Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

This should be a shut up call for you and the rest of iranians, you lot are scared of little israel, they killed leader of hamas in your capital and you people are gonna let it slide. Pathetic people iranians are with no sense of honour and dignity.
Regime supporters are all angry now, you have to understand Persian to know the level of anger even among radical IR supporters.

Not only among themselves but IR lost face among the average Arab in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon as well.

When i said a few years ago that Mossad has IR by the balls and one wrong move by IR and even Khameneis brain himself will get splattered against the wall they all made fun and trolled.

What a complete embarassment and humiliation. No one is safe from the claws of Israel in IRGC controlled areas.
The empty streets and perpetual deep fear of the Zionists. From BBC no less. Exactly as I have understood from my in country contacts. This stuff is obvious:

I worked 30 years of my career in western defence industries and I love my country of birth Iran..here is what I do not understand:
A country such as Iran with a GDP of only 0.5 Trrilion dollars ..having shortages of electricity and water in big cities and a population tired of war and crisis under a religious dictatorship is now Challenging world' largest military and economic block ever known to human civilization to a war...Are these mullahs of Iran and their incompetent green men truly crazy...do they know they are dead men walking and want to take the whole 85 million nation with them to hell....rational thinking is in short supply in Iran of mullahs .God help us all.
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The empty streets and perpetual deep fear of the Zionists. From BBC no less. Exactly as I have understood from my in country contacts. This stuff is obvious:

Incorrect! Streets are empty at 2 am in most cities! Correlation does not equal causation.

Check Tehran streets at 2 am. Leave that cozy European capital and your beloved sandwhich shop and visit our home country once and while.
Incorrect! Streets are empty at 2 am in most cities! Correlation does not equal causation.

Check Tehran streets at 2 am. Leave that cozy European capital and your beloved sandwhich shop and visit our home country once and while.
Throw a bait and fisH come biting 😀
Iran is advanced in drone, radar and missile capabilities.

I would not discount their ability to credibly threaten a US carrier within 500 miles of its coast.

Remember Iran just needs to get one missile through and the carrier at the least will end up non-operational.
How will a drone breach a CSG’s defense bubble? Radar? Only if it is airborne and can be in direct line of sight of the carrier to enable targeting for a ballistic missile.
Latest map of US Navy warships deployed to the Middle East to defend Israel and US bases against an imminent attack by Iran and its allies.
I worked 30 years of my career in western defence industries and I love my country of birth Iran..here is what I do not understand:
A country such as Iran with a GDP of only 0.5 Trrilion dollars ..having shortages of electricity and water in big cities and a population tired of war and crisis under a religious dictatorship is now Challenging world' largest military and economic block ever known to human civilization to a war...Are these mullahs of Iran and their incompetent green men truly crazy...do they know they are dead men walking and want to take the whole 85 million nation with them to hell....rational thinking is in short supply in Iran of mullahs .God help us all.

At some point a decision was taken to support the Palestinians militarily and other resistance movements against the perceived oppressors in the region, be it the Israeli's, Saudis, or someone else.

Maybe the justifications and vigor is religious, or maybe its something else.

For sure bad choices have been made, Iran IMO would have been more influencial had it spent the time to develop into a major economy and powerhouse of the region, with a large industry and manufacturing. It would have had the military and economic clout, currently they are working with two of their hands tied behind their backs.
The same thing happened in the April attack. Days before the attack, some sources were saying the same thing and we ended up seeing Iran attacking Israel.

I don’t recall that at all. Their large consensus that Iran was going to respond directly to Israeli soil. They were just arguing with the west about what an appropriate response was.

They even said they would take great care to measure their response at the time.

This time was a lot more vague and originally it seems some people declared they would strike until they had time to even discuss.

But it’s their own fault since General salami sandwhich and Bagheri set this ‘redline’ that any Israeli attacks on Iranian interest are Iranian soil would be met with a response.

Shouldn’t set a redline if you won’t follow thru.
I worked 30 years of my career in western defence industries and I love my country of birth Iran..here is what I do not understand:
A country such as Iran with a GDP of only 0.5 Trrilion dollars ..having shortages of electricity and water in big cities and a population tired of war and crisis under a religious dictatorship is now Challenging world' largest military and economic block ever known to human civilization to a war...Are these mullahs of Iran and their incompetent green men truly crazy...do they know they are dead men walking and want to take the whole 85 million nation with them to hell....rational thinking is in short supply in Iran of mullahs .God help us all.
A state could be economically weak and at the same time not so weak in military and defence

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