Five Chinese nationals killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan

Probably best Beijing to get to the root of the matter Iran. It is targeting your citizen's working in Pakistan. Time for you to Speak up. You're being too soft on Tehran. And yet still no response From Beijing What is the Beijing doing about it? And why is china turns a blind eye to these attacks ?
Islam is divided within itself, and outsiders are afraid to take a stand easily. Beijing's position is understandable. They do not want to offend any sect.
Yar you cant fool-proof all roads, all streets, all intersections, all residential areas, etc from attacks. Its only when the enemy's supply line is cut that attacks diminish. That is done through offensive doctrines, not defensive.

Shifting the battlefield from homeland to foreign land is necessary.
Fine, go on the offensive. But some will still get through. Getting MRAPs (that can operate on our narrow terrain such as the British Foxhound) will reduce the risk to VIPs and reassure them that measures have been taken, visibly.

IMHO, We don’t the fancy version of the foxhound, we can develop a more simple all steel version, but this is purpose built for the small mountain roads of Afghanistan, so it is a design that should be well suited for our needs.

I know it’s not wise to appear all defensive. It’s looks passive and gives off the wrong signal to the adversaries, but at the same time our Chinese partners need reassurance, otherwise they could stop work on Dasu or other projects for a year like last time, which is what the enemy really wants.

Once the work at Dasu and other CPEC projects are complete, these vehicles can be used for offensive patrols in restive areas, especially in the vast areas sparsely populated areas of Baluchistan.
I, for one, am looking forward to it.

It'll only squeeze the corrupt Pakistani elites eventually. Ofc all the undesired killing is deplorable too but what can anyone do? Revolutions are bloody business. Or using proxies to bleed an enemy.

Might is Right. And eventually, that might will be used to topple the corrupt within Pakistan, either through external or internal force.

There's no proof of OBL being in Abbotabad.

The OBL incident isn't a singular one, there's Salala too and the thousands of Pakistanis literally "sold" to the US on fake "terrorism" charges who were later released by the US itself.
Sure there isn’t. It was all a big conspiracy for poor Pakistanis.

Salala is because the ANA worked with a group of frustrated commanders to take revenge.
Whats the reason why Chinese engineers are required for this project to, begin with?
Business model

Extend loan, have project executed by own companies and / or own engineers, create minor employment opportunities locally

Money comes back to own companies , borrower is left holding the baby , he remains in debt for generations
Well people did predict this i.e. the lack of security preparation and the fact that people seem to be more concerned with politics.
Truth be told it is crazy to work in Pakistan as a foreign national if you are connected to such projects.
I wonder what China will say now. Lots of sweating brows at the moment in the security establishment now.

Brother sadly it's always the same thing that keeps on repeating itself, Pakistan never learns from it's mistakes to make sure these security lapses never happens again, but what can you expect in Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to drop the policy of pacifism and take action against its enemies.
Pakistan cries “Indian funded, Afghan based, Iranian funded” but never takes action against these countries. Instead it works on protecting these countries by making it harder for people who are fighting against them.
This is the result of pacifism.
Following the Tuesday terror attack in Besham, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Ambassador Jiang Zaidong, visits employees of the Dasu project.


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