Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

How do you know there isn't a tracking device in the pager ?
Same way you know there isn't a 1 kg RDX or HMX hidden behind cockpits/flight instruments of Rafales, C-130 etc.
Why would these children have the gadgets otherwise meant for Hezbollah !!

Probably because somebody from Hezbollah let them have access to it...not the Hospital appointing them doctors-on-call.

That's like asking where some young teen got the gun they used to shoot up some school. It's not like they found it on the ground.
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why do you call them terrorist?
Are you the type to call police terrorist when they try to stop a robber?

Good try zio-bia**h

Because they are part of the iranian backed shia terrorist network that has done far more damage to sunni Muslims then Isreal. Look at the mess they created against Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria as an example.

Actually they killed far more muslims then isreal or the zionists have.
Donald and Kamala Devi need to check their devices. They can’t be sure which one of them has been selected by the Zionists.
Because they are part of the iranian backed shia terrorist network that has done far more damage to sunni Muslims then Isreal. Look at the mess they created against Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria as an example.

Actually they killed far more muslims then isreal or the zionists have.
So Israel and Zionists are the good terrorists?
There will be no two state solution. U think Israel will give up it's land to the Palestinians? Arab leaders are complicit in the genocide and they don't have a backbone to fight. They are only good at killing each other.if u really think Iran will give up without a fight then u are fooling yourself lol. There will be a big war before peace ever come.
Israel has no choice , Palestinian state is inevitable , albeit on Israeli terms .....who is to fight big war ? Arabs ...naa .....turkey no ..... Pakistan ...hell no .......who is left ? Iranians and keyboard warriors ? ....read the statements of Iranian president , they have already shown their Sunnyside ......even if Iran goes to war it won't be anything more than shock and awe part 2
Israel has no choice , Palestinian state is inevitable , albeit on Israeli terms .....who is to fight big war ? Arabs ...naa .....turkey no ..... Pakistan ...hell no .......who is left ? Iranians and keyboard warriors ? ....read the statements of Iranian president , they have already shown their Sunnyside ......even if Iran goes to war it won't be anything more than shock and awe part 2
What makes you think the Arab population will reconcile with Israel. Whoever normalize relation with Israel will face assassination attempts or even the whole leadership being overthrown. Remember anwar sadat????


Tel Aviv. Zionist occupation and theft of land must be good.

When they occupy and rebuild gaza we can also share chinese style photos too.

Nothing compares to what the european did in america though incredible cities built.


native American sit yourself down.

They seem happy though....

Israel has no choice , Palestinian state is inevitable , albeit on Israeli terms .....who is to fight big war ? Arabs ...naa .....turkey no ..... Pakistan ...hell no .......who is left ? Iranians and keyboard warriors ? ....read the statements of Iranian president , they have already shown their Sunnyside ......even if Iran goes to war it won't be anything more than shock and awe part 2
Syrian government is still standing. Houthi is not going anywhere. Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria are still in control. Remember the Beirut airport blast, it might be the reason why Israel was able to get these devices into the country without further security checks.
Now show me the picture of Gaza and West bank

yes 10 years from now ill share the photos of rebuilt apartments for zionists to live in. It will look absolutely magnificent. It will be peaceful and economically prosperous too like the rest of isreal where the arabs have either been exterminated or completely cucked.

Gaza once the isrealis rebuild it will look absolutely magnificent. The zionists can then share pictures of isreali made gaza and say look how good we are and only absolute fools would fall for it.
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What makes you think the Arab population will reconcile with Israel. Whoever normalize relation with Israel will face assassination attempts or even the whole leadership being overthrown. Remember anwar sadat????
Anwar sadat got killed , did that change the Egyptian trajectory ? btw, Arabs are not going to shed a drop of tear for Shia demolition . Bad blood between Arabs and Persians precedes Islam and Christianity .
My commiserations are with the American minions of the Jews, including the operatives who frequent this site. If they don’t suck Jewish butt they live under constant threat of being cancelled, ghosted, fired, or bankrupted. Now add to that the fear of being blasted.

This wasn’t just a message for Hezbollah. It was also a message for their slaves everywhere.

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