Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

They tried to create two Israels,,

Their Lebanon plan failed

The Israeli plan will fail as well, Israel faces the exact same demographic pressure that Lebanon did, so if the resistance can keep Israel in a state of constant pressure and conflict and stop it from being a normal state all the while the Arab population increases within and around it you can recreate the Lebanon situation
This whole Israel failing narrative is overblown. Gaza and Jenin in West Bank are in ruins. Hamas has lost many fighters and some valuable leaders. Israel assassinated top Hamas leader inside Iran no less. Hezbollah have also lost hundreds of fighters in recent clashes with IDF and its top commander who had evaded many assassination attempts earlier. Now this remote attack.

Israel has occupied Lebanon in war before and it can destroy Lebanon in another war.

Shelling definitely lead to evacuations but same is the situation in Lebanon. In fact, there is evidence of Israel wiping out villages or civilian infrastructure in South Lebanon in recent clashes with Hezbollah.

Mate, war affects people and Israel might be small but not a joke. WE can disagree with what Zionists are doing in moral and scholarly context but it is foolish to assume that they cannot fight. Armchair rhetoric is easy of-course.

There is substantial international pressure to end war and diffuse tensions in the Middle East or the war could be more brutal. This is behind-the-scenes effort.
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In the modern world, nobody cares for these theological squabbles about idolatory and whatnot, except people still living in the 7th century.

And the proof of the pudding is in eating - Jewish people don't go kaboom among idolators, they don't go destroying temples and killing unbelievers. Only a certain group does that in the modern age.
Yeah they only destroy hundreds of mosques in gaza.

Enough with your BS.
In the modern world, nobody cares for these theological squabbles about idolatory and whatnot, except people still living in the 7th century.

And the proof of the pudding is in eating - Jewish people don't go kaboom among idolators, they don't go destroying temples and killing unbelievers. Only a certain group does that in the modern age.

They have absolute distain for idolaters and if they wanted your land, they would also be blowing you up.

Whether the bomb comes from F-16 or via someone’s body is irrelevant.
In the modern world, nobody cares for these theological squabbles about idolatory and whatnot, except people still living in the 7th century.

And the proof of the pudding is in eating - Jewish people don't go kaboom among idolators, they don't go destroying temples and killing unbelievers. Only a certain group does that in the modern age.

They hate you as much as we hate you, you are idolaters to them, same you are with us

Which dream world do you live in 😂😂
I doubt you know much about the literary device that is irony.
Would it have been any different, coming from a Bangladeshi or a Nigerian?

Address the message, not the messenger.

My English is much better than yours looking at your writing.

Fun Fact - Bengal may have been the richest area on Earth before the British turned up in the mid 18th century. One of the few places outside Europe where proto-industrialisation had started.
Yeah they only destroy hundreds of mosques in gaza.

Enough with your BS.
Gaza doesn't have hundreds of mosques to begin with. And yes, if Gazans attacked Israel and killed 1500 Israelis, what did they expect in return? Flowers?

This was the inevitable result of that stupid decision to attack Israel last year. Back then, Paksitanis and others here were cheering on that attack, calling the IDF as "diaper army" and such. Today, Gaza is in ruins, West bank is under attack, and fighters across Lebanon are having their balls explode as I write this.

Anyway, my point was to the deluded poster who was trying to claim that Israelis hate Hindus. Religious hatred in the modern era is unique to one group. And in all of recorded history, Israelis or Jewish people haven't attacked Hindu temples or killed idolators, like a certain cult has done. That is what belies the fantasy that @hussain0216 wants to paint.
I agree with the first part. But Hezbollah is an independent organization as they have claimed so themselves countless times. They are free to act however they want. If Iran advises them to stand down, it means Iran knows something you do not know.
Hezbollah is standing down in regards to Gaza. It's when Israel escalates or crosses lines does Hezbollah meet them with a different response. Issue is people greatly underestimate the value of Hamas which punches above its weight. There's nothing like Gaza in the immediate vicinity of Israel. Hamas has advantages in Gaza that Hezbollah doesn't have in Lebanon.

Helping Hamas in early stages to secure their survival as a functioning military arm was so important. Iran doesn't really know anything. It probably doesn't prefer that this war happened and played out this way. But now you're stuck in a situation where Israel sidelined Gaza, which it saw as a menace and obstacle to tackling more strategic threats. And now it will approach northern front differently where it will focus on it like it did focus on Gaza in the past.

And purely defensive posture isn't helping. Israeli's can create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon if their actions are welcomed and they feel like continually to gradually escalate more.
So pagers are still a thing with a certain mujahideen groups in Lebanon, because they have an advantage over cell phones? Who the Fck did they buy them in bulk off.

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