Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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You grossly overestimate the degree to which Pak is central to the Indian awam.

Modi/BJP's main focus is now solely to put the congress out of it's misery and land a final K.O punch to the Rahul ghandy led lot. Pak has sort of drifted away from our national consciousness.

If anything, it is more likely Modi and co use the state machinery to go after their domestic political opponents.. in ways most devious and nefarious, like only they know how, and of which they are masters of.

ghandy party is shy of 50 seats in the lok sabha, I hope to see further erosion and them crawling at 20 odd this cycle, and then to be eventually completely khallas'd within the next decade or 2 further election cycles.

Is congress like PPP? Cannot function outside of the Gandhi/Bhutto family? Also whatever happened to AAP? Did they not make the jump to a national scale party?
@Hyde @Waz idk who is is an admin on this forum yet.

These sorts of comments and the subsequent responses are those which ruined our previous forum. Flame baiting leads to the inevietable responses and then things just degrade further.

I've not read the forum rules - i know how to act like a grown up, i'm pretty sure trolling to get a reaction is not permissable.

We've seen a greater appreciation and a whole different vibe from members across the world when the old forum's closure was announced. People appreciated what they had, and what they'd miss - the community was a big part of it.

Content like what is quoted - leads to the content that made our old forum toxic and unwelcoming.
India officially claims GB. Regardless of whether an individual member is trolling or not.

You want an international forum with members who are not allowed to state their country's official positions?

No thanks.

Cheers, Doc
Is congress like PPP? Cannot function outside of the Gandhi/Bhutto family? Also whatever happened to AAP? Did they not make the jump to a national scale party?

Please don't mind him.

He is a dyed in the wool Congress and Rahul hater and baiter.

Otherwise a decent chap.

Cheers, Doc
India officially claims GB. Regardless of whether an individual member is trolling or not.

You want an international forum with members who are not allowed to state their country's official positions?

No thanks.

Cheers, Doc

India claims half the world and the moon as well, but why does nobody claim India?
India claims half the world and the moon as well, but why does nobody claim India?
No. We claim AJK and GB. The world and moon is only in your fevered imagination Razi.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Damn man. You have 26k posts?!!!
No. We claim AJK and GB. The world and moon is only in your fevered imagination Razi.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Damn man. You have 26k posts?!!!

Talk is cheap. We’d love to host Abhinandan for a tea party again. Hopefully, he will bring more friends this time. :cool:
Talk is cheap. We’d love to host Abhinandan for a tea party again. Hopefully, he will bring more friends this time. :cool:
Personally, based on what we are seeing in your native country, somewhere down the line there is going to be a breakdown of military hold, and civil unrest on a national scale.

Depending on the level of the chaos, the Indian Army will not be the enemy of the Pakistani awaam at that stage. Hope you understand.

And the way I see it, both Pakistan and Iran are heading in that direction. At differing rates and trajectories.

Cheers, Doc
Is congress like PPP? Cannot function outside of the Gandhi/Bhutto family?
The Congress is nothing without the Gandhi family. It need not have been like that, but the generation that handed back power to Sonia after Rajeev's death was really the scum. They should have taken the reigns, but were too spineless (or perhaps jealous of each other), so they just kept prostrating around a centre of power. Their regional leaders are a bit more independent minded, but the so called 'High Command' is really the pits. There are people like Surjewala, the late Ahmed Patel, Kharge, Mani Aiyer etc who have never been mass leaders, can never win an election, but suck up to the Gandhis. It is people like them who have slowly slowly eaten away the party from inside.
@Hyde @Waz idk who is is an admin on this forum yet.

These sorts of comments and the subsequent responses are those which ruined our previous forum. Flame baiting leads to the inevietable responses and then things just degrade further.

I've not read the forum rules - i know how to act like a grown up, i'm pretty sure trolling to get a reaction is not permissable.

We've seen a greater appreciation and a whole different vibe from members across the world when the old forum's closure was announced. People appreciated what they had, and what they'd miss - the community was a big part of it.

Content like what is quoted - leads to the content that made our old forum toxic and unwelcoming.
Understood, so you are saying one should not discuss anything which can hurt Pakistan’s feelings.

In all sincerity what I started is India’s position which obviously against Pakistani position.
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as long you keep your secularism and Hinduism in pajeetabad

Could care less if Hinduism is communism or secularism although most hindus themselves dk wtf it is so who cares

Whatever we're - you have nothing to do with people of GB or ajk in any way shape or form or in any other parallel universe

But I don't feel like arguing with your dumb ass anymore
So... Keep living in your delusions and hopefully, fingers crossed you get the opportunity & the balls to carry out those delusions so you get the humbling you are so desperately begging for

Where is that photo from?

I tried to reverse image search that and I got a range of results from 2013-2015 and from Afghanistan and Pakistani facebook pages lol
I personally believe that India Pakistan relations will go for a spin in next few months as Indian General elections are coming up. Next few months are crucial and if some incident happens in India, they will again do something stupid, which would in return force us to retaliate. So, I am of the opinion we are heading for another balakot type situation in next few months. I give time until the date of India's General elections. If nothing happens until then, then the status co will continue.

Well, I am not fully disagreeing with you. Leaders of both of our nations know exactly how to trick their people into deceiving when a performance review is done. But the ground reality will remain the same as it has been in the last 15 years. The rest of the noise and nuances are basically to win the election.

As long as the BJP is in power, India will never initiate any war with Pakistan nor wish to be engaged in a war-like situation due to economic reasons. No one in India would buy the argument by the BJP, to have a war with Pakistan, and spoil the economy with such a silly and fancy reason such as getting Kashmir part that is present in Pakistan.

But our screaming media channels will create a vibe that should be best ignored by Pakistan and move on with things that matter to you.
Personally, I don’t see any skirmish happening.

BJP although with General elections coming up are in a very comfortable position against Congress etc. The continuity of economic growth is paramount for India and maybe there is a realization amongst the political class that these theatrics don’t extract much return in the long run.

On the other hand, Pakistan is in a stronghold of the army and Nawaz. And if recent history is to go by, with Nawaz is quite docile to India and Modi and Nawaz are pretty much warm to each other.

In summary, do not see any upping the anti by BJP nor a false flag nor a skirmish.
which would in return force us to retaliate
We are in no position to retaliate. Last time it was Khan that forced to retaliate. After that we saw even when a missile was fired and struck in Pakistan nothing happened as Khan government was already on its last legs thanks to Bajwa and Co and they never had any intention to respond even after Balakot. Remember Ayaz Sadiq statement "matha per peesena tha, tanga kamp rahi thin.
Also the next installed premier is Nawaz Sharif, do you really believe he will reply? That would be the biggest joke.
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