Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

My English is much better than yours looking at your writing.
I won't dignify your delusions with a response.

And I did not ask anything about Bengal's proto-industrialization. You might want to learn the valuable skill of sticking to the topic.
Gaza doesn't have hundreds of mosques to begin with. And yes, if Gazans attacked Israel and killed 1500 Israelis, what did they expect in return? Flowers?

This was the inevitable result of that stupid decision to attack Israel last year. Back then, Paksitanis and others here were cheering on that attack, calling the IDF as "diaper army" and such. Today, Gaza is in ruins, West bank is under attack, and fighters across Lebanon are having their balls explode as I write this.

Anyway, my point was to the deluded poster who was trying to claim that Israelis hate Hindus. Religious hatred in the modern era is unique to one group. And in all of recorded history, Israelis or Jewish people haven't attacked Hindu temples or killed idolators, like a certain cult has done. That is what belies the fantasy that @hussain0216 wants to paint.

Freedom and independence is costly,, do you want Palestinians to act like Hindus and be slaves for a thousand years??? They fight for their freedom and to stop land theft by Israel

Eventually the Jews will be pushed out of the middle east,,

But let's be clear the hatred of idolaters and idols is common amongst us, and their hatred of hindus is no less intense
Back in the days Pakistani Generals received iPhone from the Americans
which they used for spying, Pakistan found out later and some Generals
were arrested.

Where did these Hezbollah fighters get these pagers from?
Bruh. I read first few words and thought you would mention Zia and his Mango box. 🥭💥
Gaza doesn't have hundreds of mosques to begin with. And yes, if Gazans attacked Israel and killed 1500 Israelis, what did they expect in return? Flowers?
Your talking BS and im calling it out. There were hundreds of mosques in gaza before the genocide, around 400 civilians died in that hamas attack not 1500. There is no justification for genocide.
Anyway, my point was to the deluded poster who was trying to claim that Israelis hate Hindus. Religious hatred in the modern era is unique to one group.
More BS. There isnt one group its just your extremist hindutva kicking in.
So knowing what Israel is capable of is the iPhone that we carry can they be actively explode in our pockets.Now that’s what i call Terrorism .
Israel is holding world hostage what a terrorist state.
I won't dignify your delusions with a response.

And I did not ask anything about Bengal's proto-industrialization. You might want to learn the valuable skill of sticking to the topic.

You started it by taking about “quality” and then were shown the mirror.

Like I say ironic coming from an Indian of all people.

No one asked to you come here and lick the b*lls of Zionist Jews.
Your talking BS and im calling it out. There were hundreds of mosques in gaza before the genocide, around 400 civilians died in that hamas attack not 1500. There is no justification for genocide.

More BS. There isnt one group its just your extremist hindutva kicking in.
I am not even Hindu, let alone an extremist one. This is what happens when you have preconceived notions and prejudices about everybody.

I'll repeat the point I was making when you decided to jump in - Israelis and Jews have not gone around killing idolators or Hindus or destroying their temples. Nor have Christians. Only one group has.
So knowing what Israel is capable of is the iPhone that we carry can they be actively explode in our pockets.Now that’s what i call Terrorism .
Israel is holding world hostage what a terrorist state.

They were Pagers. Yes they were Foolish literally built by their enemies exploding.
So knowing what Israel is capable of is the iPhone that we carry can they be actively explode in our pockets.Now that’s what i call Terrorism .
Israel is holding world hostage what a terrorist state.
Yep. Be careful.
Hezbollah is standing down in regards to Gaza. It's when Israel escalates or crosses lines does Hezbollah meet them with a different response. Issue is people greatly underestimate the value of Hamas which punches above its weight. There's nothing like Gaza in the immediate vicinity of Israel. Hamas has advantages in Gaza that Hezbollah doesn't have in Lebanon.

Helping Hamas in early stages to secure their survival as a functioning military arm was so important. Iran doesn't really know anything. It probably doesn't prefer that this war happened and played out this way. But now you're stuck in a situation where Israel sidelined Gaza, which it saw as a menace and obstacle to tackling more strategic threats. And now it will approach northern front differently where it will focus on it like it did focus on Gaza in the past.

And purely defensive posture isn't helping. Israeli's can create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon if their actions are welcomed and they feel like continually to gradually escalate more.
You guys are overestimating Iran and the resistance. Hezbollah is a resistance group, meaning it was created to resist Israeli occupation of Lebanon. It’s a purely defensive group. It has in no way whatsoever capabilities to do more than resist occupation.
I am not even Hindu, let alone an extremist one. This is what happens when you have preconceived notions and prejudices about everybody.

I'll repeat the point I was making when you decided to jump in - Israelis and Jews have not gone around killing idolators or Hindus or destroying their temples. Nor have Christians. Only one group has.
And i will repeat your posting BS.

Modi the butcher a hindu had thousands of muslims massacred

Zionist jews been murdering Palestinians and other arabs in the region for 70+ years.

Crusader christian buddies bush and blair caused over 1m deaths in iraq.

Now do you realise why what you write is BS.
Freedom and independence is costly,, do you want Palestinians to act like Hindus and be slaves for a thousand years???
Pakistanis were also slaves for all those thousand years - more so than most parts of India which were not invaded.

Palestinians can fight for their rights, Israelis will fight for their survival.

But your claims about Jews hating Hindus is pure BS - only one religion has religion based hatreds in this day and age.

History of the Jews in India

None of them went kaboom in Hindu temples, or marketplaces, like certain people do even today.

Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

The most recent one.
And i will repeat your posting BS.

Modi the butcher a hindu had thousands of muslims massacred

Zionist jews been murdering Palestinians and other arabs in the region for 70+ years.

Crusader christian buddies bush and blair caused over 1m deaths in iraq.

Now do you realise why what you write is BS.
You are simply proving that you cannot follow the thread of a conversation.

By the way, do look into what caused the Gujarat riots - who started it. A certain group (guess who?) burned a train full of Hindu pilgrims.

I don't want to rant about off topic stuff like you.

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