Egyptian Military Industries & Products

Egypt excels in giant industries and the arms industry..

Surprises: Egypt manufactures suicide drones with support from China and obtains Korean ballistic missile launchers

Qadir Factory is preparing to launch a new Egyptian armored vehicle after the success of “Fahd” and the factory head: We produce armored vehicles with Egyptian hands

The pride of the Egyptian industry...the ST100 and ST500 armored vehicles

Qadir Factory is preparing to launch a new Egyptian armored vehicle after the success of “Fahd” and the factory head: We produce armored vehicles with Egyptian hands

The pride of the Egyptian industry...the ST100 and ST500 armored vehicles

Marketing failed as usual.

The problem with this armored vehicle, like all the factory armored vehicles, is that without real studies, all the armored vehicles built on Toyota LC-79 chassis failed in operational use. Egypt sold the Libyan army a large number of PANTHERA-6 vehicles, and the LT-79 vehicles did not succeed. Let us go back a little to the T-98-COMBAT vehicle. When it failed, was the factory held accountable? The salaries department in the Arab Organization for Industrialization is one of the sources of corruption, and the advisory team specializes in thwarting projects. There is no real spending on scientific research and low salaries that have no value. A capable factory manager. There are complaints about financial transparency inside the factory. Complaints about corruption within these factories always appear from their workers. This factory boasts that it has produced 2,000 Fahd vehicles in 40 years, and this is a very weak number and not an area of success because you are working on a single product without a real export volume, especially since you were producing a product that has no competitor, such as the Turkish competitor, which is simply crushing this factory. You see, it gives licenses to produce thousands of Turkish armored vehicles for countries in Asia and Africa and are storming the European market and you, due to the lack of accountability and failed management, do not find any success because only those who manage these factories are military brigades outside the scope of accountability

Egyptian vehicles ST-100/500 America has taken control of the Saudi and Emirati markets, so it exported 4,000 JLTV armored vehicles to the Emirates and granted Saudi Arabia a license to assemble them. It is true that Egypt aims to export to Iraq and Jordan, and one of the military boasts that he has exported them to Libya. The world is 190 countries when, as a result of political relations, they were exported to one or two countries. This is not a great success, but rather limited to the language, especially since the South African design was good, but as a result, the volume of production in Egypt decreased. The price of the vehicles is high and not competitive internationally compared to the competition of the Turks and Emiratis
There is a new Egyptian company specializing in manufacturing drones and missiles called Robotic Engineering System

Home-made winged guided munitions. The first is a large missile. It weighs 60 kg, has a speed of 180 meters per second, has a range of 80 km, and is launched from altitudes of 2 to 10 km. The strange thing is that the missile’s warhead is a 155 mm artillery shell.


It is guided by satellite navigation, inertia and optical seekers to increase accuracy..

The second missile, which appears on the right of the picture, its specifications are not yet known, but it is believed to have a range of 20/40 km..

Excellent local ammunition for drones and helicopters. A good Egyptian start in guided munitions, Egypt is looking forward to more and better..

Arming the Egyptian 6th October drone in detail this time and up close:

2 guided munitions/winged missiles with a range of 80 km, carrying in its head a 155 mm artillery shell, guided by inertia, satellite navigation, and an optical seeker to increase accuracy.

16 other small guided munitions/guided missiles whose specifications are unknown, but their range is believed to be between 20/40 km.

One drone carries up to 18 missiles at once..

The missiles are manufactured by the same company that designs and manufactures the drones. The company also manufactures the electro-optical, monitoring and guidance system..




Satellite communication equipment on the tail of the aircraft


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Egyptian glide bomb from Robotic Engineering System

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During the activities of the Egypt International Air and Space Exhibition at El Alamein International Airport, the Arab Organization for Industrialization revealed its readiness to manufacture a multi-tasking, remote-controlled automated weapon platform.

Representatives of the Arab Organization for Industrialization indicated during the exhibition in exclusive statements about Egypt that the platform was designed to meet the different needs of many traditional and non-traditional weapon systems.

The platform features the ability to be equipped with a variety of heavy weapons, such as a half-inch 14.5 mm machine gun, a 30 mm cannon, and a 40 mm grenade launcher.


The platform can also be armed with anti-tank missiles and multiple missile systems, such as light rocket launchers, to carry out focused missile strikes.
The platform can rotate at a rate of 360 degrees, with a rotation speed of 60 degrees per second and can carry a load weighing up to 1000 kg.

This platform is distinguished from its counterparts by its unique and atypical design, which makes it a major weapon for many military forces, such as special forces, infantry, artillery, border guards, and naval forces.

The platform is equipped with a gyroscopic system (RCWS AI) that allows the weapons installed on it to maintain their orientation towards targets accurately with the support of artificial intelligence technologies.

The platform appeared in the pavilion of the Arab Organization for Industrialization during the activities of the Egypt International Air and Space Exhibition, equipped with systems for confronting drones, obstructing and jamming, as well as the Malutka anti-armor missile.
Turkish-Egyptian cooperation in the Turkish stealth aircraft project, which is a fifth-generation fighter

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Yes for sure, Egypt will manufacture J-10CEs locally in Egypt with full ToT and also the same is for the upcoming J-31 production and now Egypt will also co-produce Kaan??

Guys, thsi all is a marketing and propaganda show! Nothing more ... and what is really behind that said signed contract we need to wait!
Yes for sure, Egypt will manufacture J-10CEs locally in Egypt with full ToT and also the same is for the upcoming J-31 production and now Egypt will also co-produce Kaan??

Guys, thsi all is a marketing and propaganda show! Nothing more ... and what is really behind that said signed contract we need to wait!
Where did you see or heard this full ToT you repeat all the time..who said that?
Skynex SkyKnight combines Rheinmetall’s RG MK3 guns with Halcon’s Skyknight missile units. With up to 4 MLUs per battery and 60 missiles per launcher, a single battery can have 240 ready to fire missiles for defense against saturation attacks so a MUST HAVE for EAF..


Halcon/Rheinmetall Skynex Skyknight SHORAD system is the next joint UAE-Egyptian defense project for the Egyptian Military it’d be Egypt’s own “Iron Dome” & EDGE has hinted at Skynex SkyKnight for EAF

Signing a contract to manufacture advanced defense systems between the Arab Organization for Industrialization and the Chinese company ELINC

The Arab Organization for Industrialization concluded a number of contracts and agreements during the first day of the Egypt International Aviation and Space Exhibition EIAS2024.

A contract was signed to manufacture advanced defense systems between the Arab Organization for Industrialization, represented by the Arab British Company for Dynamic Industries (ABD), and the Chinese company ELINC. The contract was signed on the Egyptian side by Major General Engineer Yasser Attia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABD, and on the Chinese side by Mr. Yang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ELINC.


The Chinese electronic warfare system ELINC CHL-906 integrated electronic warfare (IEW)

Manufactured by the Chinese ELINC, it is designed to cover a wide range of frequencies from the L band to the KA band, the range of interference can be up to 300 km,

while it can detect enemy frequencies in a range of 600 km. at the same time that it determines the exact location of its emission.

It also blocks signals from satellite navigation systems like (GPS, Baidu, Galileo, Glonass), preventing the enemy from using precision guided munitions based on this technology.

The newly introduced system is both passive, defensive and offensive.

It was developed as a more modern derivative of the Chinese companies

ELINC and CEIC LDK-190 and is used to:

  • Detect enemy radio and radar emissions over a range of 600 km
  • Determine the position, identify and classify enemy emissions over these distances
  • Protect radars and anti-aircraft systems from anti-radiation missiles by “covering” the radar frequencies
  • Block communications over a distance of 300 km
  • Prohibit the use of GNSS satellite positioning systems (GPS, Baidu, Galileo, Glonass) by the enemy (air, sea, land) over a distance of 300 km
  • Jamming frequencies from 0.5 to 40 GHz
  • Detect stealth aircraft and ships
  • Detect drones that are remotely piloted and remove their data link with the ground
  • Detect AEW aircraft over a distance of 500 km
  • To “fry” some radio-electric equipment thanks to the directional emission power of 500 Kw
The system is highly mobile, easily deployable on the front lines, and is capable of targeted electronic jamming as well as ELINT.

The system can also conduct multi-dimensional electronic reconnaissance, and work in sync via data-link with various hard-kill ADS platforms across Pakistan for an effective, coordinated and networked area-denial/anti-access capability for enemy aircraft.

An ELINT/ESM command and control station is also part of the system, mainly used to detect and locate all electromagnetic waves (including land, sea and air-based electromagnetic signals) on the battlefield .

After rapid analysis, it forms an information chart for decision-making and deployment. The system also performs SIGINT duties.

The system has an OEM range of 324 nautical miles (600 kilometres) and produces up to 500 kilowatts of effective radiated power.

The system can engage and jam airborne UHF/VHF voice and data radios.

The system can effectively jam both enemy ground-based and air-based communications nodes ;

Including but not limited to

-AEWACS and their ground entry systems

-Command and control nodes

-Airborne data-links [Both fighter-to-fighter and AAM-to-fighter]

-As well as satellite communications and GPS / GLONASS.
ST100 and ST500



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