Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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Apr 28, 2011
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I personally believe that India Pakistan relations will go for a spin in next few months as Indian General elections are coming up. Next few months are crucial and if some incident happens in India, they will again do something stupid, which would in return force us to retaliate. So, I am of the opinion we are heading for another balakot type situation in next few months. I give time until the date of India's General elections. If nothing happens until then, then the status co will continue.
I don't see it happening tbh..
Zarwan mulla aapki ye peshngoee bhee aapke dilfareb Su30s and T90 MBTs ki tarah hi hai but sure you can dream but i can tell you for sure that we indians have no plan to invade AL Bhakistn cause you have nothing that we want rather we just want nothing from al bhakistan not even route to central asia wia al bhakistan to afghanistan to central asia or wi al bhakistan to irn sea is much much safer and cheper
We won't do anything. It would be you who will do it.
we have seen this pattern before from Modi government. He needs another false flag op to bolster his anti-pak rhetoric and spin it around into another round of hype nationalism fueled by the hatred of Pak to win another election.
Hopefully it happens, fingers crossed
Kick some jeet butt
Pakistan politically is a mess. NS is sticking his chest out and is portraying the new messiah - IK locked up so gaining support by having a ding dong with India may
be on the cards. Modi may want the same
To gain the patriotic support of the common man.
Whoever fingers whoever - the ultimate loser will be the common man - leaders will still lead. Pawns of a tiff will be lost civilian and soldiers lives. Sad fact of tiffs like this.
Let’s pray it doesn’t kick off
I personally believe that India Pakistan relations will go for a spin in next few months as Indian General elections are coming up. Next few months are crucial and if some incident happens in India, they will again do something stupid, which would in return force us to retaliate. So, I am of the opinion we are heading for another balakot type situation in next few months. I give time until the date of India's General elections. If nothing happens until then, then the status co will continue.

It will try to help both sides. The Pakistan Army and India have worked together and collaborated to benefit their own ends.

A potential Pakistan-India military standoff will benefit Modi as he is running for reelection and it will benefit the Pakistan Army as they are looking for legitimacy and support among the Pakistani public.
Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, your culture, way of life, religion, clothes , eating habits for you to come up with that assessment? 😁
Have you?

Anyways India her self is continent so one more state of GB is aight.
Have you?
Yes - you should to
After that make up your mind
Anyways India her self is continent so one more state of GB is aight.
India might be a continent of jeets
But no one outside of that continent of jeetland wants to be a part of it as they're not jeets

So leave them alone unless you wanna get your ass kicked trying
Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, your culture, way of life, religion, clothes , eating habits for you to come up with that assessment? 😁
This is uncalled for. You cannot dismiss an entire country by describing one of its bad segments as representing the whole country.
This is uncalled for. You cannot dismiss an entire country by describing one of its bad segments as representing the whole country.
No I was asking him to look in the mirror metaphorically his society and that of gilgit
Than make an assessment on how it's "his" by right
This is the kind of sharp degeneration in a thread that is deplorable. @Maula Jutt had no business making those sharp remarks, and @jaane bhi do Yaaron could have restrained himself.

And off we go on a downward spiral.
No I was asking him to look in the mirror metaphorically his society and that of gilgit
Than make an assessment on how it's "his" by right
That, unfortunately, didn't come across the way you say it was intended to.
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