Does Bangladesh opposition party BNP’s call to boycott Indian products concern Delhi?

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Mar 28, 2024
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Does BNP’s call to boycott Indian products concern Delhi?​

More than two months after the 12th national election, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has initiated an anti-India campaign. Alongside the BNP, its allies have publicly urged for the boycott of Indian products. This campaign emerged in the aftermath of the election and was spearheaded by two smaller parties aligned with the BNP's concurrent movement.​

BNP’s Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi sought to enhance the campaign by symbolically discarding his Indian shawl.

BNP’s Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi sought to enhance the campaign by symbolically discarding his Indian shawl.

Somoy National Desk
4 Minute Read

At that time, the BNP did not publicly address the issue. However, BNP’s Senior Joint Secretary General, Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, sought to enhance the campaign by symbolically discarding his Indian shawl.
Read more: BNP calls for boycotting Indian goods

The BNP has accused India of influencing the recent election and has consequently called for a boycott of Indian goods. Political analysts note that leading up to the previous election, BNP officials frequently visited the embassies or high commissions of various Western nations in Dhaka.

Some ambassadors from influential countries have made public statements or taken actions indirectly supportive of the BNP, prompting satisfaction within the party. However, India has consistently maintained that elections in Bangladesh are an internal matter and that it is the prerogative of the Bangladeshi people to choose their leaders.

India has expressed its desire for free and fair elections, asserting its stance as a friendly nation. Analysts speculate whether the BNP expected India to exert pressure on the Awami League on their behalf and are disappointed by India's perceived lack of involvement.

Before the 11th national election in 2018, a delegation of senior leaders from the BNP, including representatives from Dhaka and one or two from London, visited India and held discussions with Indian think tanks. Their objective was to garner support from India for their party in the upcoming election. However, over the subsequent five years, the party refrained from making any public anti-India statements. This has led some political analysts to speculate whether their stance against India influenced their decision not to participate in the election.

When the senior joint general secretary of the BNP threw the Indian blanket and added fuel to the fire a day or two before that, another senior leader of the party openly told the media that they wanted the cooperation of all friendly countries, including India, in restoring democracy.

Read more: Rizvi’s threats, lies expose BNP’s aversion to truth, plot to muzzle freedom of speech

So, where did the BNP's India boycott movement originate? The biggest illegal arms shipment in the country’s history was caught when the BNP-Jamaat coalition government was in power. It was suspected that ten truckloads of weapons were being transported through Bangladesh for Indian separatists; later, it was revealed that Jamaat leader and then-Industry Minister Motiur Rahman Nizami was behind the arms shipments. So, once again, analysts seek to determine the BNP's motivations for the anti-India movement. Before the elections, the BNP was constantly agitating for a caretaker administration. At the time, they did not object to India. But, after the election, when there was no disturbance in the country or abroad, why did the BNP suddenly turn to this movement?

For several years, the political reality in Bangladesh has been that the BNP and the Awami League aggressively oppose each other. The Awami League is saying that the BNP is doing a boycott movement to destabilise the market. According to observers, the Awami League should not have made such statements. Because the market will continue at its current pace. Nobody can ever accomplish any good by intervening here. Analysts also question whether the government is using the BNP movement as an excuse for failing to control the price of products.

Some people hold the opposite opinion. They say that India was afraid and issued those statements through the Awami League.

According to political observers, is the call to boycott Indian products limited only to certain cosmetics? How much importance is the BNP weighing on its larger scale? Starting with onion, ginger, and garlic vegetables, many daily commodities are imported from India. Apart from this, one of the main sectors of Bangladesh’s foreign exchange earnings is the garment industry, where many raw materials come from India. What is the solution if the country’s economy is affected by the BNP's call to boycott?

Read more: People reject BNP’s call: Hasan

In today’s world, no one can sit in peace by boycotting anyone; the Ukraine-Russia war is a big proof of that. The West was more uneasy about cornering Russia with an exclusive ban on Russia. Therefore, analysts believe that ‘cutting off one's nose to spite one's face’ can never be a solution to political opposition. In this case, they advise everyone to proceed with understanding.

When asked about this, Bangladesh Bank’s former governor and economist, Dr Atiur Rahman, told Somoy, “This (call to boycott Indian products) is opposite to how the whole world is moving forward. The whole world has now become global; countries are using each other’s products.”

A poorly researched article with biased point of view. The origin story of this India Boycott movement reported in this article is completely incorrect.

It started with netizens and social media influencers such as Pinaki Bhattacharya. Average citizens started this movement for not being able to exercise their voting rights in the last election. People can no longer be fooled about the Hindutva Indian Government's activities to influence and control Bangladeshi politics, in order to create a puppet state by keeping their puppet Hasina in power.

BNP jumped into the movement very late and only after it already started gaining traction in social media among the populace.
Hindutva is a threat and a enemy, the entire region needs to take steps to counter any Indian Hindutvavadi influence or connection in order to retain freedom

This is why China is so important for south Asia, it allows the region to counter the hindutva effectively
Get your categories right.
This is why China is so important for south Asia, it allows the region to counter the hindutva effectively
They can't do a shit about countering Hindutva. That battle is internal to India.
Hindutva is a threat and a enemy, the entire region needs to take steps to counter any Indian influence or connection in order to retain freedom

This is why China is so important for south Asia, it allows the region to counter the hindutva effectively

Indian foreign policy wasn't any different when congress was in power.

But yes, I agree that PRC is an important counterbalance in this region. Specially in BD's context. Where Indian foreign policy interests does not align with the interest of the people. Actually it is pretty much in conflict with each other.
If it effects the region, then the region and China will need to respond , it's up to Indians to control the hindutva before the tipping point is reached
Buddy, the tipping point has been reached. We have grim days to endure before there is any relief.

Just don't mix Indians, and Hindus, with this scum, or you and I will have issues.
neutralize insurgencies into our country.
Like the Naxalite insurgency, the Khalistan movement, the Bodo activists, the AGP and AASU, the Karbi Anglong, United National Liberation Front (UNLF), People’s Liberation Army (PLA), People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK) (The above-mentioned three groups now operate from a unified platform under the Manipur People’s Liberation Front), Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP), Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL), Manipur Liberation Tiger Army (MLTA), Iripak Kanba Lup (IKL), People’s Republican Army (PRA), Kangleipak Kanba Kanglup (KKK), Kangleipak Liberation Organisation (KLO), Kuki National Army, Kuki National Front (Military Council), Kuki Liberation Army (Manipur), Kuki National Front (Kukiland), Kuki Revolutionary Army (Unification), United Old Kuki Liberation Army, United Komrem Revolutionary Army, United Socialist Revolutionary Army, Zomi Revolutionary Front, Zou Defence Volunteer (KNO) Kuki National Front (Samuel), Kuki Revolutionary Army, Kuki National Front (President), Hmar People Convention (Democratic), Kuki Liberation Army (UPF), United Kuki Liberation Front, United Komrem People Council, Zou Defence Volunteer (UPF), Zomi Revolutionary Army, Hmar People’s Convention-Democracy (HPC-D), Hmar Revolutionary Front (HRF), Chin Kuki Revolutionary Front (CKRF)

Does it matter. We don't want another insurgency of people who hate our religious identity to be entering our country. That is my opinion.
Nobody hates our religious identity.

It is some of our demented social segments that hate the religious identity of other Indian citizens.

Unfortunately our country was ruled by incompoops for over 60 years that these insurgencies are still in existence.
Those incompoops are the reason why you got an education that allowed you to go to the US and pontificate about conditions in India.

Naxalism is also in its last legs.
Of course. Give or take 60 or 70 farmers' sons at a time.
Jinnah knew it over 70 years ago, this Hindu ethos crap has nothing to do with hundreds of millions of people across south Asia, that why he was so adamant that hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and others shouldn't be put in a place where this kind of danger would run the state

Their is no pluralism in India, it will be a hindutva extremist state, already we are seeing this in action from dodgy court cases to attacks on mosques and minority places of worship to incredible toxic hatred across social media and immense communalism

Our point was always you can't put hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims under this threat, and partition and independence is better
It is precisely because of wild animals preaching this kind of hatred that the mirror image of it developed.
Nobody hates our religious identity.

It is some of our demented social segments that hate the religious identity of other Indian citizens.

Those incompoops are the reason why you got an education that allowed you to go to the US and pontificate about conditions in India.

Of course. Give or take 60 or 70 farmers' sons at a time.
Lol. Is BJP now stopping you from getting a higher education? Infact, many more are coming here for studies these days. During congress regime, it was a hell to get loans for such education. I heard it is so much easier these days. And yes, as such I can pontificate. It is a political party not my mai-baaps like you seem to think.

In 2009, I was trying to get a loan for 30 lakhs in India, it was so messy that I gave up half way. Recently I got a loan approved for 2 crores in India with in a matter of 2 days. It is all digitized. INDIA has changed a lot.

My passport used to take 40 days to be issued under congress regime. With Tatkal, I got it in 2 days in present regime. Even with regular application, it is only taking 5 days these days. I can say governance has improved tremendously in India.

I suppose we can agree to disagree about they not hating our religious identity. Your opinion is in minority in India.

I am not sure about your farmers sons reference. Are you suggesting, Naxalism was non existent in congress time?
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Lol. Is BJP now stopping you from getting a higher education?
I got my higher education when you were shitting your chaddis. The BJP has nothing to do with it. We got higher education because of the dramatic increase of opportunities to do so in country. Not in the US, in India.

I suppose we can agree to disagree about they not hating our religious identity.
No we can't.

The party you seem to be supporting is an openly Islamophobic party and has harassed Muslim Indians whenever and wherever it could. You should be ashamed even to say such a ridiculous thing, when the whole world knows how you cow-belt hooligans behave.

Your opinion is in minority in India.
Who told you that? Just because your party, and your social movement, got a vast number of seats in the most ill-educated and superstitious parts of the country does not mean that the people of the rest of India, 60% of them, agree with you. So before you put on airs, you represent 40%; 60% don't want your views.
Reminder: No religious posts, personal insults, off-topic posts will be tolerated.
Reminder: No religious posts, personal insults, off-topic posts will be tolerated.

This thread is rapidly degenerating and I wouldn't like to be part of that.

Good night.
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