Egypt Orders J-10C To Replace Ageing F-16s

Egypt is a Zio-US client state.

Cannot see authorisation being given.

I think Egypt is playing it smartly. A combination of Rafale and J-10C/J-31 is the way to go. Although Rafale is very expensive to acquire and maintain. Having such a mix puts the Americans on alert. Although, the question is, how far can Egypt take it to displease the Americans?

America will be triggered if Egypt truly goes ahead and buys any Chinese fighter. It will hurt the American diplomacy quite badly.

Buying rubbish Russian planes was one thing but the US will not allow Egypt to buy cutting-edge Chinese products planes as those will be a threat to the entity.

I hope I am wrong though.
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Egypt should go for J10 with Russian AL31. Egyptian forces have more experience maintaining Russian equipment, like Iraqi armed forces.
This is a smart decision from Egypt

U.S and France sells expensive fighters without selling the BVRs, that's a joke.

Buy the J10C, get the PL15Es and build up a credible military with Egyptian indigenous efforts supported by countries that won't sell you out for the Zionists
Judging from Chinese civil society voices: if Egypt were to fight Zionism, the Chinese would volunteer to help. The Chinese government would not intervene publicly, but the PLA's garrison in the Middle East would provide some guided help privately.
Egypt should go for J10 with Russian AL31. Egyptian forces have more experience maintaining Russian equipment, like Iraqi armed forces.
No Egypt has no access to AL-31 technology, they have only access to RD-33 technology
No Egypt has no access to AL-31 technology, they have only access to RD-33 technology
Russians are totally open to Egyptian for the tech transfer and they have shown it before. The only issue is the national economy linked to the West, where they check the wealth flow of the country"IMF". An example is the SU35 deal turned bad.
America ain't what it used to be. Socialism destroyed America. Buy Chinese. Buy free market.
Egypt is a Zio-US client state.

Cannot see authorisation being

Buying rubbish Russian planes was one thing but the US will not allow Egypt to buy cutting-edge Chinese products planes as those will be a threat to the entity.

I hope I am wrong though.

That is what I also find fascinating. I think the Americans aren't going to allow Egypt to buy Chinese.
Russians are totally open to Egyptian for the tech transfer and they have shown it before. The only issue is the national economy linked to the West, where they check the wealth flow of the country"IMF". An example is the SU35 deal turned bad.
Exactly. Economically the Egyptians are too dependent on the US/Europeans. Both will dictate the terms.
That is what I also find fascinating. I think the Americans aren't going to allow Egypt to buy Chinese.

What's Americans going to do? Fight Chinese? Gimme a break. America ain't what it used to be. Socialism destroyed America after the Cold War.
What's Americans going to do? Fight Chinese? Gimme a break. America ain't what it used to be. Socialism destroyed America after the Cold War.

Fight Chinese? Of course not. The Americans are going to pressure Egypt instead.
Fight Chinese? Of course not. The Americans are going to pressure Egypt instead.

China has more money. China has more power. Egypt follows the strong. Socialism destroyed America after the Cold War. China dominates.
Egypt should go for J10 with Russian AL31. Egyptian forces have more experience maintaining Russian equipment, like Iraqi armed forces.

But why getting the most modern J-10C variant (if true and in fact I still question these reports!) with an old dated and less reliable engine than the current WS-10B?

If you change the racing horse to a better one, you don't rely on another chain which limits its serviceability.

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