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Former CIA Officer Sarah: India is using taliban to attack citizens in Pakistan

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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No Sikh army ever entered Afghanistan, where as Afghan armies went deep into India and certainly past Punjab. Please don't make up things.
Well Sikhs for sure dragged Afghans out of present day KPK or NWFP and it was the lands that were won by Hari singh nalwa that were demarkated in 1893 and later came to be known as so called DURAND LINE

now you can go and check for the same on internet no need for me going into history

point is Pakistan was made by british to safegurd there startegic and economic interests in India which was there biggest market for finished goods and Pakistani elite in its foolishness of obsession to teach hindu baniya a lesson kept repeating same old mistakes while the smarter /greedy ones used the USAID and Coilation support fund for making there own property in London , New York , Chicago , Dubai or south of France and other parts of UK/USA & Europe like malta or italy ;) :p

but sirji point is what hapenned that same Taliban for which ISI did so much that it even orchastrated IC814 Hijackings with them in past what made them so so angry thats its attacking Pakistani frontier postys on daily basis and Pakistan cant even complain either to USA /NATO against which it helped same TALIBAN in its classical double game for more than two decades or to Russia or India or same Taliban ......what do you call it sir ji ;) :p


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Fact is your nation came into bieng so as Soviets dont come down steam rolling Afghans from central Asia and and capture direct trade link to Arabaian Sea and a Sea Port is so called WARM WATERs ... yes it was British that planted that theory in your establishments minds ;) :p

Secondly Afghans were always a Nomadic Tribal society that was always in a fighting era since times of Mahabharta war between Kaurwar and Pandwas to recoreded history of Alexander the great to Kanishka the great to Mohmood Ghaznavi to Mohd.Ghauri to Ahmed Shah Abdaali till they were tamed by Mahraja Ranjeet Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa after which afghans started wearing womens dress of Slwar kameez to escape slaughter by sikhs ;) :p

anway ppoint is Pakistan wanted so called Strategic deapth and waned Afghanistan as its FIFTH Province for which Pakistani Establishment used mix of DEOBANDI ISLAM and Saudi brand of Wahabbi Islam funded by Saudies and weapons & demolition training by CIA experts for which even after 45+ years more than Afghanistan Pakistani nation is still paying the price ;) :p

isko kehtte hain MIYA KI JUTTI MIYA KE SIR ;) :p

Pakistan kept Afghan refugees cause since 1980s it got billions of dollars worth of AID in rations and money to keep those refugees from western europe , UK and USA but threw them out once money stopped coming from USA & west after USA left AF PAK region ;) :p

Pakistan destroyed every last shredd of its socio culturla and economic system in favour of getting easy western aid money which majority was shipowned to Dubai and Europe or UK/USA/Canda by its corrupt elite in its Jeducial or Cilvil or Militarry Beurocracy-elite while no development took place in pakistan rather the infrastructure that was left behind by British crumbelled under the wait of new stress

and now aster USA & NATO finally left and have no use for them Pakistanies and stopped giving money pakistnies to run there nation are desparate to get money from IMF which is now drying up deu to there wrong equations with India and west deu to there obsession with JIHAD and UMMAH KI THEKEDAARRI ;) :p

IN THE NUTSHELL Pakistan to fullfill its obsession to hate hindus made life hell for its own people and those of afghanistan and for that it beacme a mercenarry to fight for USA/NATO against USSR/RUSSIA/IRAN and used afghans & its people as cannon fodder in Afghanistan , Syriya , Jordan and Yemen and today be it Russian or be it Turks or be it Iranians or Afghans or be it Indians or its own homegrown militant organizations all hate it and it has no sympathies either from west or muslim world ;) :p



We haven't got time for your fantasy,, the British didn't need to make Pakistan, our people understood that I did would be a disaster and we needed our own space for representation of our people, faith and culture

200+ million Indian Muslims have are represented by about 4 Indian Muslims or something

That's one Indian Muslim representing 50 million of his people

That's enough to form nations

It's fundamentally why partition was needed and Pakistan was made

India itself was born a day AFTER Pakistan

The need to understand the Hindu derangement was vital in defending Pakistan and it's people,
Not knowing your enemy is foolish

But knowing your enemy and not preparing is madness

Economy will go up a down, Pakistan has been economic Al better then India for the majority of the last 75 years and it placed us higher up in living standards indexes, that's a continuous battle and Pakistan has everything it needs to be economically successful

But freedom and independence is everything

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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But freedom and independence is everything
funniest part of all that was that you consider yourself a so called FREE NATION ;) :p

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Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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funniest part of all that was that you consider yourself a so called FREE NATION ;) :p

View attachment 52580

As free or trapped as any other

For some reason in your mental mind ,you think hundreds of millions of us should be stuck with 1.4 billion indians in a hate filled communal mess of a country

And you think it was the British that convinced us of gaining freedom and independence over getting stuck with you clowns


Sep 14, 2006
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Well Sikhs for sure dragged Afghans out of present day KPK or NWFP and it was the lands that were won by Hari singh nalwa that were demarkated in 1893 and later came to be known as so called DURAND LINE

now you can go and check for the same on internet no need for me going into history

point is Pakistan was made by british to safegurd there startegic and economic interests in India which was there biggest market for finished goods and Pakistani elite in its foolishness of obsession to teach hindu baniya a lesson kept repeating same old mistakes while the smarter /greedy ones used the USAID and Coilation support fund for making there own property in London , New York , Chicago , Dubai or south of France and other parts of UK/USA & Europe like malta or italy ;) :p

but sirji point is what hapenned that same Taliban for which ISI did so much that it even orchastrated IC814 Hijackings with them in past what made them so so angry thats its attacking Pakistani frontier postys on daily basis and Pakistan cant even complain either to USA /NATO against which it helped same TALIBAN in its classical double game for more than two decades or to Russia or India or same Taliban ......what do you call it sir ji ;) :p

You said they scared Afghans to death, not much of a scare when they couldn't make into their land after the Afghans had ravaged much of India.
Yes they did take much of khyber pakhtunkhwa, which saw it's population emptied rather than live under them .
The rest has elements I agree with but is mixed up with so much modern history as well.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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You said they scared Afghans to death, not much of a scare when they couldn't make into their land after the Afghans had ravaged much of India.
Yes they did take much of khyber pakhtunkhwa, which saw it's population emptied rather than live under them .
The rest has elements I agree with but is mixed up with so much modern history as well.
i guess you know how to go thrugh internet and since you can have acess to british records as i think you live in UK you go and check for yourself when did Afghan attacks stop on indian soil which started from khyber and ended up till hydrabad deccan

even Ahmed shah abdali was a courtie/traine of first Hydrabad nizam who went back to his native lands of Afghanistan but came back after Walliullahh Dehelwi invited him with then Khan or Rohail Khand to stop ever growing power of Marathas which after Ahmed shah abdali went back after winning 3rd battle of Panipat his son was dragged owt of Punjab both eastern and western till modern day boundry between Afghanistan and Pakistan

and only after sikh empire remaining there that powerfull Maraja Ranjit Singh brought Back Gates of Somnath from Ghazni which are now at "Darshni Deuri" and Kohinoor Daimond from Iran but you can always denay it but that dose not changes the hirtory and that after Ranjit Singh and Hari singh Nalwas attacks on Afghans the so called Afghans never ever attacked India and that meant NWFP/ KPK or weatern punjab, siraiki belt or Sindh or eastern punjab or any part east of Hindukush ranges and Khybar pass ... cheers mate

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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now @Waz that was all that hapenned almost 250 years ago but thing is what and how Pakistan dragged itself into Afghanistan yet again and messed everything from its economy to scio-cultrual society led ecosystem and all crumbelled to shredds under the wieght of very very harsh & unforgivving mix of Saudiand deobandi brands of sunni wahabbi Islam and Drug and klashnikov cultuar


forget what hapenned in past with indian or what faghans had done to indian hindus or there tempels or universities ... just keep it on topic of the thread what did pakistan gain from first going into afghanistan and then helping creat these talibunnies and then playing a double game with USA to save them and now why are they killing pakistani security forces and why cant pakistani forces control them ... unlike what musharaff boasted in front of Wajahad saeed khan


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Delusions doesn't help. Afghanistan also has borders with Iran, China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan so in no way it's solely dependent on Pakistan.

Anyways, whomsoever are the unknown gunmen, ultimate responsibilty for internal security lies with security establishment and they need to step up and protect their assets rather than blaming Afghans or Indians.

Did you even watch the YT video? Your own American ally who is a former CIA spy admits in the YT video that Afghanistan and India are involved in terror attacks in Pakistan. She says it bluntly. This is not a Pakistani who made such claims. Watch the video.

Sarah has also claimed that the Taliban receive money from India to assassinate Kashmiri fighters in India. You are even worse than an enemy to us. You are literally a backstabber. Blaming you is not nearly enough.

There is not a shred of doubt that both Afghanistan and India have in the past carried out many terror attacks inside Pakistan. Not only that, today the Taliban/TTP are also aided by India and continues to carry out attacks inside Pakistan. Not only that, the TTP are also involved in the killing of Kashmiri fighters in Indian occupied Kashmir.
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Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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kill Pakistan-based anti-India terrorists sounds very specific anti-terrorism operation rather than terrorism. Not much different than Bin Laden raid on Abbottabad, but at a lower cost and risk. You can't call Bin Laden raid terrorism, can you?

Osama bin Laden used to be an American ally/asset during the Cold War against the former USSR. You guys used to hail the likes of Osama bin Laden as freedom fighters at the White House. We know history too.

All Osama bin Laden asked the US is to remove its soldiers from the holy land.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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You said they scared Afghans to death, not much of a scare when they couldn't make into their land after the Afghans had ravaged much of India.
Yes they did take much of khyber pakhtunkhwa, which saw it's population emptied rather than live under them .
The rest has elements I agree with but is mixed up with so much modern history as well.

This shouldn't even be a discussion at this point. After the exit of US/NATO and India from Afghanistan we should have given the Taliban one chance only. Instead Pakistan got mired into talks and what not. Wrong approach. The military should have made it abundantly clear to the Taliban that TTP and other competing groups won't be tolerated. Instead Taliban is now housing TTP and blatantly using them against Pakistan.

Pakistan needs to start an operation inside Afghanistan to clean up the TTP. Before they even reach out borders. We know their safe havens inside Afghanistan. For that we don't require anyone's help. We don't require small arms for this purpose. We have everything requires. There are some that argue that relations with a neighbor like Afghanistan will deteriorate. Well guess what, the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan was never good to begin with. Time to do the necessary.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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He is a british person.
well he is a immogrant or a second gen immigrant well thats what he belives and still a Pakistani by heart who hates Hindus and India more than he loves Britain or laws & Cultuar of Britain ;) :p


Jul 1, 2024
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Perhaps, could be. But more likely just paying individuals to the job and not a policy of Taliban as a organization.

Anyone can hire a dangerous gunman to eliminate a opponent anywhere. Its nothing special about that.

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