Former RAW chief says shrifs and Bhuttos are Indian assets

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And you didn’t get mine. The OP put spice on top and called them assets but listen to what AS Daulat is actually saying.
For me AS Daulat is saying what he is required to say, not necessarily what is fact.
Criminal Cabal of Shareefs and Zardaris best suit India and all enemies of Pakistan. They are so corrupt that when their money gets threatened they won't think twice to betray Pakistan. Khan is an honest plus aggressive guy who thinks Pakistan is meant to rule the world, that pisses off pretty much every other country.
No even WikiLeaks have exposed. For example just see the stand off all three on drone strikes and than see stand of Khan.

Respect for Imran Khan for that, he stopped drone attacks whilst PPP, Pmln and military allowed the drone attacks. But if Pmln/PPP/Military/ISI are agents then its already too late, we may not even have nukes anymore, all dismantled. I will have heart attack if its true lol. PPP are landlords from Sindh and Pmln businessmen from Punjab, both corrupt but military tries to control them via many methods. The people of Pakistan need to change themselves and elect honest representatives, last election 50% of the population did not vote, as we get more education and more knowledge about running a nation, slowly new political parties will emerge. We don't even have ThinkTanks, defence analysts, all the guys on channels chat bubbles. Where are Allama Iqbal type of people? Have a deep conversation with fellow Pakistanis and you will realise the level of our mental state, certainly not good.
So India has overtaken Pakistani politicians and military, ISI. We give too much credit to India.

Pakistani Generals sold their souls to CIA long time ago, evey Army thief is
selected by America.

Nawaz and Zardari will sell their mothers for a few dollars, no surprise that
they sold out to India.
Pakistani Generals sold their souls to CIA long time ago, evey Army thief is
selected by America.

Nawaz and Zardari will sell their mothers for a few dollars, no surprise that
they sold out to India.

Gen Hamid Gull was a big supporter of Taliban type of militant organisations, he was DG ISI for 2 years, a powerful position, Pakistan also built its nukes whilst lying to the Usa, Usa then sanctioned Pakistan, amongst many other things. Usa definitely has influence In Pakistan due to our own weakness, everyone is for sale. At the moment Pakistan is selecting secular types of Army and isi heads, maybe this is why it looks like they're all agents. The secular and Liberal Pakistanis want to be like West and build a society similar to them.
Blessed be the bliss.
I repeat this ad nauseum - but I met dpty and sec to Indian HC a decade back and man - sharp guy - could be a silicon valley level founder - very articulate, charming personality… great conversationalist.
Other than being bothered by the plainclothes tailing us as we chatted about my university and his time in that country…

I also met similar grade ofcrs in PK consulate, and less said the better if at least they were semi helpful in pointing me where to go.. came to work at 11am and left at 3pm to never return.
So India has overtaken Pakistani politicians and military, ISI. We give too much credit to India.
When our own politicians give up the initiative to properly govern, failing to pass reforms to steady the economy for instance and not take out loans we are unable to manage, they become susceptible to even the smallest of maneuvers by adversaries to our national interests like Modi.
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