Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Israel used Hamas to destroy Palestinain dream of 2 state solution. Israel pumped 1.6Billion dollar to Hamas through Qatar to create a situation which has destroyed Palestine.

They worked in cohorts with israeli.. i have no sympathy for anyone who builds their lives on dead palestinians..

I hooe everyone will see how palestinian dream of statehood was destroyed by hamas with the help of Israel
Hamas is a political party, Haniyeh was the party secretary since 2018, killing him would be like killing Vyacheslav Volodin (Duma chief in Russia) or any CEO of a corporation, just symbolism. The Zionist lobby killed him (with terrorist proxies inside Iran) to provoke reactions from Iran and thus attempt an American invasion of Iran, since "Israel" alone is weak.

Regarding the "security fail" this is part of pro Zionist war propaganda. When the Zionist media stops and tries to convince you of something.. it is because it is part of a lie, so why didn't they kill the ayatollah? The explanation is simple: "Israel" is isolated (including internally) and needs someone (Iran, Lebanon or anyone else) to do something "wrong"so that it can get out of this isolation by taking the USA (a nation controlled by Zionism) to war alongside "Israel ", so Netanyahu could leave government unscathed
, otherwise, he will became a new Hitler or Mussoline.

obs: Zionism is a global plan...it's not "israel" only. It includes creation of ideologies, media/bank/population controlation and etc. Zionist families like Rothschild, Rockfeller, leaders like genocide Netanyahu or George soros , corporations like Blackrock(10 trillion dolars income)...they transfers their naf's and Djinn qareen into another bodies , keeping other peoples being controlled. Bramins in india do the same and control india last 4000 years with this strategy. There is no regular "reincarnation"(Tanāsukh)but humans, Djinns, and a lot of beings of other worlds use this occultist system and from there came the belief of "demonic possession". Quran and hadits call all of it of RAJA'T and in begining of islam it was normal belief but after invasion of European colonists and Zionist lobbies they trained a new type of "teology" that forbidden this belief calling it as a "negation of resurrection" but it's not , ressurection is other thing. Today islamic people do not know what is happening and from where comes the power of zionist new world order but Mohammad, Abu bakar, Omar , Utman , Ali and others knew exacly what was happening.
Man that's some strong stuff u are smoking.
I get the impression that this guy sold out or something and irani’s found out. He had to go!

How can drone get him in bed at 2:00 am?
It's an inside job.
If that whole apartment block is intact then no way isreal utilised it's airforce or some missile for this purpose.
It's an inside job.
If that whole apartment block is intact then no way isreal utilised it's airforce or some missile for this purpose.
damage is consistent with payload of an ATGM or FPV or SDB

small payload weapons can do damage to a single floor or room of a building. we see this in Gaza already on many occasions
What Israel did is the equivalent of going gangster mode on our supreme leader's butt.
People always love to point fingers and bring others down but then again a high level political personality like Ismail Haniyah should have been give high level security, It's a big failure and Iran immediately needs to fix this. First it was Raisi and now Ismail Haniya. Israel mossad can easily assassinate leaders in Pakistan so we're not far off. Local collaborators get paid alot of money for information.
Pakistan gubment don't even dare open their gob on Israel or Palestine other than lip service. These UK Pakistani living in shitty UK don't even know what Zia ul Huq sahb did to Palestinians in Jordan during Black September. And this second class citizenry of ours in da UK put down Iran on this issue? :p

These guys are hilarious bhai.......:p
i said it looks like Raisi was murdered!
The objective evidence doesn't support the theory that Raisi was murdered. Some people will cry foul anytime any celebrity dies in any odd or unexpected way. It is possible that Raisi was killed somehow, but we need evidence to back that up, and until we get that, we have to accept the default explanation that bad weather caused Raisi's helicopter to miss its way and crash into a mountain side.
Israel used Hamas to destroy Palestinain dream of 2 state solution. Israel pumped 1.6Billion dollar to Hamas through Qatar to create a situation which has destroyed Palestine.

They worked in cohorts with israeli.. i have no sympathy for anyone who builds their lives on dead palestinians..

I hope everyone will see how palestinian dream of statehood was destroyed by hamas with the help of Israel

What about the west bank under the control of PLO, Israel has overtaken it with settlements? The Palestinian leadership knows very well Israel wants to overtake their land, Israel has been doing this since 1948, the zionist do not want peace but war and explusion of Palestinians. Lebanon and Jordan will be next.
your news is from 2015

since then things changed a lot

The only thing that changed is that Scumas ran out of options and had no other choice than go back to Iran, but their mindset didn't change at all, they don't regret it at all....if they could, they would do it again!!!
They, like all other Palescumians, have a deep seated hatred for Iranians!
They betrayed Iran so many times, that it is really mindblowing that an Iranian still feels sorry for them!
Despite Iran supporting them since decades, if tomorrow Iran would have a war with an Arab country, Palescumians would again support the Arabs, just like in the 80's when they supported Saddam!!!
They will never stop hating Iranians!

Anyhow, while I am of Iranian descent, I primarily care about German interests, so I want Israelis to take the whole of Gaza, then the Gas fields on the shore of Gaza, so that Israel can send this gas to Germany, so that we in Germany don't have to shower with ice cold water and don't have to freeze in cold rooms in winter!!!
Question needs to be asked that if he was such a marked man, why didn't they put him in an underground IRGC bunker? He was in Tehran only for what, 2 days? Put him in a room with a corner window overlooking a hill?...... :p......clean shot no?........:p

Aaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa.......you see?

Or is it pointing toward my insinuation of 'nafarmani'.......?

I get the feeling this guy sold out bro, Etilaat found out.....Akhund took care of the problem no?
It's not though, looking at what happened to President Raisi and now Ismail Haniyah. Management and operational incompetence can be fixed with selecting people on merit, training with the best around the world ie Russia and China.
Nope. All operational deficiencies. Nothing to do with tech.
Be fair, Iran has powerful and technological superior enemies such as Usa Israel EU GCC, Iran on the other hand is severely sanctions nation. A war with Israel and West will destroy Iran so it's the last resort. Iran should instead fight against corruption, make major reforms in to their security and intelligent forces, buy latest tech from China and Russia.
You just choose to see the "half empty"/negative part of the sanctions effects on Iran. Sanctions have their positive side also. Will you credit the sanctions for also making Iran equal to US power in the Middle East region? US sanctions also dont have the power and effect that you and many others think it does. Russia used them to actually kick-start stronger economic growth, local currency trade is booming and BRICS is moving ahead quickly with its plans- all negatives for sanctions, they're outdated and will die soon.

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