Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

?? Is Iran selling Hezbollah and Hamas out?

Iranian President:

Our message is peace and security.

Iran might be making a huge strategic mistake here

Hoping they don't get touched

Starting to watch Alastair Crooke; he was there during the 2006 war and starting shortly this part of the video, he is rubbishing the loss of communication theory: I think he is saying Hezbollah has fiber optics--forget pagers.

I regularly listen every week, you know I consider him one of the better voices

Just be slightly careful with him, he is still a western man

Listen to Colonel Wilkerson

Yup. Once Israel removes hezbollah as a threat Israel will be able to go after Iran's nukelar facilities without concern of a massive joint rocket salvo from hezbollah and Iran.

Iran knows this but they are in a catch 22... if they launch missiles at Israel right now it will give Israel carte launch to go medieval on Iran with the possibility of US taking part.

When Israel is done with hezbollah rocket threat it will come for Iran and Iran could likely face a situation where not only are they facing an external threat but they could be facing an internal one too.

What's the catch 22?

Did they really think Israel will play nice forever
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Entity is going to slowly destroy Lebanon as they did with Gaza.

Unlike Gaza, this will turn the fractured Lebanese society against Hezbollah who will blame them for rthe death and destruction without any real purpose being achieved.

Hezbollah either stands down or goes all in by risking mutual destruction. There is no other option for it.
Like I said don't start a fight if u can't finish it. Israel is determined to destroy hezbollah and make life hell for people in Lebanon and to set a warning to countries in the region that picking a fight with Israel comes at a cost.
Did u guys really believe the United states will abandon Israel? Wake up the Jews run the US federal reserve and wall Street. They will do whatever it takes to help Israel in its fight against Iran and its proxies.kamala or Trump don't matter they are only the talking head behind the scene someone else is pulling the string. Iran is afraid of the United States but they want to pick a fight with Israel either u do it or u don't or else Israel will make it hell for you.
Like I said don't start a fight if u can't finish it. Israel is determined to destroy hezbollah and make life hell for people in Lebanon and to set a warning to countries in the region that picking a fight with Israel comes at a cost.

They cannot destroy Hezbollah and so they are trying the same tactic of genocide against civilians like they have done in Gaza.

Entity is hitting Hezbollah at its weakest point as its legitimacy comes from its supposed deterrent power to stop Lebanese being bombed from the air with impunity.

That is what it looks like it is about to lose as Lebanese civilians are being slaughtered in the hundreds per day like in Gaza, unless it opens up with its arsenal soon.
Did u guys really believe the United states will abandon Israel? Wake up the Jews run the US federal reserve and wall Street. They will do whatever it takes to help Israel in its fight against Iran and its proxies.kamala or Trump don't matter they are only the talking head behind the scene someone else is pulling the string. Iran is afraid of the United States but they want to pick a fight with Israel either u do it or u don't or else Israel will make it hell for you.

Honestly the delusion is stunning at times
Maybe some moles.
In reality its the US intelligence which is providing the major coverage, including from web traffic, cellphones and satellite intelligence and ground agents of course.

Speaking about Israel without mentioning the full machinery of western intelligence, really dosent capture the main part of the story.

If the West withdraw all assistance tomorrow, Israel will vanish in mere days and weeks.

I agree. It is a little too late now. The Israelis are now fully focused on dismantling Hezbollah. Israel should have been taken to task when it was exterminating Palestinians. Back then everyone was watching the genocide from their couch. Israel was the most vulnerable at that time. Now after turning Palestinian territories into rubble they have set their eyes on Lebanon. Hezbollah still isn't doing enough in my opinion. Today 270+ Lebanese died because of Israeli bombings.

This looks totally correct in hindsight

I think Israel might have over hyped Hezbollah to justify an existential threat

It's quite clever

Israel knows it has infiltrated Hezbollah, so this one weapon Hezbollah is meant to have, rockets, perhaps perhaps already neutralised

They can now extend to litani
They cannot destroy Hezbollah and so they are trying the same tactic of genocide against civilians like they have done in Gaza.

Entity is hitting Hezbollah at its weakest point as its legitimacy comes from its supposed deterrent power to stop Lebanese being bombed from the air with impunity.

That is what it looks like it is about to lose as Lebanese civilians are being slaughtered in the hundreds per day like in Gaza, unless it opens up with its arsenal soon.
exactly they can do this all day. Hezbollah war of attrition is certainly not working.
As Crooke said in my video above, Hezbollah is not even using real missiles at this point--mostly Katyushas and some minor missiles. Plus, already drones and/or some missiles have come from Iraq in last 1-2 days, which Israel had to intercept.

While I don't personally believe Netanyahu is acting solely for his political or personal survival by prolonging the conflict, the idea has taken hold globally and even Biden had a Freudian Slip about that. I think Netanyahu is a true Israeli nationalist above all. But globally the idea has stuck that he is fighting for his personal survival; the war ends, and he goes to prison. There maybe truth in that but I don't think his sole, or even major motive is about personal interests. He is just a vile war mongering Zionist!!
But I am glad the world--even many Israelis--think he is prolonging for his own interests.

It's a religious war for them, whilst they want Muslim countries to become secular/liberalist but their own daddy is a racist religious superious state. They are powerful because they know their history, who they are, what they're fighting for but the majority Muslims are clueless.

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