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Egyptian Military Industries & Products


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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@The SC please provide information about the manufacturing companies of those military products in Egypt. For example in Iran, HESA produces jet engines and fighter jets. Or in Turkey they have Aselsan, Roketsan etc.

And if possible, please let us know which Egyptian scientists have been working on military and industrial projects. Who guides Egyptian missile program? Which ones of Egyptian military commanders or generals leads self sufficiency in Egyptian military? Are they even interested in self sufficiency and how?

Details about those manufacturers are most appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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@The SC please provide information about the manufacturing companies of those military products in Egypt. For example in Iran, HESA produces jet engines and fighter jets. Or in Turkey they have Aselsan, Roketsan etc.

The main co. in Egypt is the Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) which is the same company that I mentioned in my previous post about the HA-300 fighter jet. It became official in 1975 but its core has been there since the early 1950s. I'll let SC answer the rest of your questions since you asked him. But that's the main co. that also assembled all the M1A1 Abrams and the Maadi Misr AK variants and all sorts of munitions etc. It also has an engine factory and maintenance depot etc. Source.

There's also the Alexandria Ship Factory which deals with shipbuilding and all the naval products.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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@The SC please provide information about the manufacturing companies of those military products in Egypt. For example in Iran, HESA produces jet engines and fighter jets. Or in Turkey they have Aselsan, Roketsan etc.

And if possible, please let us know which Egyptian scientists have been working on military and industrial projects. Who guides Egyptian missile program? Which ones of Egyptian military commanders or generals leads self sufficiency in Egyptian military? Are they even interested in self sufficiency and how?

Details about those manufacturers are most appreciated.

Thanks in advance
After @GoMig-21 answer..there is the National Organization for Military Production (NOMP) and some private and semi- private companies manufacturing military systems whose names were mentioned in this thread with the weapons they produce .. like The International Marathon United Technology Group, an Egyptian firm, producing both the ST-100 and the ST-500 MRAPS..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Documentary film of the Egyptian frigate Port Said



Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
And if possible, please let us know which Egyptian scientists have been working on military and industrial projects. Who guides Egyptian missile program? Which ones of Egyptian military commanders or generals leads self sufficiency in Egyptian military? Are they even interested in self sufficiency and how?
Those are National Security secrets, no one knows who is the leader of those projects. But we could certainly tell old ones like Abd Al-Halim Abu-Ghazala who truly changed our military project and was a leader for our missile projects (example : the JV between Egypt, Argentina and Iraq). He even smuggled some sophiscated missile components like Reinforced carbon–carbon from US Army facilities etc... with the help of an american-egyptian rocket scientist (Abdelkader Helmy). But we got caught by the US thus with the pressure of US, Mubarak ousted him. But he didn't just focus on missiles projects but also the M1 Abrams (he was the one who made us produce locally the tank), also the Alpha Jet project (producing locally).


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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And if possible, please let us know which Egyptian scientists have been working on military and industrial projects. Who guides Egyptian missile program? Which ones of Egyptian military commanders or generals leads self sufficiency in Egyptian military? Are they even interested in self sufficiency and how?

What do you want their phone numbers, too? Maybe their home addresses how about their bank account numbers? LMFAO! 😂

I'm just messing with you bro, lol. :D We actually appreciate your interest, for sure. (y)


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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What do you want their phone numbers, too? Maybe their home addresses how about their bank account numbers? LMFAO! 😂

I'm just messing with you bro, lol. :D We actually appreciate your interest, for sure. (y)
I know what I asked for looked a bit strange. But in Iran we have plenty of them. After fall of western puppet the last Pahlavi king of Iran, we couldn't even produce fence for our border forces.

It was because the Israel-loving king of Iran was completely dependent upon foreign suppliers for military equipment.

The leadership of Islamic revolution felt a serious need for self sufficiency in every sector from military to civilian. The Iran-Iraq war and invasion on Iran was the peak of this feeling hence multiple Jihadi organisations were formed to support self sufficiency in ground forces, airforce, navy and air defense forces in both IRGC and the regular army.

For example IRGC has this Jihadi org.

Most importantly Iranian top military commanders are somehow scientists in their own rank. They not only lead their own branch but also they lead the self sufficiency in their branch of armed forces.

To name a few, Amir Farzad Esmaiili in air defense branch of army, Amir Ali Hajizadeh in aerospace branch of IRGC, Amir Heydari in army's ground force, late Shahid Tehrani Moghaddam led missile program, late shahid Fakhrizadeh led nuclear program, Abdollah Mehrabi leads IRGCASF Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization etc etc. They mostly work and worked on self-sufficiency and every possible way to achieve it.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I know what I asked for looked a bit strange. But in Iran we have plenty of them. After fall of western puppet the last Pahlavi king of Iran, we couldn't even produce fence for our border forces.

Yeah, I know what you meant, bro. For us, it was a combination of two things; 1st was the switching sides from the Soviet/Russian block to the US/Western block after the peace treaty which then set conditions for the peace which was the only way to get our land back since another war would never guarantee that with the way the US went about to save Israel from total defeat in 1973. If you think about it, the way the US jumped up and ran to help the zionist in that war was only a small indication of what it was going to do after that to make sure Egypt never threatens war again. You see it today, right? Look at all the high tech those criminals have courtesy of the US.

If we didn't make peace, half of the Sinai would've remained in zionist hands until today, just like the tiny Golan Heights which was also attempted to be liberated in the same war of 1973 and we would be just like Syria today. We didn't want that. We tried everything we could from 1948 and suffered greatly from then on to 1956, the disaster of 1967 the War of Attrition, finally great success in the October War of 1973 and yes, we could've stayed in a state of war with the zionist who were completely backed by the US and that would've lasted until today.

Unless Egypt would unfortunately recognize the demon state, the United State would've never allowed another war to be initiated by Egypt even if it was to reclaim our own land. They made that clear as day and Sadat understood that. Look at what they're doing today for the demons just to fight Hamas!!! They just approved $17 billion on top of the $3.2 they get every year to fight Hamas imagine what they would've done to fight a real army like Egypt?

And what I mean by half the Sinai occupied until today? They would've owned the entire eastern half from Sharm El Sheikh all the way North to between Bir El Abd and El Arish (red line) and the peace-keeping force would most likely be placed to take up space on the Egyptian side (blue) giving us even less of our OWN LAND!


Of course that's unacceptable since that was almost the same setup as a result of Egypt's victory in the October War. That was almost how far back the zionist were forced to withdraw and we kept the other half with the UN buffer zone in the middle. So what was the better option for the country? Get it all back without war or keep a state of war and lose half of Sinai until today and you know damn well that is exactly what the zionist wanted in the first place. They wanted the keep the Sinai or as much of it as they could to annex it just like the Golan & West Bank/Jerusalem and to build settlements just like the Golan & West Bank/Jerusalem all under the pretense that they're trying to protect their occupied territory.

There are all sorts of proof of their true intensions from Golda Meir's comments to the one-eyed bandit Moshe Cryan's comments about how they would've only returned some of the land in exchange for their partial withdrawal and all that BS. Sadat knew what was up and he elected to make the peace, suffer the consequences of the backlash from the Arab & Muslim world for a little while (but that's less detrimental to Egypt than a constant state of war) and so it was done.

Then it was time to shift to Egypt's own rebuilding after 4 decades of constant war and state of war which required A LOT of domestic restructuring from the political aspect, infrastructure aspect, military aspect and the economic aspect and all the basic things that were greatly affected by war took precedence over growing a domestic military industry. Between that and Mubarak's lack of drive to build that industry and the military's grip on all things Egypt, that process has stagnated until the last 5 or 8 years or so. That's when we've started to make a more serious drive with that and especially after having modernized the army in the past 13 years, it's much easier to do now than before.
It was because the Israel-loving king of Iran was completely dependent upon foreign suppliers for military equipment.

You know I was friends with the youngest Pahlavi, right? I think I mentioned this before but after the revolution in Iran and the family was exiled, they came to Egypt as you know the Shah and Sadat were friends and the Shah was also very sick and getting worst. So 3 of the 4 kids came to the same school I was in and the young Reza was in all my classes and we would hang out and exchange homework and I would show him ways to ditch the tight Mukhabarat security that was assigned to follow him from class to class and outside the school compound lol. The older sister wow, she was a beauty. Farahnaz, I think her name was? Pretty sure that was her name and I was a few grades lower and so all the guys at her grade level were all over her loool. But my friend even came to the same city in the US as I did a few years after me and I learned a few years ago to my sorrow that he passed away. Very sad but we had great memories of that time and his family went through a lot. Whether they deserved it or not that's a separate story but from a human perspective, the family meant a lot to Egypt and Egyptians. A walk down mememory lane there lol.

The leadership of Islamic revolution felt a serious need for self sufficiency in every sector from military to civilian. The Iran-Iraq war and invasion on Iran was the peak of this feeling hence multiple Jihadi organisations were formed to support self sufficiency in ground forces, airforce, navy and air defense forces in both IRGC and the regular army.

For example IRGC has this Jihadi org.

Most importantly Iranian top military commanders are somehow scientists in their own rank. They not only lead their own branch but also they lead the self sufficiency in their branch of armed forces.

To name a few, Amir Farzad Esmaiili in air defense branch of army, Amir Ali Hajizadeh in aerospace branch of IRGC, Amir Heydari in army's ground force, late Shahid Tehrani Moghaddam led missile program, late shahid Fakhrizadeh led nuclear program, Abdollah Mehrabi leads IRGCASF Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization etc etc. They mostly work and worked on self-sufficiency and every possible way to achieve it.

Man you don't need to tell me, sir. I know a lot about Iran which is why I admire it and its people quite a bit. It's done well under a lot of adversity and the determination and will of the people is an indication of its overall strength.
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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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What happened in Iran? An Egyptian message of deterrence and Israeli escalation

From 7:22 mn

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Egyptian ballistic missiles: How did Egypt develop them and hide their secret for 50 years, and how did Israel discover them and warn against them?



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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What happened in Iran? An Egyptian message of deterrence and Israeli escalation

Marker is going full conspiracy, ey? He's convinced the president & FM of Iran's deaths was 98% an internal op and 99% a zionist op! A 1% difference between the two lol.

I'm honestly surprised but at least he offered his reasoning behind thinking why he's so convinced of the latter more so than the former with the Slovakian president attempted assassination and the other one not sure which he was referring to. I think it was just an unfortunate accident that was the result of a combination of lack of modernization with that particular helicopter and maybe some procedural elements but I'm no one to judge the efficacy of another powerful country's military procedures.

Those EgyptSat1 pics are great. Hopefully the war in Ukraine will drive Egypt to pursue its satellite & space industry to become much more independent. A good way to do that now that the Egyptian National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences has tons of experience building satellites with the Ukraine, it can venture on its own considering the war and start working on the delivery systems, rockets. They can easily get help in coordinating efforts with the ballistic missile program.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Egypt finally reveals a locally manufactured silent remote killing weapon! He can destroy major fleets


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Egyptian military deals Sukhoi 35 Typhoon F-15 Barracuda aircraft carrier Fighter Egyptian tank


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