Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

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I promise to discuss this matter elsewhere, one day or feel free to remind me later.

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I don't understand America's logic that Israel can attack multiple countries but only America and Israel have the right to defend itself, and if Iran does than US will kill Innocent civilians to protect a rough nation... America has become a Bully and their hate towards Arabs/Islam is now very apparent.
The U.S is owned and operated by Zionists.
The U.S is owned and operated by Zionists.
I know that but that doesn't stop American Politicians and Military Establishment from using common sense, I personally thinks that American Govt/Establishment hate/despise Arabs/Muslims, they wants good relationship with them for their own benefit so they can weaken the individual Arab countries from inside and when time comes one by one take them out, American people on the other hand (At least the majority) are completely different from their Govt, they are nice and don't want Wars or send their soldiers to fight for other countries or massacre other people, but the FACT remains that American Govt do what the lobbies and rich industrialists wants them to do, even in America their public desires are pushed back if they contradicts US expansionist ambitions. People say Palestinians are under oppression by Israel, but America has become a slave to Israel to an extend that no a single President (Presumably the most Powerful man on earth) can stand up to Israeli lobby and give them a shut up call, forget about telling them shut up, they can't even speak infront of the lobby and their AIPAC handlers, its Ironically funny to the only super power act like a **** cat in front Israeli's, its funny and sad at the same time.
I don't understand America's logic that Israel can attack multiple countries but only America and Israel have the right to defend itself, and if Iran does than US will kill Innocent civilians to protect a rough nation... America has become a Bully and their hate towards Arabs/Islam is now very apparent.

Might is right, their is no such thing as freedom and truth these days.
Does anyone actually believe the US or others believe Israel has made a mistake and will face consequences alone? For all we know, Israel could embark on surprise ground invasion of Lebanon. Or move equipment, defenses, and men to the border with Lebanon under guise of making preparations for Iranian retaliation. Since it coincides with timeline they gave for a attack on Lebanon.

It should be taken into account too, that Israel was prepared for this and is making its next moves.
Israel doesnt make errors, Israel does calculated provocations.

Take as example April attack on Iran consulate to kill Zahedi.

They could have killed him elsewhere, e.g: in the journey from airport to consulate.

But they chose to do a diplomatic provocation attacking in a consulate.
Could this IDF MoD HQ in Tel Aviv be the target this time? It would be a tempting target.
Mossad HQ just north of Tel Aviv would be a better target. not close to residential buildings and a large target

and petrochemical facilities in the Negev. they are huge and would present an optical victory (like Israel had in Hodeida), and also very close to Dimona, which sends a message in itself

but lets see. no idea why they are waiting so long. ideal response would be some kind of assassination but Iran likely lacks the ability to do that in Israel, thus forced to respond with a direct missile strike.
I don't understand America's logic that Israel can attack multiple countries but only America and Israel have the right to defend itself, and if Iran does than US will kill Innocent civilians to protect a rough nation... America has become a Bully and their hate towards Arabs/Islam is now very apparent.

If you are in America, watch this :

If you are not, use Firefox and an American proxy to watch it. (I used HTTPS, do not sign in to google.

Watch the section on the BIGGEST supporter of Israel in America. Its not just the jews. Its evangelical christians... Yup, Christians supporting Israel and jews whom they blame for killing the christ. Because, according to bible, when Jews moves to Israel, Apocalypse will happen and they will be raptured by Jesus Christ while Jews will be shown that they were wrong while rest of the world will burn. Yup! that's a typical White Evangelical thinking.

And these people support Israel, they lobby for more military aid for Israel.

Reality is stranger than fiction.
Iran is ready for war. Israel and its supporters are terrorist states and do not understand anything other than war.

They will see that the previous attack was just a warning and light attack

If Israel does high profile accurate killings in Iran soil, the fair response would be the same in Israel soil.

But Iran can't do it.

Iran can't kill high profile Israel state people, so less they can afford a war, less for this reason (a foreigner killing).
If you are in America, watch this :

If you are not, use Firefox and an American proxy to watch it. (I used HTTPS, do not sign in to google.

Watch the section on the BIGGEST supporter of Israel in America. Its not just the jews. Its evangelical christians... Yup, Christians supporting Israel and jews whom they blame for killing the christ. Because, according to bible, when Jews moves to Israel, Apocalypse will happen and they will be raptured by Jesus Christ while Jews will be shown that they were wrong while rest of the world will burn. Yup! that's a typical White Evangelical thinking.

And these people support Israel, they lobby for more military aid for Israel.

Reality is stranger than fiction.
Yeah, there are more zionists and crazier between Christian evangelical than among Jewish American people.

Anyway, that explains nothing.

USA is using Israel to bring mayhem to the richest oil zone. That's a real reason.

The rest is excuses to distract.

You can't understand current world issues if you dont understand first that cheap crude oil and raw materials are limited and running out.

Conventional crude oil peak production was in 2006.
Yeah, there are more zionists and crazier between Christian evangelical than among Jewish American people.

Anyway, that explains nothing.

USA is using Israel to bring mayhem to the richest oil zone. That's a real reason.

The rest is excuses to distract.

You can't understand current world issues if you dont understand first that cheap crude oil and raw materials are limited and running out.

Conventional crude oil peak production was in 2006.
If all America wanted was cheap oil, they have all they want just next door. Venezuela has VAST amount of really cheap oil in the sea around them. It puts even Middle East to shame.

America herself is a massive oil producing country with fracking. Heck, they even export it! There is no major shortage of raw materials and oil as far as north and South America goes. They have every darn thing. And then there is Australia.

This is no 90s. The singular reason is just stupidity. One should not try to explain a situation with conspiracy, what can be explained by idiocy. And America has loads and loads of that.
If you are in America, watch this :

If you are not, use Firefox and an American proxy to watch it. (I used HTTPS, do not sign in to google.

Watch the section on the BIGGEST supporter of Israel in America. Its not just the jews. Its evangelical christians... Yup, Christians supporting Israel and jews whom they blame for killing the christ. Because, according to bible, when Jews moves to Israel, Apocalypse will happen and they will be raptured by Jesus Christ while Jews will be shown that they were wrong while rest of the world will burn. Yup! that's a typical White Evangelical thinking.

And these people support Israel, they lobby for more military aid for Israel.

Reality is stranger than fiction.
Already did.

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