to shame.

America herself is a massive oil producing country with fracking. Heck, they even export it! There is no major shortage of raw materials and oil as far as north and South America goes. They have every darn thing. And then there is Australia.

This is no 90s. The singular reason is just stupidity. One should not try to explain a situation with conspiracy, what can be explained by idiocy. And America has loads and loads of that.
Yeah, crude oil is not the reason.
Oil in Iraq and Libya is just a coincidence.

In fact, USA foreign policy is perfectly explained because crazy evangelical dumbfucks are seeking for the armageddon. That has a lot of sense, yeah.

Crude oil is endless, that is not the reason, USA doesnt make mayhem in oil rich countries, that's pure coincidence, yeah.

I only hope GCC will be smarter than some comments here. :ROFLMAO:

Because they are next in line for the coming USA backstabbing.

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