Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Seeing how this was done with a spike missile, the question is what would be a reciprocal response without risking an all out war.

What targets would even be in cross hairs for Iran? It seems direct war is very unpopular for both nations and US has committed to protecting Israel at all cost.
don't knew but your behavior always remind me of this guy

by the way , this operation show failure of IRGC, Basij and our intelligence system , wonder how much liberal are they ?
as i said go and find who is the real problem instead of parroting liberal this or liberal that
isn't this just amazing ?

Not Iran. Iran is a great nation with thousands of years of cool history. These incompetent apes that are occupying Iran since 1979 are to blame, no one else. They turned us into a laughing stock.

History is never cool. It is often filled with violence, bloodshed and supremacy.
Putin is neck deep in sanctions trouble and stuck in the quicksand that is the war in Ukraine.

Who is there to help Iran, the houthis ? Fatty Kim Jong Un ? .. who ?
China ?
BBC reports airlines cancelled to Tel Aviv and UN security council has been scheduled later today.
Hamas is a political party, Haniyeh was the party secretary since 2018, killing him would be like killing Vyacheslav Volodin (Duma chief in Russia) or any CEO of a corporation, just symbolism. The Zionist lobby killed him (with terrorist proxies inside Iran) to provoke reactions from Iran and thus attempt an American invasion of Iran, since "Israel" alone is weak.

Regarding the "security fail" this is part of pro Zionist war propaganda. When the Zionist media stops and tries to convince you of something.. it is because it is part of a lie, so why didn't they kill the ayatollah? The explanation is simple: "Israel" is isolated (including internally) and needs someone (Iran, Lebanon or anyone else) to do something "wrong"so that it can get out of this isolation by taking the USA (a nation controlled by Zionism) to war alongside "Israel ", so Netanyahu could leave government unscathed
, otherwise, he will became a new Hitler or Mussoline.

obs: Zionism is a global plan...it's not "israel" only. It includes creation of ideologies, media/bank/population controlation and etc. Zionist families like Rothschild, Rockfeller, leaders like genocide Netanyahu or George soros , corporations like Blackrock(10 trillion dolars income)...they transfers their naf's and Djinn qareen into another bodies , keeping other peoples being controlled. Bramins in india do the same and control india last 4000 years with this strategy. There is no regular "reincarnation"(Tanāsukh)but humans, Djinns, and a lot of beings of other worlds use this occultist system and from there came the belief of "demonic possession". Quran and hadits call all of it of RAJA'T and in begining of islam it was normal belief but after invasion of European colonists and Zionist lobbies they trained a new type of "teology" that forbidden this belief calling it as a "negation of resurrection" but it's not , ressurection is other thing. Today islamic people do not know what is happening and from where comes the power of zionist new world order but Mohammad, Abu bakar, Omar , Utman , Ali and others knew exacly what was happening.
Shocking but true:

The sentiment of 75 million Iranian "silent majority" to the killing of Haniyeh:unsure::unsure:
I translate the tweet for you.

"This time around Ismail Haniyeh leaves Iran with a coffin instead of suitcases full of money"..that simple
Average Iranian wants peace, development, liberalisation and end to these senseless wars.

For Iranian people of today, the real hero is Mahsa Amini not these ruling clerics. These Ayatollahs are no different from Taliban.
The more you read into this the more you realise how much of a joke Iranian security is. They knew building, floor, and room and time. Now if this was a drone launched spike missile or land launched is unknown. However this happened in the heart of Tehran.

Iran cannot afford for a passive response like the last one that did not much in the way of damage. It has to be a multi-day response that actually hurts Israel otherwise the concept of deterrence will be permanently lost ….. there has to be a significant cost military and economically.

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