Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Not Iran. Iran is a great nation with thousands of years of cool history. These incompetent apes that are occupying Iran since 1979 are to blame, no one else. They turned us into a laughing stock.

If incompetent apes are able to occupy you for over 45 years, well what does that say of you? 😂Especially when the collective west are doing everything to get rid of them. This narrative is not very flattering for people like you. 🤦‍♂️
Harris isn't weak nor crazy. She wants an end to hostilities. Only crazy people would want to prolong suffering of Palestinians and further escalation with neighboring countries. We don't realise it yet, but if Iran or even Lebanon became fully involved things would escalate out of control. This wouldn't be a one-sided affair where the Israelis are massacring unarmed Palestinians just like they have done thus far. You would actually have nations and groups with serious capabilities to counter Israel. Israel would for the first time be tested like never before. Given the tiny size of Israel it could mean devastating results for the Zionists. Israel is going to involve the US in this war with further devastating consequences. You understand what I am hinting at.

Even if Harris becomes President, she will be a Puppet

Obama ,Pelosi and other Big corporates will run the Government

There is a Thing called Democratic National Committee which runs the Party
There are a lot of traitors amongst us like the liberals... But in Israel there are no traitors.
Liberal this , liberal that

instead of repeating that nonsense go and find the real problem
either Iran is incompetent or Iran is compromised!

couldnt avenge their president murder.(now it looks like zionist murdered him)
no retaliation for missile strikes.
and now Murder of Ismail haniya that too a missile attack on Iran soil!

that makes Iran looks weak or shaddy!
I think US ie Pentagon is enjoying this Crap Hitting the Fan

Earlier whenever US Iran tensions increased , Iran would threaten Saudi Oilfields with Missile.strikes and shipping lanes ie trade and industry

Ships have moved to Africa , left Suez because Of Houthis

And Israel is willing to absorb all missile strikes ,So.Saudis are safe

It is a game of Geopolitical LEVERAGE and The longer this war of attrition goes on , Iran will loose its leverage
Criticism is encouraged but disrespectful posts will not be tolerated in the Iranian section (let alone insults and hatred)
@Persian Gulf @Musings @Hack-Hock @Waz

This thread needs some cleaning up. This guy thinks he is the Islamic Pope, doing takfir and excommunicating Iranians left and right.
working on it. I am home now and these trolls cannot troll anymore while I am here.

please report the relevant posts to make it easier for me
Did he hurt your feelings?
don't knew but your behavior always remind me of this guy

by the way , this operation show failure of IRGC, Basij and our intelligence system , wonder how much liberal are they ?
as i said go and find who is the real problem instead of parroting liberal this or liberal that
Haven't read this thread so apologies if this question has been answered already but are there no Iranian air defenses at all? No radars? No early warning systems?
we don't know the nature of the attack but it was unlikely to be an airstrike. it was likely a covert assassination op.

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