Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

India is not doing well in it's backyard, effectively an observer with reduced presence, not increasing

Our Backyard is made up of Self Entitled and Demanding and Thankless neighbours

We are enjoying much better company now in the Form
Of BRICS ,QUAD , G 20 and G 7
This is fine , but Having Nuclear weapons won't give any Right to Bangladesh to Send Terrorists
Into India

Because Any Conflict with India will happen only after Terror attacks in India or a Border conflict between BGB and BSF

You are now shooting blindly in the darkness. Where do you get all that from? Dont say you saw it on indian channel or something like that.
Bangladesh cannot make a bomb even in 15 years time. There’s hardly any manpower, experience and facilities for such a program.

With external help Bangladesh can. It is simple engineering + economics
I just do not see the pressing need for building a nuke
Economy rises and falls that's natural, Bangladesh is going through a necessary political upheaval process to correct it's political system to get proper representation within their country

Whatever economic cost is unfortunate but worth it if they can improve their governance and have a government that properly represents their country and people

Regardless of any of this, the STATE still needs to be functioning at full level, planning for multiple things and DEFENCE is one of the most important

So even if finance is a issue now, it may not be in the future,
Plans need to be put in place, talks held, ideas formulated on how best to defend Bangladesh against common enemies

Whether it be Myanmar or the hindutva indians, they are a VOCAL threat
They don't even stop attacking Indian Muslims, so why should Bangladesh or anyone else in the region trust them

Just because Bangladesh may not be able to place a order for jets or whatever tomorrow, doesn't mean they can't plan for their defence, make alliances and identify the threats

With Friends like These , Bangladesh doesn't need Enemies
Our Backyard is made up of Self Entitled and Demanding and Thankless neighbours

We are enjoying much better company now in the Form
Of BRICS ,QUAD , G 20 and G 7
Lol, ok, sure if that helps, I have felt for a while that India may actually re hyphenate itself to Pakistan 😂

Relative to previous periods Pakistan is the closest it has been to being benign for India, yet India needs to drag Pakistan into its national psyche... Again

It's how china might benefit is what you need to worry about, an additional hostile front for India still do very nicely for china
You are now shooting blindly in the darkness. Where do you get all that from? Dont say you saw it on indian channel or something like that.

So do you think that All the Anti India Rabble Rousing that is Now going on daily in Bangladesh will NOT lead to something

Sooner or later some Radicals will attack India and then All hell will break loose
Bangladesh should develop a defense pact with China. Thats honestly the most reliable deterrent. Why? B/c even though Pakistan may wish to come to Bangladesh's aid, I'm not saying its impossible to help, but there are geographic challenges.

Which China its different, China is far closer regionally and itself a hegemon.

A trilateral cooperation arrangement, similar to the one South Korea, Japan and the US have against North Korea. Could potentially be employed with Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.

China has territorial disputes with India in the very same region. And India is significantly vulnerable in that area, with their chicken neck corridor.

That trilateral cooperation would ensure a decisive deterrent against India, as any move on Bangladesh would end up with then losing all land Essentially East of Bihar, even West Bengal has a significant Muslim Minority.

The moving of the front eastwards also complicates things for them on the western front, they are going to have quite a bit of difficulty fighting a 2 from conflict.

Not to mention any any sort of issue will spur southern states in india to seek independence from the north, afterall they are the most prosperous states, they speak a different language and in many ways are very culturally different from Northern Indian, why tie themselves to the baggage of carrying less prosperous regions who are also the primary source for creating tensions in India, and geopolitical issues.

They are a lot more vulnerable that what the hindutwa internet Keyboard "warriors" will have you believe, with them threatening to invade Bangladesh b/c they their preferred candidate is not ruling the country.

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This is fine , but Having Nuclear weapons won't give any Right to Bangladesh to Send Terrorists
Into India

Because Any Conflict with India will happen only after Terror attacks in India or a Border conflict between BGB and BSF

Its the other way around, India is trying to manipulate dynamics in Bangladesh for its own geopolitics, not Bangladesh trying to interfere with India.
Lol, ok, sure if that helps, I have felt for a while that India may actually re hyphenate itself to Pakistan 😂

Relative to previous periods Pakistan is the closest it has been to being benign for India, yet India needs to drag Pakistan into its national psyche... Again

It's how china might benefit is what you need to worry about, an additional hostile front for India still do very nicely for china

Its your Obsession with Kashmir that forces us to be Vigilant all the time.

Otherwise we don't even want to play Cricket with you

Forget about Trade or Visas or direct flights

Since US is already involved in BD, We don't have to worry about China
Bangladesh should develop a defense pact with China. Thats honestly the most reliable deterrent. Why? B/c even though Pakistan may wish to come to Bangladesh's aid, I'm not saying its impossible to help, but there are geographic challenges.

Which China its different, China is far closer regionally and itself a hegemon.

A trilateral cooperation arrangement, similar to the one South Korea, Japan and the US have against North Korea. Could potentially be employed with Pakistan, Bangladesh and China.

China has territorial disputes with India in the very same region. And India is significantly vulnerable in that area, with their chicken neck corridor.

That trilateral cooperation would ensure a decisive deterrent against India, as any move on Bangladesh would end up with then losing all land Essentially East of Bihar, even West Bengal has a significant Muslim Minority.

The moving of the front eastwards also complicates things for them on the western front, they are going to have quite a bit of difficulty fighting a 2 from conflict.

Not to mention any any sort of issue will spur southern states in india to seek independence from the north, afterall they are the most prosperous states, they speak a different language and in many ways are very culturally different from Northern Indian, why tie themselves to the baggage of carrying less prosperous regions who are also the primary source for creating tensions in India, and geopolitical issues.

They are a lot more vulnerable that what the hindutwa internet Keyboard "warriors" will have you believe, with them threatening to invade Bangladesh b/c they their preferred candidate is not ruling the country.

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Pakistan can assist here and there, bring in more people to people, more collaboration between agencies etc etc

Leave the big ticket defence to china

The headaches of this prospect for India....
Bangladesh should develop a defense pact with China.
Does China help anyone for FREE

We know How China has helped
Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Pakistan is in IMF care now

And we are helping Sri Lanka
And Maldives to pick themselves up after China has left them with Unsustainable debts
Does China help anyone for FREE

We know How China has helped
Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Pakistan is in IMF care now

And we are helping Sri Lanka
And Maldives to pick themselves up after China has left them with Unsustainable debts

The Debt diplomacy thing is a myth. Just like the "ghost cities" myth.

India isn't helping anyone, it doesn't have the capacity that China has for wealth input and investment.
Its your Obsession with Kashmir that forces us to be Vigilant all the time.

Otherwise we don't even want to play Cricket with you

Forget about Trade or Visas or direct flights

Since US is already involved in BD, We don't have to worry about China

emotive childish lashing out, but what do I care, amusing , ok take your ball home 😂

Perhaps the USA wants India to feel so under pressure by china that it pushes India to choose a camp

You guys are going all cia conspiracy theory so what other motive is there

The days of not being in any camp were always going to end, if a choice wont be made it will be imposed, you may well regret jaishankars candour which you all previously celebrated😁
Our Backyard is made up of Self Entitled and Demanding and Thankless neighbours

We are enjoying much better company now in the Form
Of BRICS ,QUAD , G 20 and G 7
Support tyrants who murder students on the streets and then call them demanding and thankless when they get rid of them. Let the mindset of this vile person warn you of the dangers of his letting his nation escape their containment chamber. South Asia needs to nuclearize against this menace.
emotive childish lashing out, but what do I care, amusing , ok take your ball home 😂

Perhaps the USA wants India to feel so under pressure by china that it pushes India to choose a camp

You guys are going all cia conspiracy theory so what other motive is there

The days of not being in any camp were always going to end, if a choice wont be made it will be imposed, you may well regret jaishankars candour which you all previously celebrated😁
It's because they hate other Indics. They tried to excise us from their "cultural sphere" for not believing the same delusional things they do, but they're frustrated because that didn't solve their problem - what they actually want to do is excise us from existence.

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