Former RAW chief says shrifs and Bhuttos are Indian assets

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When our own politicians give up the initiative to properly govern, failing to pass reforms to steady the economy for instance and not take out loans we are unable to manage, they become susceptible to even the smallest of maneuvers by adversaries to our national interests like Modi.

Regret to say this but most Pakistanis I met in Pakistan are like this, the rich are mostly crook, give bribery, lie, tax evasion, talk big but never heard of professionalism, people respect the mafia politicians. Things will improve when the next generation takes over but it will be 20% Improvement and then so on. India has done it by training their workforce via foreign investors. We are not that much difference to be fair, they just have more exposure to professional companies and worked for them, learnt the trade and made their country better which benefited their economy. Pakistanis need to stop voting for the older corrupt parties and create new ones, giving younger generation space in to politics, even PTI mainly gave chances to the younger generation this election, the last ones were full of electable and people from other parties. Rule of law is important otherwise the young will find corruption the solution aswell, people assets and investments must be protected from the mafias. In the western world Pakistanis have created big businesses, foreign students who settled are doing well but the same people would struggle in Pakistan due to the environment.

I am sure if they're investment is in trouble, they wouldn't care less about Pakistan first policy.
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Respect for Imran Khan for that, he stopped drone attacks whilst PPP, Pmln and military allowed the drone attacks. But if Pmln/PPP/Military/ISI are agents then its already too late, we may not even have nukes anymore, all dismantled. I will have heart attack if its true lol. PPP are landlords from Sindh and Pmln businessmen from Punjab, both corrupt but military tries to control them via many methods. The people of Pakistan need to change themselves and elect honest representatives, last election 50% of the population did not vote, as we get more education and more knowledge about running a nation, slowly new political parties will emerge. We don't even have ThinkTanks, defence analysts, all the guys on channels chat bubbles. Where are Allama Iqbal type of people? Have a deep conversation with fellow Pakistanis and you will realise the level of our mental state, certainly not good.
Common people don’t get to think beyond middle class prospects. You won’t get the caliber of politicians you seek unless you allow a class of intellectuals to have open and honest discourse, with the weight of policy making recommendations that can actually be implemented through parliament.
The people of Pakistan need to change themselves and elect honest representatives, last election 50% of the population did not vote, as we get more education and more knowledge about running a nation, slowly new political parties will emerge.

This is standard propaganda pushed forward by Army apologists.

The electorate on Feb 8 from Khyber to Karachi voted with their consciousness and voted for rule of law. Whether you trust IK or not but the voters had the interests of the country at heart not their petty interests like Baradari.

The Army stepped in on the night of 8th and made sure the results were overturned in Punjab and Karachi.

In the most backward part of Punjab, the establishment wanted Jehangir Tareen to win. They took away PTIs symbol, forced two candidates to withdraw and still a virtual nobody who was selected 2 days before the election managed to get 52000 votes.
Regret to say this but most Pakistanis I met in Pakistan are like this, the rich are mostly crook, give bribery, lie, tax evasion, talk big but never heard of professionalism, people respect the mafia politicians. Things will improve when the next generation takes over but it will be 20% Improvement and then so on. India has done it by training their workforce via foreign investors. We are not that much difference to be fair, they just have more exposure to professional companies and worked for them, learnt the trade and made their country better which benefited their economy. Pakistanis need to stop voting for the older corrupt parties and create new ones, giving younger generation space in to politics, even PTI mainly gave chances to the younger generation this election, the last ones were full of electable and people from other parties. Rule of law is important otherwise the young will find corruption the solution aswell, people assets and investments must be protected from the mafias. In the western world Pakistanis have created big businesses, foreign students who settled are doing well but the same people would struggle in Pakistan due to the environment.

I am sure if they're investment is in trouble, they wouldn't care less about Pakistan first policy.
It’s not that India did it through education, but through a relatively small class of elites that were empowered to make policy recommendations, after rigorous debate, keeping in mind national interests.

It’s the same in every one of the East Asian tiger economies. A small core elite that are very smart and disciplined managers.

We need professional experts doing research and coming up with policy recommendations, which political parties can choice to adopt as their platforms. The people can then vote for the parties they feel reflect what social compact they are willing to accept, in order to improve their lives, and endure the costs associated with that specific path.
This is standard propaganda pushed forward by Army apologists.

The electorate on Feb 8 from Khyber to Karachi voted with their consciousness and voted for rule of law. Whether you trust IK or not but the voters had the interests of the country at heart not their petty interests like Baradari.

The Army stepped in on the night of 8th and made sure the results were overturned in Punjab and Karachi.

In the most backward part of Punjab, the establishment wanted Jehangir Tareen to win. They took away PTIs symbol, forced two candidates to withdraw and still a virtual nobody who was selected 2 days before the election managed to get 52000 votes.

If that is the case then the rulers already lost. The change is around the corner. Meanwhile the people need to make themselves more strong, bring unity within themselves, work harder, they will be unstoppable.
It’s not that India did it through education, but through a relatively small class of elites that were empowered to make policy recommendations, after rigorous debate, keeping in mind national interests.

It’s the same in every one of the East Asian tiger economies. A small core elite that are very smart and disciplined managers.

We need professional experts doing research and coming up with policy recommendations, which political parties can choice to adopt as their platforms. The people can then vote for the parties they feel reflect what social compact they are willing to accept, in order to improve their lives, and endure the costs associated with that specific path.

Don't our political parties have advisors who are educated professionals, don't the military rulers have the same when they so coups? The beuracrats are also educated. It seems like certain powerful people are scared of loosing power, they are incapable themselves and won't allow others to come forward. Look at Iran our neighbour, they have experts with phds in each field, they make mistakes but overall do their job. Pakistan had lawyers running the science ministry, journalists in cricket boards.
Don't our political parties have advisors who are educated professionals, don't the military rulers have the same when they so coups? The beuracrats are also educated. It seems like certain powerful people are scared of loosing power, they are incapable themselves and won't allow others to come forward. Look at Iran our neighbour, they have experts with phds in each field, they make mistakes but overall do their job. Pakistan had lawyers running the science ministry, journalists in cricket boards.
We have experts in one field running fields they probably only have an amateur/enthusiast level knowledge in.

This is why India created its IIMs and IITs. To find the cream of the crop and empower them to do great things for their nation.

In the US, 500,000 apply each year for only 20,000 seats in the 8 Ivy League schools. These are the best of the best of American talent and from this pool you get the Wall Street finance managers as well as the consultants at McKinsey.

Then you get think tanks, filled with these ivy leaguers, that come up with policy recommendations, and these may or may not be picked up by political parties.
The reason India likes the Sharifs and the Bhuttos (actually Zardaris) is because they think small. Their aspirations are modest because they status quo thinkers.

India doesn’t want Pakistan to get its act together and become a challenger to its hegemony or market share in developing countries related industries.

For example, On the back of Pakistan’s 250 million population, companies in Pakistan could develop innovative agricultural products that would be an alternative to products India could be putting out in the same sub category of agriculture. Now apply this to all the areas Pakistan has to catch up in development, to be back on par with India on a per capita basis. Leapfrogging and innovative thinking with even more limited resources is required.

India needs the next 20 years (the length of their demographic dividend) to develop uninterrupted as fast as possible, the way China got from the 90s to the 2010s, and if Pakistan even slows down Indian growth by even 1% per annum, by selling its own goods or undercutting Indian prices, it would translate to a longer term limiting of India’s potential. In 20 years, if they grew at only 7% year on year versus 8%, their would be ~18% smaller of an economy then they could otherwise have been. This is how serious the situation stands, for them, because by 2050, India won’t be as competitive as other potential rivals.

Now consider what even the best Pakistani graduates had to dream about; as in the movie “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” Princeton Educated, McKinsey veteran, dreaming of becoming the dictator of Pakistan in pre-9/11 America, it was such a waste of his potential and others like him. Pakistan really wasted the last 35 years, the post-cold war era. Had he founded an equivalent to Infosys, he would have been an oligarch and indirectly had a share of government power, the way Chaebols do in South Korea. The way the Adanis and Ambanis do in India.

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Anyway practically imran Khan was biggest asset of india when he was prime minister of Pakistan.

During his tenure, india was able to remove the 370A without hardel which was biggest barrier between india and people of kashmir

If there was any military general in command, might situation could be different but Imran, bhutto and Nawaaz - all are same for india.
Anyway practically imran Khan was biggest asset of india when he was prime minister of Pakistan.

During his tenure, india was able to remove the 370A without hardel which was biggest barrier between india and people of kashmir

If there was any military general in command, might situation could be different but Imran, bhutto and Nawaaz - all are same for india.

PTI walas will come here and say Imran's hands were tied , it was GHQ which surrendered. But in same hypocritical breath they give the credit of reduced Amriki drone strikes to Imran.
Lebanon fights against Nazis:-
Bhutto & Shrief ka to patta nahi but this idiot Dulat is for sure a big big laibility to Indian intelligence & security apratuss

it was ZA Bhutto who initiated hostilities with India in 1964 and later the reason for Pakistan becoming a force in OIC & the main inspiration behind pakistani neuclear mission

as for Benzir it was under her that problems in Indian Punjab and exodus of kashmiri pandits from kashmir valley hapenned

and it was under Nawaz shrief that pakistan became a nuclear state and while it was under Imran khan that pakistan lost Saudi Arbia and USA as strategic friends and India gained upperhand both in kashmir and world stage and become more important for Saudies, UAE -UK/USA than ever before

but what hapenned under this Dulat in India..? kargil war hapenned the national embaressment of Kandhar Hijaking and how he was clueless about kargil intrussion and he says Bhuttos and shriefs are owr assets when he himself is sold out and even penned few books with one of his masters ... i dont understand how those guys are even keeping him relevent ..????
I thought it was an open secret

Nawaz Sharif has been an Indian Asset for last 20 years
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