Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

Support tyrants who murder students on the streets and then call them demanding and thankless when they get rid of them. Let the mindset of this vile person warn you of the dangers of his letting his nation escape their containment chamber. South Asia needs to nuclearize against this menace.

Please go ahead

Who.is stopping you

But before that Just Return all the Money that you owe us
Does China help anyone for FREE

We know How China has helped
Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Pakistan is in IMF care now

And we are helping Sri Lanka
And Maldives to pick themselves up after China has left them with Unsustainable debts

No one expects help for free lol but when strategic interests align you never know😂

A moment ago you were talking about being in the company of g5, the next you have to comfort yourself with dealings with.... The Maldives, which you can barely control😁
I was only talking of Sri Lanka and Maldives which have been crippled by unsustainable debts

I'm pretty sure Maldives is doing ok. anytime there are debt issues, China usually ends up restructuring debt, China is interests in profits and new markets for its products as well as strategic relationships, is has accommodated many african countries, and has helped development in Africa that way. The article/paper I linked in the Harvard Business School goes into details on that.

edit: here is a video from Bloomberg on this.

Please go ahead

Who.is stopping you

But before that Just Return all the Money that you owe us
What makes you think you or anyone from Bharat think they are owed anything from anyone in Bangladesh? Your grandparents already settled any debts when they looted and plundered Bangladesh right after supposedly liberating them.
The days of not being in any camp were always going to end, if a choice wont be made it will be imposed, you may well regret jaishankars candour which you all previously celebrated

We can very well manage our Foreign Affairs , thanks for your concern though
What makes you think you or anyone from Bharat think they are owed anything from anyone in Bangladesh? Your grandparents already settled any debts when they looted and plundered Bangladesh right after supposedly liberating them.

You are the Advisor that Dr Yunus needs

You can single handedly solve all of Bangladesh's problems.😂
You are the Advisor that Dr Yunus needs

You can single handedly solve all of Bangladesh's problems.😂
Bhartis think they are geniuses and everyone else stupid for not letting them continue to rule over Bangladesh with a murderous puppet regime. Astounding levels of arrogance and hatred for people from other countries.
We can very well manage our Foreign Affairs , thanks for your concern though
Looks like you are passengers and observer's of events unfolding

Why would the CIA do something hostile against India, this is not explained

One day, you will eventually wake up and realise china is who you have to confront one way or another

You will start to miss Pak 😇
Bhartis think they are geniuses and everyone else stupid for not letting them continue to rule over Bangladesh with a murderous puppet regime. Astounding levels of arrogance and hatred for people from other countries.

We are already talking to the New Government in Bangladesh

We only have security concerns.

Because even one incident can lead to terrible consequences
It's because they hate other Indics. They tried to excise us from their "cultural sphere" for not believing the same delusional things they do, but they're frustrated because that didn't solve their problem - what they actually want to do is excise us from existence.

Well they will also be frustrated with the cultural sphere that Bangladesh will choose going forward 😁
Looks like you are passengers and observer's of events unfolding

Why would the CIA do something hostile against India, this is not explained

One day, you will eventually wake up and realise china is who you have to confront one way or another

You will start to miss Pak 😇

All Countries look out for their interests

If US wants Some Island from Bangladesh, they will get it

But US presence in Bangladesh is Helpful to India in Many ways

We have already created a Stalemate like situation with China.

There is Nothing more that they can do against India

It is the Chinese who are making peace overtures to India

They have approached India for Visas , Investment approvals and Re starting direct flight

Chinese are hard nosed business men

They don't get emotionally involved in Territorial disputes unlike Pakistan
All Countries look out for their interests

If US wants Some Island from Bangladesh, they will get it

But US presence in Bangladesh is Helpful to India in Many ways

We have already created a Stalemate like situation with China.

There is Nothing more that they can do against India

It is the Chinese who are making peace overtures to India

They have approached India for Visas , Investment approvals and Re starting direct flight

Chinese are hard nosed business men

They don't get emotionally involved in Territorial disputes unlike Pakistan
USA presence is useful lol
I.e. let's try and save face about losing the region

These mental gymnastics to evade reality are a SUPERPOWER itself

Reminds me of the below

I think the USA has come to the conclusion India needs more pressure to face china 😇
So do you think that All the Anti India Rabble Rousing that is Now going on daily in Bangladesh will NOT lead to something

Sooner or later some Radicals will attack India and then All hell will break loose

What radicals?!!
The proof of the pudding is in the Eating

Didn't China refuse any financial concessions to Pakistan, very recently

I guess we will see, I have seen the African debt trap myth dismantled, lets see how it goes in other places. Pakistan if anything would receive better terms, b/c China needs it as part of its geopolitical calculations towards India.

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