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Egyptian Military Industries & Products


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Egyptian military deals Sukhoi 35 Typhoon F-15 Barracuda aircraft carrier Fighter Egyptian tank

This is pretty wild stuff, bro. I like what I'm hearing for the most part.

It seems like no one knows what the hell is going on with the Su-35s LOL. At the same time, he did elude to the fact that Sukhoi has pumped out a few of them for the VVS AND made the connection I mentioned on the EAF thread of the similarities in the camo pattern to the EAF. But reality is the EAF ones were painted in the same pattern as the original Russian Su-35s but with slightly darker blues. And with Iran getting them not panning out so far, it seems those things are still in limbo but no one knows for sure except the Russians (and they ain't saying diddly squat) and the EAF who's definitely clamped up completely. So that's that.

Then we have the F-15s which we kinda knew what was going on, the US is pulling the same crap it always does putting heavy usage restrictions on them and it even sounds like they're not offering the AIM-120 or 9X and with the combination of those two restrictions, they'll be on the same level as the EAF's F-16s and is actually exactly what the Tactical Report said. Hence no accepted order from the EAF submitted to the US which is why the offer hasn't even been submitted to congress. Limbooo.

What he said about the Typhoon is also in line with Tactical Report so maybe he's getting some of his info from there as well as Egyptian sources and making his own mind up. But the Typhoon seems to be waiting only for the new Italian PM to approve the $3 billion contract for the 24 jets as he put it, so that's pretty wild because if that's the case, then they agreed on the weapons package which means................. Could that be? Interesting.

The rest is pretty much what we already know. The 6 Barracuda subs are on hold until Egypt finds out how it can come up with $4.5 billion for them lol, and the T-50 Golden Eagle ToT domestic assembly should be agreed on in the next few months and he predicts the announcing of the contract to be made at the airshow in El Alamein come this September. He also mentioned the insistance of the EAF to change major elements AND to allow for higher level ToT, as in actual construction and not assembly which is great. We've already assembled hundreds of K-8s time to step it up.

The K2 is interesting also I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that considering all the tanks we already have and, what happened to the T-90MS sounds like it's out the door? Was that a better option? We'll have to discuss deeper and really bang out the details of both tanks to decide on that. I tend to lean to the T-90MS simply because I know more about it and its capabilities plus it's Russian and how could we not love the Russians?


Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
The K2 is interesting also I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that considering all the tanks we already have and, what happened to the T-90MS sounds like it's out the door? Was that a better option? We'll have to discuss deeper and really bang out the details of both tanks to decide on that. I tend to lean to the T-90MS simply because I know more about it and its capabilities plus it's Russian and how could we not love the Russians?
Honestly I will trust more Mahmoud Gamal than anyone. I remember he said on twitter that it was only talking and the deal was never sealed


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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In this one our friend from Sahat El 3askareyya says the reason for the Su-35s delay so far is that the EAF requested the Su-57s Byelka AESA radar because of the phony baloney Rafale/SPECTRA/Jamming/SU-30MKI radars which we don't even know if it happened or not. I think he's also in slight denial about CAATSA and just going with wishful thinking. I hope he's right, but he really has no proof or source to base that radar change request by the EAF on.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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This is pretty wild stuff, bro. I like what I'm hearing for the most part.

It seems like no one knows what the hell is going on with the Su-35s LOL. At the same time, he did elude to the fact that Sukhoi has pumped out a few of them for the VVS AND made the connection I mentioned on the EAF thread of the similarities in the camo pattern to the EAF. But reality is the EAF ones were painted in the same pattern as the original Russian Su-35s but with slightly darker blues. And with Iran getting them not panning out so far, it seems those things are still in limbo but no one knows for sure except the Russians (and they ain't saying diddly squat) and the EAF who's definitely clamped up completely. So that's that.

Then we have the F-15s which we kinda knew what was going on, the US is pulling the same crap it always does putting heavy usage restrictions on them and it even sounds like they're not offering the AIM-120 or 9X and with the combination of those two restrictions, they'll be on the same level as the EAF's F-16s and is actually exactly what the Tactical Report said. Hence no accepted order from the EAF submitted to the US which is why the offer hasn't even been submitted to congress. Limbooo.

What he said about the Typhoon is also in line with Tactical Report so maybe he's getting some of his info from there as well as Egyptian sources and making his own mind up. But the Typhoon seems to be waiting only for the new Italian PM to approve the $3 billion contract for the 24 jets as he put it, so that's pretty wild because if that's the case, then they agreed on the weapons package which means................. Could that be? Interesting.

The rest is pretty much what we already know. The 6 Barracuda subs are on hold until Egypt finds out how it can come up with $4.5 billion for them lol, and the T-50 Golden Eagle ToT domestic assembly should be agreed on in the next few months and he predicts the announcing of the contract to be made at the airshow in El Alamein come this September. He also mentioned the insistance of the EAF to change major elements AND to allow for higher level ToT, as in actual construction and not assembly which is great. We've already assembled hundreds of K-8s time to step it up.

The K2 is interesting also I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that considering all the tanks we already have and, what happened to the T-90MS sounds like it's out the door? Was that a better option? We'll have to discuss deeper and really bang out the details of both tanks to decide on that. I tend to lean to the T-90MS simply because I know more about it and its capabilities plus it's Russian and how could we not love the Russians?
For the 24 typhoons..everything was agreed to since it was Italy who has offered the Meteor.. now it is most likely a question of finances like the Barracuda.. no other worries ..even the latest strategic deals signed with the EU were led by the the new Italian PM!

The K2 is very interesting as a future tank since it will come with ToT.. And since Egypt always had both Eastern and Western components for its armed forces.. the T-90 MS still has its place too..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Military bomb! The opening of the first technical school specialized in aircraft manufacturing in Egypt coincided with the escalation of the situation with Israel



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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These were the ones we were talking about on the EAF thread, SC bro.

Egyptian-made air-to-ground munitions known as Hafez series, including inert/training and armed versions modeled from the well-known US created MK 82/84 unguided bombs. Hafez 1, 2 & 3.





And of course the fuse caps are also locally manufactured.


These are produced through AOI which is also making TV, INS and Laser Guidance kits to fit the unguided bombs and turn them to smart munitions. The Egyptian guidance units have been displayed under the name of Egyptian Guided Bomb (EGB). EGB 1, 2 & 3 to correspond with the Hafez series.



They were also exhibited in EDEX 2023 last September within AOI production exhibit.
The Arab Organization for Industrialization unveils Hafez, a new family of air-to-ground munitions for the Egyptian Air Force.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Egyptian army develops 40 Amoun air defense batteries, the Spanish submarine deal manufactures the Rafale fighter locally



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The Egyptian army develops 40 Amoun air defense batteries, the Spanish submarine deal manufactures the Rafale fighter locally

Really pumping out these new version Skyguard Amouns, that's great. Making good use of the abundance of the locally made 7M Sparrow missiles, I see. Makes you also wonder if they're upgrading the surface to air version of the 7M Sparrow, and we saw what looked like a new version of the A2A Sparrow with a completely new glass seeker head, could that be in fact an upgraded version of the A2A version? BTW, when he says 7M I'm assuming he is talking about the AIM-7, just the surface to air version.

BTW, Raytheon Co. that builds all those missiles from the AIM series to the PAC 1, 2 & 3 and whatever else they build, is about 45 minutes away from where @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose and me live. Kinda wild when you think about it. Maybe I should go there and ask them some questions? looool....noT!

Hey as far as Dassault, honestly, it will be beyond amazing if they pull off the local Rafale assembly. Have they mentioned what the cost of that program could potentially be SC? Or @Sami_1 ?

And it looks like they're leaning towards the Spanish-built heavy submarines. Did they ever mention why they moved away from Thyssenkrupp and the German subs? Was it mostly because of financing like he said or did the Germans start with the zionist QME crap? Pretty wild they were even interested in the Japanese subs. We know from the brutal Japanese empire how good they were at building subs going way back then. Interesting that they have all these super strict export laws. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the US' strict armament rules initiated as a result of Japan's unconditional surrender in WWII.

I know this bit of news probably belongs more in the Industrial thread but seeing that there is huge interest in Indian military technology by Egypt, I figured I would throw this in here.

Modi wins another term as PM of India. Interesting how diplomatic he is towards a predominantly Muslim country and a Muslim leader. After all, I don't think it's a big secret that he and his party are not necessarily huge supporters of Muslims in general. And his & India's support of the zionist makes any military cooperation with Egypt juuuuuust a bit suspect. At least we have to ask some questions anyway, right?

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Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
Really pumping out these new version Skyguard Amouns, that's great. Making good use of the abundance of the locally made 7M Sparrow missiles, I see. Makes you also wonder if they're upgrading the surface to air version of the 7M Sparrow, and we saw what looked like a new version of the A2A Sparrow with a completely new glass seeker head, could that be in fact an upgraded version of the A2A version? BTW, when he says 7M I'm assuming he is talking about the AIM-7, just the surface to air version.

BTW, Raytheon Co. that builds all those missiles from the AIM series to the PAC 1, 2 & 3 and whatever else they build, is about 45 minutes away from where @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose and me live. Kinda wild when you think about it. Maybe I should go there and ask them some questions? looool....noT!

Hey as far as Dassault, honestly, it will be beyond amazing if they pull off the local Rafale assembly. Have they mentioned what the cost of that program could potentially be SC? Or @Sami_1 ?

And it looks like they're leaning towards the Spanish-built heavy submarines. Did they ever mention why they moved away from Thyssenkrupp and the German subs? Was it mostly because of financing like he said or did the Germans start with the zionist QME crap? Pretty wild they were even interested in the Japanese subs. We know from the brutal Japanese empire how good they were at building subs going way back then. Interesting that they have all these super strict export laws. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the US' strict armament rules initiated as a result of Japan's unconditional surrender in WWII.

I know this bit of news probably belongs more in the Industrial thread but seeing that there is huge interest in Indian military technology by Egypt, I figured I would throw this in here.

Modi wins another term as PM of India. Interesting how diplomatic he is towards a predominantly Muslim country and a Muslim leader. After all, I don't think it's a big secret that he and his party are not necessarily huge supporters of Muslims in general. And his & India's support of the zionist makes any military cooperation with Egypt juuuuuust a bit suspect. At least we have to ask some questions anyway, right?

The issue of developing Amun batteries to replace SPARROW missiles, I think is taken into consideration in general
The solutions are cooperation with the Europeans and Americans in developing batteries. It is true that it depends on fire management systems and the development of missiles, but whether developing missiles or using alternative missiles are matters that countries are always working on. Let us remember for many years the American Charbell missile systems.
MIM-72 Chaparral At one point, Egypt wanted to integrate missiles
AIM-120 & HELFIRE with this system and the solutions are varied and as seen by countries
The option of installing a new seeker head is positive on old missiles such as the AIM-7
This would be a recipient of missiles whose age is low, but not 40 years old
The issue of Egypt's possession of BVR missiles is not a problem related to the solutions that Egypt chose
It is diverse
Give a simple example. There are options for developing Egyptian F-16 fighters
Whether through programs with Greece and Turkey
And even through South Korea and its FA-50 production program
In exchange for manufacturing components for the development of the F-16

Or even another party comes to a point of rejecting the Americans. For many years, the Americans have understood one point and can evade sanctions, but that does not prevent countries from completely bypassing them and bypassing them.
F-16 fighters

Very old fighters hence the availability of spare parts
We come to the RAFALE aircraft manufacturing point
Egypt has hangars for assembling fighters, but there are minimum limits for assembly, such as 24 fighters being assembled through a new deal of 30 aircraft, and manufacturing requires larger numbers.
There are other options, such as Yam Egypt producing a new batch of MIG-35 aircraft, especially since Egypt is cooperating with India to manufacture spare parts for it, and even India is producing the RD-33 engine, recently for export.

The same applies to the SU-35 fighters. Egypt needed no less than 60 planes in total, as a total.
The Americans were not contracted for anything, whether F-15EX fighters. Egypt requested the integration of the AIM-260 missile as an impossible condition for not contracting with the Americans, because the Americans reject this. We want the rejection to be on their part in order to search for better solutions.

In general, Egypt does not wait long before Western countries, but rather closes the door and searches for an alternative

India Turkey China South Korea cooperate with them
They would have entered in large quantities of weapons, as Western weapons requests are in limited numbers. Egypt has limited its request for the RAFALE aircraft to a maximum of 100 aircraft. It is not a condition for cooperation with India in a complete weapon, but rather sub-parts and components. The same matter. There is cooperation with Pakistan in components or parts of weapons. Not a complete weapon. The Brazilians. There is cooperation either. In the manufacture of helicopter spare parts, specific components, or life services for various aircraft

Regarding submarine deals, I think that Egypt was confused about an alternative to the submarine
TYPE-33 Chinese submarine

Egypt regains its submarine force, with a total number of between 14-16, in addition to missile submarines.
Egypt's purchase of submarines. Egypt is not interested in rejecting the Germans or making them an offer
They are versions equipped with the latest equipment and can be installed with the AIP system as a light guard dive. There is still a need for heavy dives. The competition is diverse, not Spanish or French, perhaps Japanese Sōryū as well.
The West, Egypt, did not wait long for them. When the French and the Italians lingered in the OPV ships, they turned to the South Koreans.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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It is not a condition for cooperation with India in a complete weapon, but rather sub-parts and components. The same matter. There is cooperation with Pakistan in components or parts of weapons. Not a complete weapon.

This is a good point I've always been meaning to talk about but for some reason it never came up. I don't think that many of the Pakistani fellas on this forum or otherwise know the extent of this particular aspect of cooperation between Pakistan & Egypt. I'm sure they're aware of our assembling of the K8 Karakorum in Egypt through Pakistani assistance and all that good stuff, but I'm not sure they realize the extent of Egypt's supplying of the various & many F-16 spare parts to Pakistan. Instead, some of them bust our balls about the "prowess of BVR and the AIM-120 yahoooooo" and that's it. As if we wouldn't know or recognize the importance of having advanced BVR missiles or that we're not doing everything we can to circumvent the despicable QME that has frankly crippled our ability to become even stronger. At the same time, it's not like we're sitting ducks, either, and THAT seems to be something they're not willing to at least understand, even if they don't agree with it. At least understand that there is a huge effort to mitigate that crippling effect and that we're not just sitting on our asses sucking our thumbs.

The West, Egypt, did not wait long for them. When the French and the Italians lingered in the OPV ships, they turned to the South Koreans.

This is what is great about Sisi. He's brought that attitude (and with a smile, too) that if YOU don't wish to supply us with what we want & need, we'll simply go somewhere else thank you very much indeed.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Really pumping out these new version Skyguard Amouns, that's great. Making good use of the abundance of the locally made 7M Sparrow missiles, I see. Makes you also wonder if they're upgrading the surface to air version of the 7M Sparrow, and we saw what looked like a new version of the A2A Sparrow with a completely new glass seeker head, could that be in fact an upgraded version of the A2A version? BTW, when he says 7M I'm assuming he is talking about the AIM-7, just the surface to air version.

BTW, Raytheon Co. that builds all those missiles from the AIM series to the PAC 1, 2 & 3 and whatever else they build, is about 45 minutes away from where @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose and me live. Kinda wild when you think about it. Maybe I should go there and ask them some questions? looool....noT!

Hey as far as Dassault, honestly, it will be beyond amazing if they pull off the local Rafale assembly. Have they mentioned what the cost of that program could potentially be SC? Or @Sami_1 ?

And it looks like they're leaning towards the Spanish-built heavy submarines. Did they ever mention why they moved away from Thyssenkrupp and the German subs? Was it mostly because of financing like he said or did the Germans start with the zionist QME crap? Pretty wild they were even interested in the Japanese subs. We know from the brutal Japanese empire how good they were at building subs going way back then. Interesting that they have all these super strict export laws. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with the US' strict armament rules initiated as a result of Japan's unconditional surrender in WWII.

I know this bit of news probably belongs more in the Industrial thread but seeing that there is huge interest in Indian military technology by Egypt, I figured I would throw this in here.

Modi wins another term as PM of India. Interesting how diplomatic he is towards a predominantly Muslim country and a Muslim leader. After all, I don't think it's a big secret that he and his party are not necessarily huge supporters of Muslims in general. And his & India's support of the zionist makes any military cooperation with Egypt juuuuuust a bit suspect. At least we have to ask some questions anyway, right?

What is new in the Amoun system is the whole launcher and the sophisticated electronics.. the Sparrow 7 is still the same..and it proved successful in the tests..

As far as the Rafale assembly is concerned ..It won't materialize before 2030.. but there is a big chance for the most important spare parts and even parts of the Engine and the avionics to start before that.. considering the 80 Rafale the UAE bought, the Qatari ones and the potential Saudi deal on top of the Egyptian 54 and the announcement by Egypt to go up to 100.. Dassault will be most happy to have at least a maintenance and repair plus some production in the region as a whole.. we are talking about more than 300 Rafales in the Arab world now subject to more deals.. In fact Dassault should give a whole Production line as ToT for the region with the plant in Egypt..

The Spanish S-80 as their best frigates and destroyers are full of US components.. the S-80 didn't even had a good start..it sank during the first tests and was totally redesigned in the US.. but it is a good negotiation card along with the Japanese Suryu class and even the German subs.. for Egypt to obtain what it wants from France..the Scorpene and the Barracuda..

Egypt should restrain its dealing with India to Electronics in all fields.. that is really one area where India seems to excel..

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