Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

BS, filthy kike spilled out all kinds of disinfo.

There is no proof that the pager was made by 3rd party.
The exact model was on the company's website. So the owner lied blatantly "not having such model".
All western entities, companies, industries and institutions are all firmly under zionist control. When the President of US is shamelessly supplying weapons, money and diplomatic cover as well as intelligence to massacre and mutilate tens of thousands of children, you can expect even small outfits in the west to be onboard in earnest with the great baby killing crusade of the 21st century. These people are all genocidal psychopaths who've left the greatest level of death and destruction in their path through at least 4 centuries of colonialism and have zero qualms about completely wiping the poor and weak non-europeans off the planet. There is a reason why British alone killed 100mn indians over just 40 years and stole $43 trn dollars worth of wealth from just India, leave alone all of Africa, ME, rest of Asia and Americas. And this was from just one european colonial power. The combined sum of destruction and death from Europeans is on an astronomical level and incomparable to anything in history.
Look like Taiwan's Electronic sector faces doom

TV sets

One Maniac Israeli Nation destroyed whole of Taiwan's electronic sector reputation

What kind of Terrorist country puts explosives in consumer electronics and ships it to another country ?

There is no way this was done outside of a large production fabric with atleast sevral hundred trained employees. Taiwan government was involved pretty sure.
The Taiwanese guy is lying. The bombs were planted by his company under his orders.

The 2 billion Muslims of the world should boycott Taiwanese products and pray for Taiwan’s liberation from the Anglo-Zionists.

He has 40 employees with no expertise in making bombs or detonators. Someone took his product and modified it with explosive material/detonator and sold it to the Hezbollah. If the Hezbollah had any brains they would opened one of these devices and examined them.
I will be looking out if this Terror attack is being called a Terror attack against Citizen of Lebnoon, in western Media

Or he issue is brought up in United Nation for discussion
To Apply Snactions on Israel as state sponsor of terrorism

We already know they are being reviewed for War Crimes which is far more serious issue
You have a very valid point regarding relying on foreign equipment, but that's for everyone. The issue here is an international company intentionally tampered with products in a dangerous way to cause harm. This sets a dangerous precedent; what if a few of those were later sold to civilians for personal use? The poster above posted an article where devices in a computer shop were exploding, and an innocent bystander would get killed or grievously harmed.

I will say this: the Islamic World will most likely have to cut Taiwan and certain nations out of the cycle of technology acquisition or ask for a separate production facility within their boundary to produce products.

At this point, Lebanon should respond and level a school, apartment building, or hospital as an eye for an eye.

If you are a military organization and you order something you will examine the product when it is delivered.

Sorry Hezbollah is incompetent here
If you are a military organization and you order something you will examine the product when it is delivered.

Sorry Hezbollah is incompetent here
I'm surprised there's no security check for these devices. Did they jet let them in like that wtf
If you are a military organization and you order something you will examine the product when it is delivered.

Sorry Hezbollah is incompetent here
Easy to criticize. Practically, such items only go through functional testing and not x-ray(ed) to examine in detail.

It's just a win for Israel. They have infiltrated Iranian nuclear facilities, Hezbollah being in the neighborhood is a much easier target.
The jews in Israel currently are overwhelmingly eastern europeans. They have no connection to the ancient israelites. In fact Palestinians have a better claim to be descendant of ancient jews and genetic analysis supports this claim. There is a reason why genetic testing is banned in Israel.
I wrote many times before, they are like the Gypsies.
While, all the shades, black, mongoloid etc. Deranged perversions were common rallying point. Hence, I saw the stupidity to call this white supremacist war. Palestinians are much more racially cohesive.
Even if Jews are homogeneous, still they are Semetics like Palestinians. So in reality it is chauvinism, irredentisam and revisionism in what would they be engaged.
So no matter how they turn it, they don't have an are.
Even if I were them o would choose " theory" of white supremacy.
After all it is better to fight lumpen and then people with some sense.
After all, Candice Owen is problem for them not some fat c. T with pink hair.
Muslims usually choose the loosers , who by the way ain't nice to allie themselves with.
Easy to criticize. Practically, such items only go through functional testing and not x-ray(ed) to examine in detail.

It's just a win for Israel. They have infiltrated Iranian nuclear facilities, Hezbollah being in the neighborhood is a much easier target.

Testing for explosive material should be a no-brainer for military organization that prides itself in use of explosives.
I'm surprised there's no security check for these devices. Did they jet let them in like that wtf

Normally a packaged good
  1. Factory , sealed is considered clean
  2. if it has Serial Numbers etc.
  3. Supplier is well known company for import and export.
    • This is a detailed process to verify the company
    • They sort out who owns the company and it's background
    • Past history of import and export
  4. All items manufactured by company are logged by Serial Number and the information is kept in company's data center for warranty or replacement
  5. Big Distributors buy in Bulk from the manufacturing companies they get Bulk purchase rights so Companies know who bought which serial Batch
  6. The Goods shipped out are tracked when it was manufactured and when it was sent into circulation
Again you are forgetting Lebanon had their main import/export port destroyed in Terror attack (now we know have something to connect it with)
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Normally a packaged good from Factory , sealed is considered clean , and specially if it has Serial Numbers etc. Supplier is well known company for import and export

Again you are forgetting Lebnoon had their main import/export port destroyed in Terror attack (now we know have something to connect it with)

How do you know there isn't a tracking device in the pager ?

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