Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

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"War Till Victory" was the headlines in Pakistan on Dec 16 1971 after its forces in the East Pakistan had surrendered. Pakistan declared a cease fire in the West the very same day.

West Pakistanis did not fight even a single more day, when Bangladesh was still a part of Pakistan and you think Pakistan will be willing to sacrifice their entire nation for sake of Bangladesh now ?

Who is the fanboy here now?

LOL silly Indians! Holding on to some random news paper clip.

1971 was a revolt not a war as per say, and there was only one outcome when majority of East Pakistan decide to go their own way. India just tagged along to get the mileage out of it. With or without India, it wouldn't have made much difference because 45000 odd fighting force couldn't be expected to hold people against their wishes. It was political mess which led to the events of 1971.

Come 2024, we just have a regime which was close to India being kicked out of Bangladesh and now its intelligentsia feeling threatened by India. And if you have been living in some remote cave since 1971, I would like to bring you to the present:

Report: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest​

Alarmists estimate that by 2025, Pakistan will become the third-largest nuclear weapon power, leapfrogging ahead of France, China, and the United Kingdom, behind only the United States and Russia.

These are not some fancy news paper clips but world renowned newspaper and researchers, who nearly a decade ago highlight where Pakistan stands in nuclear hierarchy of the world. You in India are not even in the discussion.

With this firepower at Pakistan's disposal, I am not here to scare you Indians, but rather educate you, that Pakistan can easily deploy some perhaps tactical nukes on Bangladeshi soil, in a mutually beneficial agreement. Thats why I highlighted, if you reading, that Pakistan had similar arrangement with Saudi Arabia since the time when Saudi were actually hostile to Israel. You Indians are nothing really.
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LOL silly Indians! Holding on to some random news paper clip.

1971 was a revolt not a war as per say, and there was only one outcome when majority of East Pakistan decide to go their own way. India just tagged along to get the mileage out of it. With or without India, it wouldn't have made much difference because 45000 odd fighting force couldn't be expected to hold people against their wishes. It was political mess which led to the events of 1971.

Come 2024, we just have a regime which was close to India being kicked out of Bangladesh and now its intelligentsia feeling threatened by India. And if you have been living in some remote case since 1971, I would like to bring you to the present:

Report: Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest​

Alarmists estimate that by 2025, Pakistan will become the third-largest nuclear weapon power, leapfrogging ahead of France, China, and the United Kingdom, behind only the United States and Russia.

These are not some fancy news paper clips but world renowned newspaper and researchers, who nearly a decade ago highlight where Pakistan stands in nuclear hierarchy of the world. You in India are not even in the discussion.

With this firepower at Pakistan's disposal, I am not here to scare you Indians, but rather educate you, that Pakistan can easily deploy some perhaps tactical nukes on Bangladeshi soil, in a mutually beneficial agreement. Thats why I highlighted, if you reading, that Pakistan had similar arrangement with Saudi Arabia since the time when Saudi were actually hostile to Israel. You Indians are nothing really.
Listen kid.

Let me know once you transfer your nuclear weapons to Bangladesh.

Until then you have no point, you are just juvenile Bangladeshi and Pakistani posters circle jerking each other.
Listen kid.

Let me know once you transfer your nuclear weapons to Bangladesh.

Until then you have no point, you are just juvenile Bangladeshi and Pakistani posters circle jerking each other.

I am old enough to father you boy. Behave!

Whatever happen between Pakistan and Bangladesh will be if both find it mutually beneficial. India has ZERO relevance on the outcome.

Maldives. Less than 300sq km

India. More than 3 million sqkm.

Comparing India's land size to the Maldives is a bit off the mark. India's role in supporting and assisting the Maldives shows a commitment to regional stability and partnership, even when faced with criticism. It's curious how those who mock India's influence seem to overlook these acts of goodwill. Maybe focusing on constructive engagement rather than size comparisons would be more meaningful.
I am old enough to father you boy. Behave!

Whatever happen between Pakistan and Bangladesh will be if both find it mutually beneficial. India has ZERO relevance on the outcome.
Really ..then you must be in your 70s.

Clearly age hasnt brought you maturity(tough luck) or you wouldn't have been speaking in hyperboles.

Put your money where your mouth is, and then talk.
Comparing India's land size to the Maldives is a bit off the mark. India's role in supporting and assisting the Maldives shows a commitment to regional stability and partnership, even when faced with criticism. It's curious how those who mock India's influence seem to overlook these acts of goodwill. Maybe focusing on constructive engagement rather than size comparisons would be more meaningful.

Good will, lol

Make up your mind

That was mere months ago

You ofcourse miss the actual point

Just how the f is a country the size of Maldives even causing a country the size of India even a fraction of a problem lol

You ended up having to try and bully... The Maldives 😂🤔
Really ..then you must be in your 70s.

Clearly age hasnt brought you maturity(tough luck) or you wouldn't have been speaking in hyperboles.

Put your money where your mouth is, and then talk.

I feel I am trying to educate a boy on hormonal imbalance.

which part of India's zero relevance on any mutually beneficial agreement between Pakistan and BD you did not understand?
Good will, lol

Make up your mind

That was mere months ago

You ofcourse miss the actual point

Just how the f is a country the size of Maldives even causing a country the size of India even a fraction of a problem lol

You ended up having to try and bully... The Maldives 😂🤔
We're concerned that the economic struggles in India's neighboring countries have led to increased radicalization. Just like a small, venomous snake can be deadly if not controlled promptly, these issues could become serious if not addressed in time.
We're concerned that the economic struggles in India's neighboring countries have led to increased radicalization. Just like a small, venomous snake can be deadly if not controlled promptly, these issues could become serious if not addressed in time.

You should appreciate your neighborhood is actually concerned about India and how unappealing more meaningful ties are, it all unravels in the medium term

Just step out of yourself if possible and imagine that you are having to contemplate and rue how ungrateful the people of Maldives are.... Maldives

You have gone backwards in your own region, and I personally suspect you will avoid finding the answer why because it's daunting, ignorance is bliss, before it was isi isi , not now
You should appreciate your neighborhood is actually concerned about India and how unappealing more meaningful ties are, it all unravels in the medium term

Just step out of yourself if possible and imagine that you are having to contemplate and rue how ungrateful the people of Maldives are.... Maldives

You have gone backwards in your own region, and I personally suspect you will avoid finding the answer why because it's daunting, ignorance is bliss, before it was isi isi , not now
India has consistently prioritized its neighborhood through initiatives like ‘Neighborhood First’ and the SAGAR doctrine. India remains a first responder for humanitarian crises, as seen with the Maldives during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and Sri Lanka's financial crisis, where India extended multi-billion dollar assistance.

Maldives? We've been key to their security infrastructure, regularly conducting joint military exercises like 'Ekuverin' and enhancing maritime security against terrorism and piracy. India has been a stable partner, providing vaccines, aid, and investment in infrastructure. If some elements of Maldivian politics swing away, it's part of any geopolitical game—doesn't erase decades of meaningful ties.

As for ISI influence waning? It’s clear that Pakistan’s own neighbors are distancing themselves for good reason, while India's global standing, economic influence, and strategic partnerships, like with the Quad, are rising. India isn’t ‘going backward’—we're consolidating ties where it matters, with real, tangible benefits.
I am old enough to father you boy. Behave!

Whatever happen between Pakistan and Bangladesh will be if both find it mutually beneficial. India has ZERO relevance on the outcome.
If Pakistan fails to provide nuclear weapons to Bangladesh, Bangladeshis may start claiming that Pakistan doesn't possess nuclear weapons, which aligns with my long-held belief that Pakistan lacks any credible nuclear deterrence.
By India:
- More hostile Indian actions.
- Attempt to smear Bangladesh as radical and terroristic country for western public.
- Attempt to force Muslim-Indians from neighboring states into Bangladesh.
- More water terrorism

For BD it means:
- Higher GDP% on military spending
- Larger counterintelligence apparatus
- More Indian activity along BD/India border must be checked by equal deployment by BD Army or BGB.
- More cost for securing against floods created by indian water terrorism. Teesta like projects for most vulnerable river basins.
It means a lot more of Bangladesh's resources will go for defence and lot less will be available for social and economic development work.
It means a lot more of Bangladesh's resources will go for defence and lot less will be available for social and economic development work.

Actually BD would probably only need to raise GDP spending from 1.5% to 2% of GDP to have a far more powerful conventional military.

You see at 1.5% of GDP, after salaries, maintenance and operational costs are factored, there is little left over to puchase and/or manufacture weapons.

That extra .5% of GDP would be nearly all solely devoted to procurement of fighter jets, SAMs, submarines and warships.

BD will be fine as it looks like there is some decent hydrocarbon resources in its section of Bay of Bengal(5 TCF of gas just found on Bhola Island just recently) and so forex meant for pay for oil and gas imports can instead be used to procure weapons.
If Pakistan fails to provide nuclear weapons to Bangladesh, Bangladeshis may start claiming that Pakistan doesn't possess nuclear weapons, which aligns with my long-held belief that Pakistan lacks any credible nuclear deterrence.

Feel free to attack and invade Pakistan then! :LOL:

How old are you?
Bangladesh economy is six times bigger than Myanmar. It CAN realistically build up armed force capable of deterring Myanmar. Which as of now cannot even effectively control many of its own territories. As for Rohynga solution, we could easily armed them in numbers to wage guerilla war.
Issue would be how India and china wull react

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