Dr. Shahiduzzaman: in order to change India’s habitual perception, our only answer as I feel is nuclearization.

The only reason India hasn’t replicated another Bangladesh scenario in Baluchistan is that Baluchistan doesn’t share a border with India. However, as India grows financially and militarily stronger, you’ll likely see increasing Indian involvement in Baluchistan, similar to what happened in East Pakistan in 1971.
Nuclear deterrence doesn’t affect the Indian psyche the way it does in the West. In fact, it tends to provoke India rather than restrain it.
Y’all give yourselves too much credit for Bangladesh. If yall had been that good then Pakistan wouldn’t have existed as long as your own country. I suggest using all those economic growth to protect yourself from China. They can have a field day at seven sisters and there’s nothing India can do to stop it without going nuclear first strike
NATO has similar arrangements it’s nothing new being thought up and there are clauses in place to get everyone involved as one. The fact of the matter is India will not invade bd in the first place. Any retaliation by Pakistan is really an afterthought but should it occur, such irrationality has been answered with irrationality in the past between India and Pakistan.
NATO also has MASSIVE trade going on between its partners. Besides NATO was a result of fear of communism. USA was afraid of spread of communism in Europe there by bringing communism and communist military threat to its own shores.

Do Bangladesh and Pakistan have any major trade?

What does Pakistan gain in this scenario? What kind of increased security it gains for making so much expense? India is already sitting on its throat because they share border. Nothing will change there.

If there is nothing to be gained then Pakistan will not keep its word by attacking India with nukes if India attacks Bangladesh.
Y’all give yourselves too much credit for Bangladesh. If yall had been that good then Pakistan wouldn’t have existed as long as your own country. I suggest using all those economic growth to protect yourself from China. They can have a field day at seven sisters and there’s nothing India can do to stop it without going nuclear first strike
Before you start talking big about India, you might want to take a hard look at what’s happening in your own backyard. Bangladesh is in the middle of an economic storm, with foreign reserves dropping below $20 billion when they used to be over $40 billion not too long ago. Inflation is crushing the average person, your government had to turn to the IMF for a $4.7 billion bailout just to stay afloat, and you’re now looking at rationing fuel because of power cuts. Even your prized garment sector is seeing a dip in demand thanks to the political crisis in Bangladesh.

As for your 'China field day' comment, India is securing its borders in the Northeast with better infrastructure, forward deployments, and active patrolling. And if things heat up, the Indian military has the capability to make life very difficult for any invader. We’ve fought tougher battles in much harsher terrains, like Siachen and Kargil.

So instead of dreaming about India's problems, maybe focus on the looming debt trap Bangladesh is falling into. If you don’t sort things out, you’ll end up losing more than just face. Don’t punch above your weight, because right now, you’re barely hanging on. Stick to fixing your economy and leave regional geopolitics to the big boys.
Economy doesn’t matter when it comes to the fear of a mutually assured destruction and deterrence. Also stick to more professional commentary because y’all have become champions of racist stereotypes
So Bangladesh mutually assured destruction fear will be so great for Pakistan that it would risk a nuclear retaliation on itself by providing a nuclear umbrella to a lungi land?
As we speak our trade with Pakistan is growing at least compared to with India which is completely halted. The funny part is this trade between bd and India favored India so definitely a big blow.
Really? Pakistan is not even in top 10 of your trading partners...
Source : https://bbs.portal.gov.bd/sites/def...12-07-34-e579cd4a68742f5c4e7184120cb9d08b.pdf

The funny part is this trade between bd and India favored India so definitely a big blow.

You know... Your export to Pakistan is not even 100 million dollars?
NATO has similar arrangements it’s nothing new being thought up and there are clauses in place to get everyone involved as one. The fact of the matter is India will not invade bd in the first place. Any retaliation by Pakistan is really an afterthought but should it occur, such irrationality has been answered with irrationality in the past between India and Pakistan.

As we speak our trade with Pakistan is growing at least compared to with India which is completely halted. The funny part is this trade between bd and India favored India so definitely a big blow.

As for market research you need not worry about them and us.

Japan has not needed nuclear weapons even though they’ve the means to have it ready within six months, neither did Korea and all other US allies that have a bad relation with China… because a defense pact of nuclear umbrella ensures protection without need to possess such a weapon. Also what makes you think that a crude bomb cannot be assembled? Which is arguably worse than a proper functioning nuclear device
Pakistan’s economy is in shambles—defaulting, begging for loans, and barely keeping its lights on. If that's your benchmark, then congrats, you’re teaming up with another sinking ship. But you know what’s funny? You boast about a few million dollars’ worth of trade with Pakistan but it’s hardly a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Meanwhile, trade with India is crucial for Bangladesh. If India decided to stop exports tomorrow, you’d be in serious trouble.

India’s trade with Bangladesh is insignificant when you look at the bigger picture. India’s economy is close to hitting $4 trillion, and trade with Bangladesh makes up a fraction of that. In 2023, India-Bangladesh bilateral trade was around $18 billion, peanuts for us but critical for you. For Bangladesh, India is one of the biggest sources for essentials—whether it's raw materials, pharmaceuticals, or critical infrastructure equipment. If India were to cut off supplies tomorrow, Bangladesh would be in serious trouble. What about the devastating power crisis you’re facing? We export electricity to you. You think your economy can survive without Indian imports? Let’s not kid ourselves, your supply chain would collapse, leading to price hikes, shortages, and chaos.

When India halted exports of essential goods like onions in the past, what happened? Prices in Bangladesh skyrocketed, protests erupted, and your government was left scrambling to get emergency supplies. Now imagine if we cut off all critical exports—you’d be finished. Bangladesh doesn’t have the industrial or economic strength to become self-sufficient in these areas, so enjoy that ‘growing’ trade with Pakistan while you can. It's not going to fill the gap that India would leave behind.

And as for India, halting trade with Bangladesh doesn’t affect us at all. We’ve got trading partners like the US, Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia that dwarf Bangladesh in economic importance. Losing your market would be a drop in the ocean for India. Our economy is booming, with exports in high-tech, pharmaceuticals, and defense equipment reaching new heights every year. You? You’re still reliant on low-wage garment factories that are losing competitive edge. You can’t even keep up with your neighbors, and you’re worried about market research? Focus on surviving the coming economic storm instead of getting cocky about trade.

Honestly, I find it hilarious that you think losing a few billion in trade is going to hurt India. Bangladesh relies on India for everything from raw materials to food, power, and medicines. We don’t need you, but without India, your economy would face a crusading collapse. One small shift from India, and it’s game over for you.
Japan has not needed nuclear weapons even though they’ve the means to have it ready within six months, neither did Korea and all other US allies that have a bad relation with China… because a defense pact of nuclear umbrella ensures protection without need to possess such a weapon. Also what makes you think that a crude bomb cannot be assembled? Which is arguably worse than a proper functioning nuclear device
I have always maintained that REAL deterrance for Bangladesh is to develop its own bomb (crude or whatever) or buy few secretly from North Korea together with solid fueled MRBMs that they have. North Korea has the most advanced and well tested bombs out of all non-P5 states.
This why you should have knowledge before vomiting something you have no idea.😑

Pak military has a good relationship with USA. 😁

Entire Bangladesh have very good relationship with USA. 😁
If Pakistan and Bangladesh are so close to USA then sure as hell US itself will not allow either Pakistan or Bangladesh to establish a nuclear warhead sharing in the first place ;)

Remember, US stopped even Japan and Taiwan from getting nukes.
If Pakistan and Bangladesh are so close to USA then sure as hell US itself will not allow either Pakistan or Bangladesh to establish a nuclear warhead sharing in the first place ;)

Remember, US stopped even Japan and Taiwan from getting nukes.
Nobody knows the future...
You are wrong. If Pakistan is hosting its weapons in Bangladesh, it increases risks for itself and not safety because now it will have to deal with a nuclear war due to tensions which have nothing to do with itself but with a foreign country ie bangladesh. Not to mention a real risk of India hosting or giving nukes to Afghan Talibans.

And unlike USA which gets access to resources and prefential economic treatment due to its position as a security provider to Europe, there is not much of trade between Pakistan and Bangladesh. Not to mention, Bangladesh does not have much to offer in terms of commerce to Pakistan because Pakistan itself lacks in industrial base.

I mean if there is an alliance with Bangladesh it is basically a reversion to Pakistan's position in 1971 geopolitically, akin to something like federalism, something that was proposed before the war, essentially deleting all of India's gains in Bangladesh, or atleast severely diminishing the gains.

I don't see India giving any nuclear weapons to the Taliban, it would end in disaster potentially for them with Indian warheads being in play in central asia or even Kashmir. The Talibs are not a state that India even recognizes, very unlikely.
Mostly because USA and Russia are nuclear weapons state AND they do not give permission to use nukes to hosting countries. Their PALs are still in hands of US forces.

For that to happen, Bangladesh will have to host Pakistani forces in its land in a fashion very similar to how US bases are in Germany and other european countries. Does Pakistan even have enough money to actually do that? I doubt it. Plus will Bangladesh be happy with allowing Pakistani forces to be stationed in its soil? Again I doubt it given the history. Also even attempting to do that might end up inviting war from India.

Remember, India only needs rocket artillery (not even missiles) to cover each and every place in Bangladesh.

Also as I said before, if Pakistan ends up supplying nukes or host its forces in bangladesh, India very likely will give Afghan Taliban nukes and that will be a major problem for Pakistan because now it will have to deal with two nuclear armed adversories looking for its blood.

The warheads in Belarus are mounted on Belarussian aircraft, similar to the NATO states with NWS, if the nuclear weapon is put on a Turkish aircraft(in this case, the F-16) with a turkish pilot, its joint control at the very least.

Pakistan would not need a base as big as germany, what you would need are Submarines docking rights in a naval base, coupled with airbases and hardened silos.
There is nuclear weapons hosting and there is nuclear weapons sharing. Only UK gets nuclear weapons from USA for its armed forces, while others only host them, weapons still under command and control of US forces with PAL codes under command of US forces.

And USA, UK and Russia are nuclear weapons states. Neither Pakistan and nor Bangladesh are nuclear weapons state. So yes, they will invite sanctions.

If Pakistan were to attempt hosting its nukes in bangladesh, formally, it is very likely that India will attack and destroy them using just conventional forces. If Bangladesh were to get them secretly that is not different than buying nukes from North Korea and it will be much better to buy it from North Korea because it will come with no strings attached and North Korean nukes are among the best tested and most mature ones outside of existing nuclear powers.

So yes, formal sharing under a NATO kind of treaty is mostly impossible due to sanctions and possibility of attack.

Whats more, if Pakistan does it anways, there is a chance India will also provide nukes to Afghanistan Taliban with short ranged missiles making life way harder for Pakistan.

Only real possibility for Bangladesh to get nukes is from north korea. It will get more mature and reliable weapons and with no strings attached.

India wouldn't attack, its suicidal to attack the nuclear forces of another country.

Also don't know why you keep mentioning afghanistan, its not gonna happen, India doesn't even recognize the taliban, you are just saying that to be contrarian. lol
Haha, seriously, you need to get a grip on geography before you start running your mouth. It’s not just about who’s got more or less—there’s a ton of complexity in the mix and the Chumbi Valley situation is way more nuanced. So, if you want to get into a debate about this, maybe try getting your facts straight first. Otherwise, it’s like arguing with someone who’s only read the cover of a book.

I do have a grip in the geography, which is why i said, they are no no position to threaten China. lol
Whether India’s a global power or not, we don’t need to seek validation from some Turkish dude. If it came down to it, we could definitely give Turkey a run for its money.

Was I giving you validation? lol

I'm just giving my assessment, whether its coming from me or another person doesn't change the point being made, you are just relying on Ad hominem. lol, I'm an American BTW, you gonna randomly talk smack about the US next? lol, and how will that have any relation to the point raised about Indian force projection capacity?

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