F-16: The Greatest Fighter plane to ever fly

Pakistan can buy, but it has to use its own cash instead of aid from the US that it used to buy its previous F16 blk 52s.
Those were sovereign funds but USA was providing FMF.
Probably the most beautifully designed fighter aircraft

Mmmmm.........I beg to differ just on that point.



Especially the original F-13. Look at the lines on this beauty. 🥰 She's like the Ferrari of the 21s.


I bet many people don't know this but once Mikoyan got to the MF model, they wanted to put a radar in the nose, so they had to make the shock cone larger and move it forward more than the previous models. And in order to get optimal signal emission & receptions to & from the radar, they had to make it out of a non-metallic material (as all radomes are made out of today). So they made it out of laminated plywood with a tiny metal (aluminum) tip at the point to protect it from wear & tear @ Mach-2+ speeds. How crazy is that. You can clearly see the plywood in this illustration.


BUT.....all that said, I certainly wouldn't take anything away from the looks of this masterpiece.


Very nice. Really unique setting on the corniche like that. Spectacular view. Where was that exactly?

Those quad F-16s, Rafales, Mirage 2Ks & F-4 Phantoms were all in...RH :giggle:


Zues is a badass!
Negative-G pushover @ minute 8:44 - 8:47. You don't see Thuderbirds or USAF do that in airshows here, at least I've never seen it and I've been to A LOT lol.

Interesting to see a solo in a block-52 with its CFTs. Makes me wonder how much fuel they pack in that thing for a 12-minute demo. Something tells me they keep the CFTs dry and just rely on internal fuel for all those stunts. But he was in afterburner quite a bit. Awesome demo.
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So many years later, and still not to be underestimated. The sign of a true master.
This one will go down in the history books long after the sad day when it finally f16 retires.
USA is expected to retire them in 2048.
The best solo team in the World


SOLOTURK Top 5 Maneuvers

ZEUS is a noob to compare with SOLOTURK

Turkish F-16C EXTREMELY Low Landing - SOLOTURK​

USA is expected to retire them in 2048.

Now I am reading , All 3 jets ( f15, F16,F18) will see the late 2040s or even early 2050s before they are fully retired from frontline service. End of the 4th Gen era 😔 I guess.

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