Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

Bangladesh economy is six times bigger than Myanmar. It CAN realistically build up armed force capable of deterring Myanmar. Which as of now cannot even effectively control many of its own territories. As for Rohynga solution, we could easily armed them in numbers to wage guerilla war.

I think many people mistake bengali non-confrontational temperament with not having capability.

BD still have one of the largest standing armies in the world. They been active in numerous UN missions and won the hearts of locals almost everywhere they were deployed.

When last time Pakistan tried to help.Libya and Iran ,
With Nuclear technology, it didn't end well for Your country

This is the First Civilian power plant being constructed in Bangladesh under IAEA safeguards
And India is helping Bangladesh in its construction

IAEA safeguards mean No possession of the Enriched Uranium ,it is all IAEA property
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The first step is to construct Nuclear Centrifuges like Iran is doing , for enriched Uranium

Then you have to walk out of NPT, ie declare intent

Then assembling and testing a bomb is another thing altogether

If Bangladesh starts today it will take atleast 5 to 7 years

Before that US will intervene

Will Pakistan give its ready to fire Nukes
Seems like you aren't paying attention to recent indian (government plus hindus) chest thumpings against Bangladesh.

Seriously you are stuck in colonial mindset. the world has moved on to the neo-colonial era and post neo-colonial era.

why invade someone when you control them by other means ?
Bangladesh should Do a lot of Research on How Iran has travelled down this path of Uranium Enrichment Plants

And the kind of pressures and Sanctions which Iran has faced

All P 5 nations came together and UN Sanctions were imposed on Iran

Does Bangladesh have the Capacity to absorb sanctions
You know i was thinking about the exact same thing only couple hours ago. And here is a scholar saying the same thing.

Bangladesh may have a mutual-defence treaty with Pakistan.
It’s loading for sure. We are already hearing about comprehensive defense pact with Pakistan
Like asking Pakistanis to station some of their nukes in BD?
Not really but bring Bangladesh under nuclear umbrella of Pakistan. Any attack on our territory could be considered an attack on Pakistan and vice versa
Hindutva India is a threat to the entire region, it thinks it owns the region and is trying to make claims on the international oceans and waterways around the region

Not pushing back and preparing and planning for a hindutva India is not a option

This is part of the reason why China is so important for south Asia, it's also why south Asia unified response against India is so vital
Funny... Pakistan couldn't not protect East Pakistan, but the fatso believes that they can protect it now ??

The most assured protection Bangladesh can get is by merging with India. But we are not keen on absorbing the problem.

Bangladesh is in the early part of the FAFO moment
The scenario is completely different. Past government tried to subjugate Bengalis and lost territory. India subjugated Bangladesh the last 15 years and make themselves mortal enemies.
Even a whiff of nuclear bomb development in BD will mean sanctions so strong you can forget all your exports. You will get no help from any major power. None of China, Russia or the west see any value in a nuclear armed Bangladesh.

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