Extreme hatred of foreign colored people in the West

Ok man, sure, just casually veer into the rude and vulgar 👍🏼

As usual I am more concerned if you think I may be materially or factually wrong, that's why I attempt to bother on this forum

I took this effort to suggest actually the reality is the exact opposite

Alliance request... Wtf for😂

Not being rude or vulgar at all.

Doing what you are doing. Sharing on a forum.

You must have gathered that UK Pakistanis are very different from native Pakistanis.

Its the same with Indians.

You are part of the globalist project.

We are not.
The hate is quite viral on Social Media against indians because most were holding visible job

The low un-educated class in west , who lost the minimum wage job to students from overseas is quite angry

It did not helped the students started buying BMW while on immigrant status and car racing in streets and showing up their new riches

When Big corporation will end cashier jobs across western world and introduce self check out for example it kills millions of jobs

It forces the people who are less educated to blame it on migrants
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This will still be gamed, like what happened in silicon valley.

But it will get noticed more by other minorities
10% total foreign intake yaar. So what is the Indian component in that 10% goin be? maybe 4% or less. You see how they're tightening it all up.
10% quota now enforced in all Canadian businesses for hiring foreign workers. I believe Aussies will follow suit. Where will the Indians go now?

It will go back to the 70s and 80s.

Only the super qualified will be welcomed.
when does he not have it on ? :P

God knows where it's headed but we have an idea, you generational good legal migrant lot might be caught in the lapeta too, already happening, isn't it ? and THAT, dear sir, is the worry.

This relatively recent influx might have began with the Syrian/Libyan wars but the native black Africans piggybacked on the plight of those genuinely displaced people and have been flooding the EU.

There's refugees of war, and then there's economic migrants which form the bulk of the new ones iinw.

Even with refugees, but, how do you expect some illiterate bumpkin from A-stan or wherever to ever integrate into ultra liberal Germany etc ? There been all sorts of assaults on women, and other more serious ones.

Some say its (((organized))) chaos.
Yes sir, everyone gets caught up in some way, only a minority in a physical sense

In corporate places where diversity is a law of corporate god I am hearing the old school guys are rediscovering their former self, you think they are happy about making room for diversity😂

I can only imagine what the first wave desis had to endure, always respect to them

These words like integration are typical government nonsense double speak words

If we are talking about a harmonious system, ie governing people, then capacity is a factor

If you have over capacity your stressed your system

If you look and told your system is flooded you panic

But then they direct you to the cultural, religious and racial direction

At the same time, the European west is devouring it's own culture so I wonder what does a migrant integrate too😂

There are too many people and distribution of resources is thinning, plus the super rich are consolidating

Basically my dude, some people are determined to shit on Europe ☹️🙃
You are part of the globalist project.

We are not.

Yea doc, true words, been thinking the same for a while. As you put things in your head together, just people being herded

But India is well into the globalist project, your previous thread proves it, it's global in nature, obviously
10% total foreign intake yaar. So what is the Indian component in that 10% goin be? maybe 4% or less. You see how they're tightening it all up.

That's my point, the whole subset of non Indians will be against the Indians for similar

Instinctively revert to group mentality, which will be objectionable to non Indians
Yea doc, true words, been thinking the same for a while. As you put things in your head together, just people being herded

But India is well into the globalist project, your previous thread proves it, it's global in nature, obviously

India is destressing its inability to fully leverage its demographic capital. When that happens, the capital becomes a bulge.

So the globalist project works for India.

It might not work for the Indians who are part of it though.

It is not easy coming back and trying to fit back in. After even 10 years abroad.

The nation and your generation have moved on.

Youngsters with nothing in common with you have moved in.

India moves at a frenetic pace. Indians returning are totally disoriented and alienated.
The current crisis is due to arrive of Artificial Intelligence ,to scene

1- Millions of Cashier jobs being removed from system (I personally choose to be in line with a Human because I like human interaction )

2- Workers in Pharmacies and other clinical setting replaced with oversea workers (cheaper labor)

3- Companies like Uber etc have reduced labor wages further for things like Taxi

4- Lifting labour jobs going away as companies like Amazon bringing in "Robots" which move the shipments

5- Companies were also pushing to replace mail man , with Flying robots but the idea was shelved for now

Because these things are happening at Big Corporation level
These corporations own thousand+ stores across world
Resulting in shift in hiring pattern

Lack of Legislation / Law against killing of Human Jobs is causing Corporations to look for their "Profits" and this is causing disturbance in society where people were used to always finding jobs in 1-2 weeks of wait time

The biggest beneficiary of Pandemic has bee the Corporations who used the chance to release technology in market which "Kills Jobs"
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India is destressing its inability to fully leverage its demographic capital. When that happens, the capital becomes a bulge.

So the globalist project works for India.

It might not work for the Indians who are part of it though.

It is not easy coming back and trying to fit back in. After even 10 years abroad.

The nation and your generation have moved on.

Youngsters with nothing in common with you have moved in.

India moves at a frenetic pace. Indians returning are totally disoriented and alienated.
Ok ... But not my point

i meant globalism has a cultural impact, and a way of disciplining nations it does not like

That's my basic interpretation of why you started the thread on doctors, that's therefore the impact of globalism on India

No mood for arguing this more
Ok ... But not my point

i meant globalism has a cultural impact, and a way of disciplining nations it does not like

That's my basic interpretation of why you started the thread on doctors, that's therefore the impact of globalism on India

No mood for arguing this more

What they did and are doing with us, they did to the Chinese too, and the Japanese and Russians before them.

In a way it signifies you are on the cusp of the high table.

You fatigue too easy. Try chyawanprash.
The current crisis is due to arrive of Artificial Intelligence ,to scene

1- Millions of Cashier jobs being removed from system

2- Workers in Pharmacies and other clinical setting replaced with oversea workers (cheaper labor)

3- Companies like Uber etc have reduced labor wages further for things like Taxi

4- Lifting labour jobs going away as companies like Amazon bringing in "Robots" which move the shipments

5- Companies were also pushing to replace mail man , with Flying robots but the idea was shelved for now

Because these things are happening at Big Corporation level
These corporations own thousand+ stores across world
Resulting in shift in hiring pattern

Lack of Legislation / Law against killing of Human Jobs is causing Corporations to look for their "Profits" and this is causing disturbance in society where people were used to always finding jobs in 1-2 weeks of wait time

What you say is absolutely true, though it is a trailing effect from prior periods and changes

The problem is it's cumulative

Infosys sunak, record numbers entered his tenure 🤔

How will the system in UK absorb them

Less supermarket jobs as you say , more automation but also more people to absorb 😭😭
What they did and are doing with us, they did to the Chinese too, and the Japanese and Russians before them.

In a way it signifies you are on the cusp of the high table.

You fatigue too easy. Try chyawanprash.

It's just a reality check that people are often in places due to forces they don't even know 1% about

God bless, always be grateful.

The Japanese, people don't talk about them enough

Proves how strategic they are to me😇
For those of us who are here and living in the UK, everything seems to have died down. The racists have gone quiet. They seem to have been neutered. Things are returning to relative normality. It's funny how those who do not live in the UK, talk as if they are experts at UK racial and social issues sitting g 1000s of miles away in a completely alien and foreign nation...........:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
For those of us who are here and living in the UK, everything seems to have died down. The racists have gone quiet. They seem to have been neutered. Things are returning to relative normality. It's funny how those who do not live in the UK, talk as if they are experts at UK racial and social issues sitting g 1000s of miles away in a completely alien and foreign nation...........:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

No one here on Pdf is more an expert on race issues and breeding dynamics than you.

Rest easy.

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