Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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Yes - you should to
After that make up your mind

India might be a continent of jeets
But no one outside of that continent of jeetland wants to be a part of it as they're not jeets

So leave them alone unless you wanna get your ass kicked trying
I actually answered both of your questions that for Pakistani, only cohesive value is religion vs for India cohesive value is her diversity so, integrating GB to Indian republic is piece of cake.

Rest you can insult all you want , ain’t gonna stick on me 😭
I actually answered both of your questions that for Pakistani, only cohesive value is religion vs for India cohesive value is her diversity so, integrating GB to Indian republic is piece of cake.
One day- we're secular with Hindu nationalist characteristics
Indian - second day we're Hindu rashtra
Third day we're - diverse and want to occupy Muslim dardic people (while our country leads the charts for the most Islamophobic content coming out of one country on the planet) who share nothing with us in anyway whether culture, language, history, religion, values, foods or were ever connected to us via direct trade route throughout history
Piece of cake

Monkey level logic
Rest you can insult all you want , ain’t gonna stick on me 😭
Your kinds born insulted, I don't have to try 😭
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GB is about as Indian as Peshawar.

Doubt any conflict is coming
I personally believe that India Pakistan relations will go for a spin in next few months as Indian General elections are coming up. Next few months are crucial and if some incident happens in India, they will again do something stupid, which would in return force us to retaliate. So, I am of the opinion we are heading for another balakot type situation in next few months. I give time until the date of India's General elections. If nothing happens until then, then the status co will continue.

The real question is any of that going to solve Pakistan's economic issues. Otherwise isn't it more of the same ?
One day- we're secular with Hindu nationalist characteristics
Indian - second day we're Hindu rashtra
Third day we're - diverse and want to occupy Muslim dardic people (while our country leads the charts for the most Islamophobic content coming out of one country on the planet) who share nothing with us in anyway whether culture, language, history, religion, values, foods or were ever connected to us via direct trade route throughout history
Piece of cake

Monkey level logic

Your kinds born insulted, I don't have to try 😭
Hinduism it self is secular so nationalistic Hindu is actually protecting secularism.

Anyways, still much better than pakistani conundrum where one day we are Turk, next day we are Afghan and next day we are Mughals and next day Persians… 😜
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This is uncalled for. You cannot dismiss an entire country by describing one of its bad segments as representing the whole country.
Awwww so nice of you @Joe Shearer coming to defense of a fellow Indian still, his highness could not leave Congressi aristocracy of taking swipes at us poor Hindu nationalist folks 😃
Guys let’s just chill and keep it light - forum only in existence for a few days and some getting their knickers in a twist. A forum like this thrives on Pakistani AND Indian input - let’s just keep it nice and clean boys.
Hinduism it self is secular so nationalistic Hindu is actually protecting secularism.
as long you keep your secularism and Hinduism in pajeetabad

Could care less if Hinduism is communism or secularism although most hindus themselves dk wtf it is so who cares
Anyways, still much better than pakistani conundrum where one day we are Turk, next day we are Afghan and next day we are Mughals and next day Persians… 😜
Whatever we're - you have nothing to do with people of GB or ajk in any way shape or form or in any other parallel universe

But I don't feel like arguing with your dumb ass anymore
So... Keep living in your delusions and hopefully, fingers crossed you get the opportunity & the balls to carry out those delusions so you get the humbling you are so desperately begging for
we have seen this pattern before from Modi government. He needs another false flag op to bolster his anti-pak rhetoric and spin it around into another round of hype nationalism fueled by the hatred of Pak to win another election.
You grossly overestimate the degree to which Pak is central to the Indian awam.

Modi/BJP's main focus is now solely to put the congress out of it's misery and land a final K.O punch to the Rahul ghandy led lot. Pak has sort of drifted away from our national consciousness.

If anything, it is more likely Modi and co use the state machinery to go after their domestic political opponents.. in ways most devious and nefarious, like only they know how, and of which they are masters of.

ghandy party is shy of 50 seats in the lok sabha, I hope to see further erosion and them crawling at 20 odd this cycle, and then to be eventually completely khallas'd within the next decade or 2 further election cycles.
Guys let’s just chill and keep it light - forum only in existence for a few days and some getting their knickers in a twist. A forum like this thrives on Pakistani AND Indian input - let’s just keep it nice and clean boys.
fook me, what you been smokin' ?

pass it ! :P
Looks like Bhartis forgot about the NLI that held so much love for them in the past. lol
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At the point of the lowest ebb on national popularity of the Pakistan Army among Pakistanis, it would be very stupid for India to provide a lifeline of relevance and importance in the form of a formal conflict.

In the space of the 14 years I have been on PDF, we have seen the actual de-hyphenation of India and Pakistan in global perception. Where the term Indo-Pak has lost all currency and relevance.




Sociocultural (including and especially sports).

Simply put, we do not play on the same platform anymore as peer powers.

Pakistan should be left to Pakistanis.

But India will claim and work towards what is her's.

Cheers, Doc
Lois like Bhartis forgot about the NLI that held so much love for them in the past. lol
No, not at all, we have nice, warm places for them, starting from Turtuk going north.
No, not at all, we have nice, warm places for them, starting from Turtuk going north.

I think Gilgit-Balistanis would offer Indians the same. Warmer places in the south. If not warm enough, there is still one last place they can accommodate them.
Don't say that brother, Pakistan still occupies India's GB , with that said no chance of India starting war.

@Hyde @Waz idk who is is an admin on this forum yet.

These sorts of comments and the subsequent responses are those which ruined our previous forum. Flame baiting leads to the inevietable responses and then things just degrade further.

I've not read the forum rules - i know how to act like a grown up, i'm pretty sure trolling to get a reaction is not permissable.

We've seen a greater appreciation and a whole different vibe from members across the world when the old forum's closure was announced. People appreciated what they had, and what they'd miss - the community was a big part of it.

Content like what is quoted - leads to the content that made our old forum toxic and unwelcoming.
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