Former RAW chief says shrifs and Bhuttos are Indian assets

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Bhutto & Shrief ka to patta nahi but this idiot Dulat is for sure a big big laibility to Indian intelligence & security apratuss

it was ZA Bhutto who initiated hostilities with India in 1964 and later the reason for Pakistan becoming a force in OIC & the main inspiration behind pakistani neuclear mission

as for Benzir it was under her that problems in Indian Punjab and exodus of kashmiri pandits from kashmir valley hapenned

and it was under Nawaz shrief that pakistan became a nuclear state and while it was under Imran khan that pakistan lost Saudi Arbia and USA as strategic friends and India gained upperhand both in kashmir and world stage and become more important for Saudies, UAE -UK/USA than ever before

but what hapenned under this Dulat in India..? kargil war hapenned the national embaressment of Kandhar Hijaking and how he was clueless about kargil intrussion and he says Bhuttos and shriefs are owr assets when he himself is sold out and even penned few books with one of his masters ... i dont understand how those guys are even keeping him relevent ..????
He and Asad Durrani sb are drinking buddies 🍸
IK was an Indian asset, the reason why he went against the fauz.

Pk Fauz realijed it and non lethal neutralijed him.
Oky Tati
You lucky you don’t have traitors. I admire that
Went a bit overboard with the anti America thing, did IK.

Not smart, considering everything.

Overplayed his hand, basically.

josh me aa k hosh kho dia IK ne.
sharifs/zardaris wanting to make peace (aka surrender) to india is an open. This is the probably the biggest reason khan was removed by the army. Bajwa was crying about no fuel for tanks & needing to make peace with your enemy on a public forum so yeah army wants to surrender to india.

Probably, americans played a big role in convincing them as well but no doubt the main reason is that these elityas & feudal cucks have given up. They don't want to make any reforms b/c they know that would mean giving up power & the lack of reform has crushed this country's economy so they can't fight. A healthy dose of liberal brainwashing has also turned turned them into complete cucks. The jazbati from the 40s that had even motivated the elityas/feudals a little is completely gone.

The only way this will stop is if some sane individuals among them put an end to it.
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No even WikiLeaks have exposed. For example just see the stand off all three on drone strikes and than see stand of Khan.
Drone strikes and the war on terror was already close to an end when Khan came to power. He literally did nothing.
All parties were pursuing peace with India regardless of PTI or PML-N.

Under Imran Khan/PTI this was also continuing under the National Security Policy where they stated they want a peaceful neighbourhood and '100 years of peace with India' at least.
Drone strikes and the war on terror was already close to an end when Khan came to power. He literally did nothing.

Imran Khan would have shut the drone strikes at the height of WoT. You know the days when Musharraf used to rule?
Imran Khan would have shut the drone strikes at the height of WoT. You know the days when Musharraf used to rule?
I don't think he would have been able to but it's hard to say since he came in 2018 when the war was nearly finished already and US didn't care about it anymore

Also truth be told all your elites/establishment didn't have a problem with the drone strikes because they took out militants that the army struggled to take out (first TTP chief was removed by a US strike)
I repeat this ad nauseum - but I met dpty and sec to Indian HC a decade back and man - sharp guy - could be a silicon valley level founder - very articulate, charming personality… great conversationalist.
Other than being bothered by the plainclothes tailing us as we chatted about my university and his time in that country…

I also met similar grade ofcrs in PK consulate, and less said the better if at least they were semi helpful in pointing me where to go.. came to work at 11am and left at 3pm to never return.
Limited and diminishing brute tactical competence. Zero strategic understanding and foresight.
I don't think he would have been able to but it's hard to say since he came in 2018 when the war was nearly finished already and US didn't care about it anymore

Americans left in 2021 and IK stopped the drone strikes as soon as he came
into power in 2018. If IK did not come in then the drone strikes would have
continued till this day.
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