Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I think we need to give Iran credit. The fact Hezbollah created a defacto buffer zone in northern israel is unprecedented. The fact israel didn’t go all out on hezbollah because of the potential costs and damage hezbollah can inflict on them is unprecedented. The fact that there is a multilayered attack potential for militant groups (north, east, south) is unprecedented. All this thanks to Iran. What did arab states do?

This is the time to remain calm and calculated. In the future the unprecedented examples will exceed your wildest imagination.

Usual suspects dancing/shouting and using this very unfortunate incident to vent at Iran as they seem to have a personal grudge at Iran.

It looks like this was a quadcopter drone attack at this stage and so the question remains, why was not adequate protection provided?

Haniyah should have had a "ring of steel around him at all times". Iran has ample resources to have provided it to this VIP guest they were hosting.
Covertly you mean?
Plausible deniability, they'll be a big part of the logistics that support a war effort if Trump and the zios get into a shooting hot war with Iran.
Putin is neck deep in sanctions trouble and stuck in the quicksand that is the war in Ukraine.

Who is there to help Iran, the houthis ? Fatty Kim Jong Un ? .. who ?
Plausible deniability, they'll be a big part of the logistics that support a war effort if Trump and the zios get into a shooting hot war with Iran.

If that were to happen, truly the Arabs played the Iranians inside out with their peace initiative.
Harris is Crazy , Confused and Weak

This is Netanyahu's assessment

Harris isn't weak nor crazy. She wants an end to hostilities. Only crazy people would want to prolong suffering of Palestinians and further escalation with neighboring countries. We don't realise it yet, but if Iran or even Lebanon became fully involved things would escalate out of control. This wouldn't be a one-sided affair where the Israelis are massacring unarmed Palestinians just like they have done thus far. You would actually have nations and groups with serious capabilities to counter Israel. Israel would for the first time be tested like never before. Given the tiny size of Israel it could mean devastating results for the Zionists. Israel is going to involve the US in this war with further devastating consequences. You understand what I am hinting at.
Harris isn't weak nor crazy. She wants an end to hostilities. Only crazy people would want to prolong suffering of Palestinians and further escalation with neighboring countries. We don't realise it yet, but if Iran or even Lebanon became fully involved things would escalate out of control. This wouldn't be a one-sided affair where the Israelis are massacring unarmed Palestinians just like they have done thus far. You would actually have nations and groups with serious capabilities to counter Israel. Israel would for the first time be tested like never before. Given the tiny size of Israel it could mean devastating results for the Zionists. Israel is going to involve the US in this war with further devastating consequences. You understand what I am hinting at.
That's why I strongly think that a de escalation may occur, or Iran may simply just let Hezbollah fight Israel alone.
There's no other timeline in this that doesn't end with a large scale American intervention in Iran
Haven't read this thread so apologies if this question has been answered already but are there no Iranian air defenses at all? No radars? No early warning systems?
Haven't read this thread so apologies if this question has been answered already but are there no Iranian air defenses at all? No radars? No early warning systems?

Even if the Iranians have their radars, the Israelis too have very advanced systems at their disposal. I wouldn't be surprised if the Israelis managed to evade detection.
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Iran is a joke...

they killed Iranian General and they informed and requested American's that we have to retaliate and informed well before for missile strikes.

after Iranian premier killed in crash again 4 hours before they informed we have to attack and pls let us and defend your targets

lols what a bushtit

Iran with I and Israel with I.
Not Iran. Iran is a great nation with thousands of years of cool history. These incompetent apes that are occupying Iran since 1979 are to blame, no one else. They turned us into a laughing stock.
Wait, so was it mossad operatives, proper Israeli jews who done this or Iranian assets on their payroll inside Iran ?
What a country Iron, first they could not find ther own crashed president and now Haniyah killed in Tehran. Looks like big time sold out.

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