Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

A state could be economically weak and at the same time not so weak in military and defence

His other mistake is assuming nominal GDP is the same as actual industrial and military capability.
So teach me. What are Iran's military capabilities to target in real time a carrier piercing its defense bubble?
100 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones are enough for it. These ships are just floating coffins near Iran.
The opportunity for attack is demising fast. The world has already forgotten what happened. It is getting too cold, if not now, the world will see Iran as agressor.
I can only hope with all this warning time Iran has gifted Israel that Israel is not more prepared for next steps following any Iranian strike than Iran is for the strike itself
The delay in Iran's counterattack is very puzzling. If you want to avoid war, you must retaliate immediately when you are attacked by the enemy. If you wait too long, people will forget the cause and blame you for launching a preemptive attack. The enemy will also forget their own actions and resent you, leading to further attacks. This is what happened in the extreme case of 10/07. When the embassy was bombed in April, the retaliation after 12 days was too late and dangerous.

If you are prepared for war and willing to take that risk, then it makes sense to take your time and plan a large-scale operation. However, if you want to avoid exposing your country to the consequences of war, taking too much time and launching a large-scale action, even if it is just a show of force, will only increase the risk of war.
The delay in Iran's counterattack is very puzzling. If you want to avoid war, you must retaliate immediately when you are attacked by the enemy. If you wait too long, people will forget the cause and blame you for launching a preemptive attack. The enemy will also forget their own actions and resent you, leading to further attacks. This is what happened in the extreme case of 10/07. When the embassy was bombed in April, the retaliation after 12 days was too late and dangerous.

If you are prepared for war and willing to take that risk, then it makes sense to take your time and plan a large-scale operation. However, if you want to avoid exposing your country to the consequences of war, taking too much time and launching a large-scale action, even if it is just a show of force, will only increase the risk of war.
Incorrect. The costs of constant alert are staggering. Both psychologically and materially. Don’t follow the false narrative of immediate satisfaction the children are shrieking about.
Iran's influencing da Al-Yahuday into doing its bidding. This is already mainstream and catching momentum now. Supporting Israel is soon goin become a liability. The Jews know they's ain't got a chance to survive in Israel unless they get on Iran's good side. Let Iran guarantee their freedom and rituals no?

Iran's not goin stop......and we know, who's da stronger party here.......

Aaaaaahahahahahaaaa.......... :p

Is Mohammad Marandi calling our (resident Know it all) Immortal a liar?:oops:

Marandi is not a source. He is a college professor. Not a government insider (no matter how much he pretends on social media to appear to be).

So it’s funny you don’t believe one anon source, but believe the opinion of another source with zero information only because it merely confirms your biased view.

As for his claim that no Iranian would talk to Press. That’s laughable considering the only way all these sabatoge and assassination attacks even happen is because certain Iranian within the government talk to much and are in cohoots with Mossad/CIA.

Keep believing whatever you want to believe. Inhale that copium and stop raging against others who don’t share your ‘optimistic’ viewpoint.
Marandi is not a source. He is a college professor. Not a government insider (no matter how much he pretends on social media to appear to be).

So it’s funny you don’t believe one anon source, but believe the opinion of another source with zero information only because it merely confirms your biased view.

As for his claim that no Iranian would talk to Press. That’s laughable considering the only way all these sabatoge and assassination attacks even happen is because certain Iranian within the government talk to much and are in cohoots with Mossad/CIA.

Keep believing whatever you want to believe. Inhale that copium and stop raging against others who don’t share your ‘optimistic’ viewpoint.
Incorrect! Stick with palm reading and leave the real stuff to others? As they say:

“May your platform shoes fail you in a camel pasture.”😀

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