Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Where is the Lebanese Army ??? It does feel like the Lebanese Army are all sitting around masturbating to images of their fellow citizens being killed and maimed and their country being bombed ????

Hezbollah is stronger than the Lebanese Army. That really says it all.
Houthis did a 8/10 year war against a coalition of 10 countries + CIA black ops groups + US and UK aid. Result : Houthis is intact.
Global zionism was exposed, young people of the west became pro palestine and are going into jail...it will have a great effect in the next centuries.
Jewish Zionist elite have been acting behind the scenes for centuries. This is the first time in two thousand years that they have been exposed!
Houthis were able to do that as Iran had had establish a direct pipeline throught Oman n sea to rearm the houthis constantly.....even with a so called embargo imposed on yamen.
Zionism only waz able to openly flourish starting from the beginning of the last century, after the fall of the ottoman empire.
Before that no matter how rich the jews were they still were considered second class citizens across Europe n forced to live in ghettos.
Quran n hazrat Muhammad SAW exposed them 1400 years ago......n as long as the Muslims remained in power n controlled Jerusalem they put the jews in check.

Again zoniests only came out in the open in the end of the 19th n the early part of the 20th century
Last time when the Zionists invaded Lebanon they were offering them chairs and tea.

I think you forget the "Army" part is not a good description of what its purpose is in Lebanon.

Lebanon is a very fractured and divided country. You have Christians and Druze on side. The rest on the other. They really don't even get along with each other.
Nasrallah talks too much let's see some action.

"a barking dog has no bite"

When you see so called islamist leaders talking and talking and talking, its because they are weak and have no real solutions.

rationally if Hezbos was going to act the time to have acted would have been at the start of the Gaza invasion, its no good now that Gaza has been reduced to rubble.

The isrealis had their full focus on Gaza, that would have been the time to move. Now its too late and truth be told the Isrealis want them to act so they can use it as excuse to destroy them the same way they used Oct 7th against the Palestinians.
"a barking dog has no bite"

When you see so called islamist leaders talking and talking and talking, its because they are weak and have no real solutions.

rationally if Hezbos was going to act the time to have acted would have been at the start of the Gaza invasion, its no good now that Gaza has been reduced to rubble.

The isrealis had their full focus on Gaza, that would have been the time to move. Now its too late and truth be told the Isrealis want them to act so they can use it as excuse to destroy them the same way they used Oct 7th against the palestinians.

I agree. It is a little too late now. The Israelis are now fully focused on dismantling Hezbollah. Israel should have been taken to task when it was exterminating Palestinians. Back then everyone was watching the genocide from their couch. Israel was the most vulnerable at that time. Now after turning Palestinian territories into rubble they have set their eyes on Lebanon. Hezbollah still isn't doing enough in my opinion. Today 270+ Lebanese died because of Israeli bombings.
When you see so called islamist leaders talking and talking and talking, its because they are weak and have no real solutions.

By same logic Israel also weak, as it barks even more so.
I agree. It is a little too late now. The Israelis are now fully focused on dismantling Hezbollah. Israel should have been taken to task when it was exterminating Palestinians. Back then everyone was watching the genocide from their couch. Israel was the most vulnerable at that time. Now after turning Palestinian territories into rubble they have set their eyes on Lebanon. Hezbollah still isn't doing enough in my opinion. Today 270+ Lebanese died because of Israeli bombings.

Yes a lot of us could not understand why Hezbollah did not "go ham" on the Zionist entity end November/early December when it was struggling in Gaza and the world started seeing that it was committing genocide and not "defending itself".

That would have been the perfect time to apply enough pressure on the entity to at least stop the bombing of Gaza and end the genocide.

They wasted the opportunity to go all in with Hamas at the opportune time at the end of 2023 when the Zionists looked like absolute monsters and so Hezbollah could not be portrayed to the non-Zio world as aggressors anymore.
By same logic Israel also weak, as it barks even more so.

Zionists in some ways are massive cowards too, because they get to fight this war knowing that if worst comes to worse the anglo-american world is there to bail them out. They get to fight with no real fear of failing because they have a "fail safe" in the USA.

And even if the worst thing happened and they lost and the Arab world submerged them, well they will just do what they have always done in their history, run. In the last 2000 years there people have fled hundreds of times to other nations and states, its normal for them.

Their nation was created by the west and it is sustained by the west. But that is a serious reality, because the west is still collectively a military, economic and political super power.
Yes a lot of us could not understand why Hezbollah did not "go ham" on the Zionist entity end November/early December when it was struggling in Gaza and the world started seeing that it was committing genocide and not "defending itself".

That would have been the perfect time to apply enough pressure on the entity to at least stop the bombing of Gaza and end the genocide.

They wasted the opportunity to go all in with Hamas at the opportune time at the end of 2023 when the Zionists looked like absolute monsters and so Hezbollah could not be portrayed to the non-Zio world as aggressors anymore.
Clearly Hezbollah’s strategy of sub threshold attacks have not deterred Israel.

Israel maintains escalation dominance and is more than happy to degrade Hezbollah bit by bit until a time of their choosing.
Hezbollah is a frog in slowly boiling water.

They either need to abandon their attacks on Israel, or launch a full on offensive.

The current dynamic is hugely in Israel’s favour.
Hezbollah is a frog in slowly boiling water.

They either need to abandon their attacks on Israel, or launch a full on offensive.

The current dynamic is hugely in Israel’s favour.

Entity is going to slowly destroy Lebanon as they did with Gaza.

Unlike Gaza, this will turn the fractured Lebanese society against Hezbollah who will blame them for the death and destruction without any real purpose being achieved.

Hezbollah either stands down or goes all in by risking mutual destruction. There is no other option for it.
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Clearly Hezbollah’s strategy of sub threshold attacks have not deterred Israel.

Israel maintains escalation dominance and is more than happy to degrade Hezbollah bit by bit until a time of their choosing.

Israel actually have the better card as long as it dosent invade Lebanon, as IDF can use airspace dominance to just bomb Lebanon mercilessly.

The biggest threst to Israel would be potent ground to air missiles, which Hizbollah unfortunately lacks.

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