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Egyptian Military Industries & Products


Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
You should resolve whatever personal problem you may have with the military establishment in your mind. The "three wars" that you claim are proof of whatever fictitious point you are alluding to show that you know very little about national/military dynamics. The first war was in 1948, i.e. during the time of the monarchy when Egypt still had tens of thousands of British troops on its soil and an ill trained and ill equipped army. The second war (1956) was against two world superpowers and their proxy. One of the reasons for the launch of that war in addition to the nationalization of the Suez Canal was the Czech-Egyptian arms deal of 1955. The third war was lost due to major deception on part of the world powers and an incompetent upper echelon which involved the country in a costly war in Yemen and refused to implement recommendations given by other officers.

Your approach to domestic manufacturing of weapons is naive at best. The decision to build and reinvigorate the country's military power was one that was taken out of absolute necessity. The environment necessary to cultivate a larger defense sector relies on the political will and ambition in the presence of an environment that allows you to take risks. Egypt is just beginning to have that. It had it under Mubarak, yet very little actually got done. Was that strictly because of the military? or was it because of the political leadership's weak and passive approach to dealing with domestic and foreign issues and the sustainment of a failing welfare state? Were the people in charge of the Democratic Nationalist Party under Mubarak from the military? No. They were low life cronies who sold the public sector for scraps after running it into the ground. What rank in the army where the people who left the country with crumbling roads? What generals were in charge of the health or education ministries? Whose decision was it to keep subsidies and delay national development and gas integration into homes just for the sake of selling the gas? Was it Abu Gazala or Tantawi that gave "manufacturers" no tariffs if they just assembled their products in the country even if there are no domestically produced components in it and thus destroying national industry? Which member of the SCAF supported the continued inflation of the civil sector and bureaucracy with no real productivity just to keep unemployment down? Throwing it all on the military as an establishment has got to be the most ignorant and child-like approach I have ever seen.

There is plenty to criticize. What needs to be fixed is the inflated bureaucracy, lack of digitization, and lax applications of the law. Whatever title the person has does not matter.

It is clear that you do not understand anything about launching the lie about corrupt weapons during the reign of King Farouk. It was a lie. The military said to demonize him and to justify the theft of the state. The revolution of 1952 was sponsored by America, and military industrialization began during the reign of King Farouk.

The defeat of 1956 was also the result of stupid decisions and repeating the same defeat because it was the same failed group. Did Egypt only achieve military defeats?
Rather, it achieved the transfer of the corrupt Soviet model in selecting the corrupt and incompetent as leaders to maintain the stability of the ruling system, and this has been followed until this point. Rather, the matter has developed in that any competence or benefit in the state is being eliminated outside the current gang organization to harm it.

We come to important matters about the Egyptian state
Egypt is mentioned in the Qur’an as the richest country in the world. It is the treasures of the earth, but it is led by a corrupt system.
Who destroyed the military industry is the current regime since the beginning of 2013
Where he seized the funds of military production factories and the Arab Organization for Industrialization allocated for development and aircraft and missile production projects, they are called private funds for more reasons, which is passing arms deals worth 60-100 billion dollars, from which huge commissions are passed. Isn’t this corruption under the pretext of not having a budget and also for privatization of cadres that have been trained? To implement the planned projects, the team’s hopes were taken out and disposed of. The factory was not developed, so we import to protect national security. They make national security work for their personal interests, even if it is against Egypt as a country and as a state.

The same applies to deliberately not completing the factory development plan for 2007-2012 under the pretext of the 2011 revolution and postponing the development of factories for the same previous plan.
Permanently announcing that there is no real budget for research and development, and even the prototypes that are implemented are later canceled on the pretext that there is no budget, but the money is allocated to other things.

If only 10 billion were invested in scientific research and weapons development, Egypt would have saved more than 50 billion. Egypt did not apply offset in arms deals as it used to apply in the past, nor implement BOT projects, nor any formula that reduces the value of the Egyptian currency, the Egyptian economy, or arms quantities. Therefore, call the state. Poor or there are no trustees. You are deliberately destroying capabilities for the sake of the interests of gangs that lead insatiably to theft without any deterrent.

Did you know that Egypt has had its fighter assembly lines and training aircraft closed since 2011?
Did you know that Egypt has one of the three largest tank factories in the world, whose production does not exceed 10% of its real capacity?

Did you know that the jeep factory closed two years ago?

The plan implemented since 2013 is to distort the entire civil sector in the Egyptian state, monopolize state administration through the military, and control the Engineering Authority and the National Service Agency over state projects, meaning an economic occupation. As a result, all the projects they implemented were implemented with a high degree of corruption because the military and intelligence personnel cannot be punished.
Everyone is talking about corruption in large farm projects, and Hamdi Badin heard him with knowledge in the field of corruption. When you select a corrupt person as a share of the state’s cake, it is to legalize corruption.
The same applies to corruption in agricultural greenhouses and corruption lining the canals
Why does the army seize control of the economy when it is not the army’s job? Its mission is national security and protecting Egypt from foreign threats, and not completely seizing Egypt’s mining revolutions. Thank God, their affiliated company, Shalatin and Imex, failed within 10 years.
You are naive if you think that those who expose their corruption are not military personnel and not former officers in the intelligence service. As civilians, we see corruption in companies that have direct contact with civilians, such as companies in the National Service Service. However, the rest of the pillars of the system are exposed by the military, including those with the rank of major general. Any of us are exposed by other military personnel who reject their corrupt system. It is not the role of the army to seize control of the economy when the army has a monopoly on sugar imports and runs the Sugar and Integrated Industries Company as an army brigade, and this company, instead of making huge profits, makes modest profits due to corruption. What is the comment? Is it the role of the army to produce biscuits, grow cantaloupes, and raise chicks and chickens?

Running a country within ten years
Was national security preserved by selling the islands and transforming Tiran Sanafir into international waters instead of within Egyptian territorial waters?
Did he make Egyptian land sold for 6 times the amount of land in the world to Egyptians and have the army seize all state land under the pretext of protecting it and then sell it?

Is protecting national security related to the destruction of iron, steel, coke, and 100 Egyptian factories so that Egypt is unable to benefit from 900 million tons of iron ore?
More than 23,000 private sector factories were closed. Is it personal problems between me and the army?
Did Egypt drown in debt? An internal debt of 6,000 billion pounds and an external debt of 168 billion. These numbers are not huge, and they are very simple as a result of the failure of the state administration to obtain returns from projects worth 25,000 billion pounds.
When Mohammed bin Salman insulted the army and the state and said they gave them 14 billion dollars, they gave the budget 12 and they stole the rest. Isn’t this leak considered an insult to the Egyptian state because of them?

Do you know how the Egyptian pound was destroyed? The Suez Canal Project. The project was planned to be implemented from state resources within 5 years. Sisi decided to implement it within 1 year. The result was a shortage in the currency, the value of the currency decreased, and Egypt fell under the control of the World Bank and the Rescue Fund. That is, simply a failed decision without study and return. Its result is disastrous, and Al-Sisi admits that he does not recognize the feasibility study or the practical concepts in management. He remembers it as a livestock farm managed by the government.

Things are very simple. Any project or any development program in Egypt is fought for a simple reason: pleasing the outside world is clearer with every simple example.
Egypt - Israel put pressure on it, and when Egypt yielded, Egypt received 35 billion dollars from the sale of Ras Al-Hikma lands, and Egypt obtained 8 billion dollars from the state monetary fund and from the European Union in exchange for 9 billion. Isn’t this in exchange for Egypt accepting numbers of Palestinians smuggling and Egypt’s complete exit from The Palestinian issue and condoning the killing of thousands of Palestinians and not helping them
Egyptian National Security: Was it sheltered in Sudan, or were the Egyptians and their army insulted in Mater Marwee air port in Sudan? Does Egypt have the influence of Saudi Arabia and the international quartet controlling Sudan? And the crisis there was decided by America, Europe and Turkey, through the militias, placing the Libyan government and deciding on it through Skhirat. What is Egypt doing as if it does not exist? That is, it simply failed to Protecting Egyptian national security
Egyptian water security failed to protect it, and Ethiopia stole 50 billion cubic meters of water from the Nile and controlled the Nile, and the army did not care and did not play a role in this disaster. Why, because they will not give up their control over 52% and thousands of billions of pounds, and they protect Egypt and fight to protect Egypt’s security, of course not.
What is known globally is that when the army controls the money and the state’s economy, the state collapses because they turn into a system that plunders the state, and this is the reason for the collapse of the state of Sudan. It spies it and controls 85%.

Things are very simple. Bad results are the result of poor planning and implementation. It is not an accusation, but rather an economy of a country that is destroyed, national security that is ignored, a people that is impoverished, a bad future for a country that is poorly managed.

The value of my opinion is important when the situation matches it. We do not claim that the state has failed while it is successful. We do not claim that they are dishonest and they are honorable. We do not claim that they are stupid and corrupt while they are developing Egypt. The facts are very clear. The private sector is fleeing to Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

As long as the Egyptian economy has been weakened and the country has been marginalized and has become worthless among countries in the region and no one cares about Egypt’s interests in the Middle East, then no dog can speak or defend a failed and corrupt regime.
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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The first war was in 1948, i.e. during the time of the monarchy when Egypt still had tens of thousands of British troops on its soil and an ill trained and ill equipped army. The second war (1956) was against two world superpowers and their proxy. One of the reasons for the launch of that war in addition to the nationalization of the Suez Canal was the Czech-Egyptian arms deal of 1955. The third war was lost due to major deception on part of the world powers and an incompetent upper echelon which involved the country in a costly war in Yemen and refused to implement recommendations given by other officers.

This is one of the best articulations of the 3 wars preceding 1973 that I can remember ever reading. Masterful description.

A lot of people simply stop at the "big picture" and never bother to analyze beyond the simple result of the wars, often time leading to simplistic conclusions such as "Egypt lost 3 wars what an embarrassment" and so on. But like you astutely pointed out, the dynamics that shaped the losses were so overwhelming that (at least in 2 of the 3 wars) they can never be construed simply as "embarrassing losses."

1948 Egypt didn't even have a fully organized military. Period. And like you said, the monarchy was subservient to the British who had their army essentially controlling the country.

1956 in no way and not even in a Stephen Spielberg movie could the great United States fight and win against Britain, France and Israel combined let alone Egypt. To simply assess that "event" as a war let alone a loss is beyond the realm of reality. And besides, the fact that Nasser gets credit for the nationalization of the Suez Canal as a political victory is even more of an indication that it shouldn't even be considered a war in the first place, but a flagrant violation of national sovereignty depending on one's view of whether Nasser had the right to end the 100-year contract on the privatization of the canal ahead of its contractual expiration date. But that's an entirely other matter and doesn't have any bearing on whether the political victory had a right to be achieved or not. It was so that's all that matters.

1967 while there was a significant deception from the world powers (the Soviet Union in particular), I do hold Nasser & co. to task and blame for not just a blundering defeat, but an inexcusable one. To have allowed for a repeated result by the weakest of the 3 powers that launched the same exact war plan 10 years earlier and the way they went about it was a shameful disaster. But I still agree with you on the deception part which played a pivotal part in handing the Sinai over to the zionist. Your breakdown is well put-together.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Country of Residence
Running a country within ten years
Was national security preserved by selling the islands and transforming Tiran Sanafir into international waters instead of within Egyptian territorial waters?
Did he make Egyptian land sold for 6 times the amount of land in the world to Egyptians and have the army seize all state land under the pretext of protecting it and then sell it?

Didn't the court rule both islands to have always been Saudi territory? Are we suggesting that the court ruling was also corrupted?

Do you know how the Egyptian pound was destroyed? The Suez Canal Project. The project was planned to be implemented from state resources within 5 years. Sisi decided to implement it within 1 year. The result was a shortage in the currency, the value of the currency decreased, and Egypt fell under the control of the World Bank and the Rescue Fund. That is, simply a failed decision without study and return. Its result is disastrous, and Al-Sisi admits that he does not recognize the feasibility study or the practical concepts in management. He remembers it as a livestock farm managed by the government.

I agree, this was a risk that Sisi took and it backfired, even though he tried like hell to keep the pound floating as long as it possibly could until there was just no way around it and in all fairness, was it worth it? That's really the main question to be asking, not the fact that he pushed it and went ahead with forcing it to be a 1-year project which cost 5 times what it would've had it taken the 5 years, but if it was worth it in the end and I say yes. Sometimes for the sake of development you must take risks. Granted you don't take them blindly and that wasn't the case, either. He did appoint a group of qualified economists from the ministry of finance to study the risks and it was supposed to pay for itself by the increase in revenue from the increased canal traffic. The only problem was that increase in revenue came too slowly and by the time it was reaching record-high numbers, the contractual time had elapsed which was essentially a default but in the end it worked. So, it wasn't a failure by any means, quite the opposite it just took too long to see the fruits of its labor.
Jan 19, 2024
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Country of Residence
This is one of the best articulations of the 3 wars preceding 1973 that I can remember ever reading. Masterful description.

A lot of people simply stop at the "big picture" and never bother to analyze beyond the simple result of the wars, often time leading to simplistic conclusions such as "Egypt lost 3 wars what an embarrassment" and so on. But like you astutely pointed out, the dynamics that shaped the losses were so overwhelming that (at least in 2 of the 3 wars) they can never be construed simply as "embarrassing losses."

1948 Egypt didn't even have a fully organized military. Period. And like you said, the monarchy was subservient to the British who had their army essentially controlling the country.

1956 in no way and not even in a Stephen Spielberg movie could the great United States fight and win against Britain, France and Israel combined let alone Egypt. To simply assess that "event" as a war let alone a loss is beyond the realm of reality. And besides, the fact that Nasser gets credit for the nationalization of the Suez Canal as a political victory is even more of an indication that it shouldn't even be considered a war in the first place, but a flagrant violation of national sovereignty depending on one's view of whether Nasser had the right to end the 100-year contract on the privatization of the canal ahead of its contractual expiration date. But that's an entirely other matter and doesn't have any bearing on whether the political victory had a right to be achieved or not. It was so that's all that matters.

1967 while there was a significant deception from the world powers (the Soviet Union in particular), I do hold Nasser & co. to task and blame for not just a blundering defeat, but an inexcusable one. To have allowed for a repeated result by the weakest of the 3 powers that launched the same exact war plan 10 years earlier and the way they went about it was a shameful disaster. But I still agree with you on the deception part which played a pivotal part in handing the Sinai over to the zionist. Your breakdown is well put-together.
Thanks! You should look up some of the documents released by the British government regarding the Suez Canal in the past couple of years. Basically, it talks about how the struggle to return the ownership of the Canal was prior to 1952, and that the UK had no intention to give it back after the expiration of the contract. It makes a lot of sense, if they only gave provisional control of Hong Kong to a nuclear-armed great power like China only a couple of decades ago, what possible reason would they have given up an asset like the Suez Canal to a much weaker country like Egypt?
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Jan 19, 2024
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
Didn't the court rule both islands to have always been Saudi territory? Are we suggesting that the court ruling was also corrupted?

The issue is not with the Islands themselves, but rather with Egypt abiding by the 1982 UN Covention of the law of the Sea. How we approached the demarcation agreement with Saudi Arabia ultimately determined how the agreements with Greece and Cyprus were made and recognized. Also, the Saudis pretty much put one of the final nails in the coffin of the Halayeb and Shalatin matter by recognizing it as Egyptian as a part of the demarcation agreement. All these intricacies are what made Mubarak too scared to take decisive action regarding the matter. That's what Sisi meant back then about how this matter was put off for way too long. Also, the strait of tiran being open has nothing to do with the agreement but was agreed upon in the Camp David Accords. Remember, the action that the Israelis officially used as their Casus Belli in 1967 was the closing of the strait of tiran, so it was only natural for it to be recognized as an international waterway under the peace agreement. Also, the only tool that could actually protect Egyptian interest in any confrontation is military strength.
I agree, this was a risk that Sisi took and it backfired, even though he tried like hell to keep the pound floating as long as it possibly could until there was just no way around it and in all fairness, was it worth it? That's really the main question to be asking, not the fact that he pushed it and went ahead with forcing it to be a 1-year project which cost 5 times what it would've had it taken the 5 years, but if it was worth it in the end and I say yes. Sometimes for the sake of development you must take risks. Granted you don't take them blindly and that wasn't the case, either. He did appoint a group of qualified economists from the ministry of finance to study the risks and it was supposed to pay for itself by the increase in revenue from the increased canal traffic. The only problem was that increase in revenue came too slowly and by the time it was reaching record-high numbers, the contractual time had elapsed which was essentially a default but in the end it worked. So, it wasn't a failure by any means, quite the opposite it just took too long to see the fruits of its labor.
For the life of me I do not understand why people say the Suez Expansion Project was a bad idea. You do realize that some ships still have to take the long route since they're too big to pass the canal even after the expansions, right? Also, look up the accumulated losses over the 2-3 decades prior to the project due to ships having to take the longer route because the expansion was not implemented when it was first proposed. We're talking cumulatively in the tens of billions of dollars. Imagine if that money was used to fund the projects they're rushing to complete now, or was simply used to augment national forex reserves. 4 billion dollars spent mainly on domestic labor is not responsible for the devaluation of the currency. There are other minor events that transpired around that time which may have made a slight dent on the economy. You know, like TWO REVOLUTIONS that caused negative net foreign direct investment and turning the state into a net importer of gas while more than halving tourism revenues. That and other minor mishaps like terrorists attacking the Russian airliner in 2015 and causing Russia to ban direct flights to Egypt and the UK to join just for the fun of it. (to anyone using a translator I am being sarcastic these are by no means minor events)
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Full Member
Dec 21, 2023
The issue is not with the Islands themselves, but rather with Egypt abiding by the 1982 UN Covention of the law of the Sea. How we approached the demarcation agreement with Saudi Arabia ultimately determined how the agreements with Greece and Cyprus were made and recognized. Also, the Saudis pretty much put one of the final nails in the coffin of the Halayeb and Shalatin matter by recognizing it as Egyptian as a part of the demarcation agreement. All these intricacies are what made Mubarak too scared to take decisive action regarding the matter. That's what Sisi meant back then about how this matter was put off for way too long. Also, the strait of tiran being open has nothing to do with the agreement but was agreed upon in the Camp David Accords. Remember, the action that the Israelis officially used as their Casus Belli in 1967 was the closing of the strait of tiran, so it was only natural for it to be recognized as an international waterway under the peace agreement. Also, the only tool that could actually protect Egyptian interest in any confrontation is military strength.

For the life of me I do not understand why people say the Suez Expansion Project was a bad idea. You do realize that some ships still have to take the long route since they're too big to pass the canal even after the expansions, right? Also, look up the accumulated losses over the 2-3 decades prior to the project due to ships having to take the longer route because the expansion was not implemented when it was first proposed. We're talking cumulatively in the tens of billions of dollars. Imagine if that money was used to fund the projects they're rushing to complete now, or was simply used to augment national forex reserves. 4 billion dollars spent mainly on domestic labor is not responsible for the devaluation of the currency. There are other minor events that transpired around that time which may have made a slight dent on the economy. You know, like TWO REVOLUTIONS that caused negative net foreign direct investment and turning the state into a net importer of gas while more than halving tourism revenues. That and other minor mishaps like terrorists attacking the Russian airliner in 2015 and causing Russia to ban direct flights to Egypt and the UK to join just for the fun of it. (to anyone using a translator I am being sarcastic these are by no means minor events)
The islands were Egyptian, and even there the Supreme Administrative Court declared the agreement invalid and rejected even the appeal of the head of state
Which you insisted on neglecting means insisting on treason, so there is no justification for that, and Saudi Arabia leaked the amount of bribes offered to the current gang.

Suez Canal project management is a failure
Failed dreams that cost Egypt twice the cost have no justification. The final result is not the currency of raising prices, but rather the process of raising prices has made international companies and countries look for other ways.
This is the nature of the military, who failed to achieve honorable victories and failed in the military industry. Success in the economy is expected from them. The military always enters the economy in order to steal and not build nations. Therefore, every project carried out by the Engineering Authority with commissions and percentages for them, and the civil state sectors of these bodies were canceled to plunder the national economy, and there was no legitimate project result. With a value of more than 25 thousand billion, it did not achieve any returns. Rather, the primary debt was raised from 1,600 billion to an estimated 6,000 billion, in addition to the declared external debt of 168, in addition to undeclared military debts, and their control over the Suez Canal. Revealing its files, we find that its real revenues last year were 14 billion, and what was received to the treasury was 9 billion. That is, there are simply 5 billion being stolen and these thefts are being legalized. The same is true for the mining sector and no one is prosecuting them for their failure and corruption. Why is your debt increasing every day and your currency collapsing and declining every day? A failed system and a gang running a state called patriotism and honor. Is there an improvement? Businessmen are fleeing Egypt and closing their factories. They go to invest in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. There is profit from this gang organization. The state’s achievements are in a group of YouTubers and media professionals who promote all the files of their failure. They are achievements and successes, and you are worthless in the Middle East. Only you are aware of the countries of the beggar. The military love to beg and take money, and even work, because historically they used to work in a bandit system. And thieves
Do you know that one of the reasons for the end of the pound is the transfer and smuggling of the size of commissions and the narrator is the family for projects worth 25,000 billion pounds. A percentage of 10-15% commissions and bribes are required to be transferred. Likewise, the companies from which they administer the commissions are transferred to take out the permits so that they can escape with what they stole. This represents a terrible pressure factor on the Egyptian currency to provide them with dollars. To smuggle what they stole from Egypt, they will not be able to keep the money they stole inside Egypt because it is possible that the corrupt regime will collapse, and this is inevitable.

Do you know that we, Saada bin Abu Qir Fertilizer Company, were closed due to the gas shortage, because it was sold by those who did not have it to those who did not deserve it? It is true that the Emiratis received a significant amount of money from last year’s profits, but the corrupt deals remain a curse on all of these criminals who carried them out.

You know that my words have no effect on this system, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth promised them scandal, humiliation, disgrace, and revenge on them in this world before the afterlife, and we await divine revenge on them, which is a true promise, because these crimes of theirs do not please God.

We are happy that God has exposed them, and all their plans have failed. They are floundering in the management of the state and insist on selling all its lands and assets, so that it will be a disgrace to their history, and when this corrupt regime is completely annihilated, no military will dare to demand power again because it will be a disgrace forever.
The islands were Egyptian, and even there the Supreme Administrative Court declared the agreement invalid and rejected even the appeal of the head of state
Which you insisted on neglecting means insisting on treason, so there is no justification for that, and Saudi Arabia leaked the amount of bribes offered to the current gang.

Suez Canal project management is a failure
Failed dreams that cost Egypt twice the cost have no justification. The final result is not the currency of raising prices, but rather the process of raising prices has made international companies and countries look for other ways.
This is the nature of the military, who failed to achieve honorable victories and failed in the military industry. Success in the economy is expected from them. The military always enters the economy in order to steal and not build nations. Therefore, every project carried out by the Engineering Authority with commissions and percentages for them, and the civil state sectors of these bodies were canceled to plunder the national economy, and there was no legitimate project result. With a value of more than 25 thousand billion, it did not achieve any returns. Rather, the primary debt was raised from 1,600 billion to an estimated 6,000 billion, in addition to the declared external debt of 168, in addition to undeclared military debts, and their control over the Suez Canal. Revealing its files, we find that its real revenues last year were 14 billion, and what was received to the treasury was 9 billion. That is, there are simply 5 billion being stolen and these thefts are being legalized. The same is true for the mining sector and no one is prosecuting them for their failure and corruption. Why is your debt increasing every day and your currency collapsing and declining every day? A failed system and a gang running a state called patriotism and honor. Is there an improvement? Businessmen are fleeing Egypt and closing their factories. They go to invest in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. There is profit from this gang organization. The state’s achievements are in a group of YouTubers and media professionals who promote all the files of their failure. They are achievements and successes, and you are worthless in the Middle East. Only you are aware of the countries of the beggar. The military love to beg and take money, and even work, because historically they used to work in a bandit system. And thieves
Do you know that one of the reasons for the end of the pound is the transfer and smuggling of the size of commissions and the narrator is the family for projects worth 25,000 billion pounds. A percentage of 10-15% commissions and bribes are required to be transferred. Likewise, the companies from which they administer the commissions are transferred to take out the permits so that they can escape with what they stole. This represents a terrible pressure factor on the Egyptian currency to provide them with dollars. To smuggle what they stole from Egypt, they will not be able to keep the money they stole inside Egypt because it is possible that the corrupt regime will collapse, and this is inevitable.

Do you know that we, Saada bin Abu Qir Fertilizer Company, were closed due to the gas shortage, because it was sold by those who did not have it to those who did not deserve it? It is true that the Emiratis received a significant amount of money from last year’s profits, but the corrupt deals remain a curse on all of these criminals who carried them out.

You know that my words have no effect on this system, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth promised them scandal, humiliation, disgrace, and revenge on them in this world before the afterlife, and we await divine revenge on them, which is a true promise, because these crimes of theirs do not please God.

We are happy that God has exposed them, and all their plans have failed. They are floundering in the management of the state and insist on selling all its lands and assets, so that it will be a disgrace to their history, and when this corrupt regime is completely annihilated, no military will dare to demand power again because it will be a disgrace forever.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
The islands were Egyptian, and even there the Supreme Administrative Court declared the agreement invalid and rejected even the appeal of the head of state
Which you insisted on neglecting means insisting on treason, so there is no justification for that, and Saudi Arabia leaked the amount of bribes offered to the current gang.

Suez Canal project management is a failure
Failed dreams that cost Egypt twice the cost have no justification. The final result is not the currency of raising prices, but rather the process of raising prices has made international companies and countries look for other ways.
This is the nature of the military, who failed to achieve honorable victories and failed in the military industry. Success in the economy is expected from them. The military always enters the economy in order to steal and not build nations. Therefore, every project carried out by the Engineering Authority with commissions and percentages for them, and the civil state sectors of these bodies were canceled to plunder the national economy, and there was no legitimate project result. With a value of more than 25 thousand billion, it did not achieve any returns. Rather, the primary debt was raised from 1,600 billion to an estimated 6,000 billion, in addition to the declared external debt of 168, in addition to undeclared military debts, and their control over the Suez Canal. Revealing its files, we find that its real revenues last year were 14 billion, and what was received to the treasury was 9 billion. That is, there are simply 5 billion being stolen and these thefts are being legalized. The same is true for the mining sector and no one is prosecuting them for their failure and corruption. Why is your debt increasing every day and your currency collapsing and declining every day? A failed system and a gang running a state called patriotism and honor. Is there an improvement? Businessmen are fleeing Egypt and closing their factories. They go to invest in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. There is profit from this gang organization. The state’s achievements are in a group of YouTubers and media professionals who promote all the files of their failure. They are achievements and successes, and you are worthless in the Middle East. Only you are aware of the countries of the beggar. The military love to beg and take money, and even work, because historically they used to work in a bandit system. And thieves
Do you know that one of the reasons for the end of the pound is the transfer and smuggling of the size of commissions and the narrator is the family for projects worth 25,000 billion pounds. A percentage of 10-15% commissions and bribes are required to be transferred. Likewise, the companies from which they administer the commissions are transferred to take out the permits so that they can escape with what they stole. This represents a terrible pressure factor on the Egyptian currency to provide them with dollars. To smuggle what they stole from Egypt, they will not be able to keep the money they stole inside Egypt because it is possible that the corrupt regime will collapse, and this is inevitable.

Do you know that we, Saada bin Abu Qir Fertilizer Company, were closed due to the gas shortage, because it was sold by those who did not have it to those who did not deserve it? It is true that the Emiratis received a significant amount of money from last year’s profits, but the corrupt deals remain a curse on all of these criminals who carried them out.

You know that my words have no effect on this system, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth promised them scandal, humiliation, disgrace, and revenge on them in this world before the afterlife, and we await divine revenge on them, which is a true promise, because these crimes of theirs do not please God.

We are happy that God has exposed them, and all their plans have failed. They are floundering in the management of the state and insist on selling all its lands and assets, so that it will be a disgrace to their history, and when this corrupt regime is completely annihilated, no military will dare to demand power again because it will be a disgrace forever.
The islands were Egyptian, and even there the Supreme Administrative Court declared the agreement invalid and rejected even the appeal of the head of state
Which you insisted on neglecting means insisting on treason, so there is no justification for that, and Saudi Arabia leaked the amount of bribes offered to the current gang.

Suez Canal project management is a failure
Failed dreams that cost Egypt twice the cost have no justification. The final result is not the currency of raising prices, but rather the process of raising prices has made international companies and countries look for other ways.
This is the nature of the military, who failed to achieve honorable victories and failed in the military industry. Success in the economy is expected from them. The military always enters the economy in order to steal and not build nations. Therefore, every project carried out by the Engineering Authority with commissions and percentages for them, and the civil state sectors of these bodies were canceled to plunder the national economy, and there was no legitimate project result. With a value of more than 25 thousand billion, it did not achieve any returns. Rather, the primary debt was raised from 1,600 billion to an estimated 6,000 billion, in addition to the declared external debt of 168, in addition to undeclared military debts, and their control over the Suez Canal. Revealing its files, we find that its real revenues last year were 14 billion, and what was received to the treasury was 9 billion. That is, there are simply 5 billion being stolen and these thefts are being legalized. The same is true for the mining sector and no one is prosecuting them for their failure and corruption. Why is your debt increasing every day and your currency collapsing and declining every day? A failed system and a gang running a state called patriotism and honor. Is there an improvement? Businessmen are fleeing Egypt and closing their factories. They go to invest in Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. There is profit from this gang organization. The state’s achievements are in a group of YouTubers and media professionals who promote all the files of their failure. They are achievements and successes, and you are worthless in the Middle East. Only you are aware of the countries of the beggar. The military love to beg and take money, and even work, because historically they used to work in a bandit system. And thieves
Do you know that one of the reasons for the end of the pound is the transfer and smuggling of the size of commissions and the narrator is the family for projects worth 25,000 billion pounds. A percentage of 10-15% commissions and bribes are required to be transferred. Likewise, the companies from which they administer the commissions are transferred to take out the permits so that they can escape with what they stole. This represents a terrible pressure factor on the Egyptian currency to provide them with dollars. To smuggle what they stole from Egypt, they will not be able to keep the money they stole inside Egypt because it is possible that the corrupt regime will collapse, and this is inevitable.

Do you know that we, Saada bin Abu Qir Fertilizer Company, were closed due to the gas shortage, because it was sold by those who did not have it to those who did not deserve it? It is true that the Emiratis received a significant amount of money from last year’s profits, but the corrupt deals remain a curse on all of these criminals who carried them out.

You know that my words have no effect on this system, but the Creator of the heavens and the earth promised them scandal, humiliation, disgrace, and revenge on them in this world before the afterlife, and we await divine revenge on them, which is a true promise, because these crimes of theirs do not please God.

We are happy that God has exposed them, and all their plans have failed. They are floundering in the management of the state and insist on selling all its lands and assets, so that it will be a disgrace to their history, and when this corrupt regime is completely annihilated, no military will dare to demand power again because it will be a disgrace forever.
That is too much politics.. can you keep it to the military subject of the thread..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Egyptian ballistic missile program, the forbidden military cooperation between Egypt and North Korea, episode two


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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New Egyptian weapons of destruction...frigates, suicide boats, deadly drones, and armored vehicles, all manufactured by the Egyptians!



Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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New Egyptian weapons of destruction...frigates, suicide boats, deadly drones, and armored vehicles, all manufactured by the Egyptians!

Love the way that guy narrates the video.
Some interesting items in there, like the B5 Hydra.
I also wonder what machine gun that fires 900 rounds per minute developed entirely by Egypt without foreign assistance he's talking about @6:46 - 6:59. The first example they show is an M2 Browning and the second one looks like either an FN MAG or a Minimi. Curious if we've seen that one already or if it's something new.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Oh yeah and speaking of the possibility of more Wing Loong UCAVs and even local production, check this out between our Chinese friends, our Italian friends and our Libyan brothers. This is crazy.

The two Wing Loongs were packaged to look like they were windmill blades, which makes me wonder why China was even considering such a risky endeavor, being that I'm guessing there is an arms embargo on Libya. It's just bizarre that China would try something like this since once they're flying around, someone will surely notice them and photograph them. So the secret would be out. Why not either try and legally circumvent the arms embargo or not take such a risk. Is 2 Wing Loongs worthy of taking this chance?

@Beijingwalker what do you think of this, ma man? Has this news come up in China or has anything been reported? Have they mentioned if they will ask for them to be returned?
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