Forum Updates and DDoS attack

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Do ask your host to block any and all connection requests other than those from cloudflare ip range after you complete the domain transfer to cloudflare... there are sites that keep a record of past dns responses that can be used to bypass cloudflare.
Thanks for the update.

Goes to show the incredible efforts administrators put in daily in making this forum efficient and user friendly. Really appreciate your efforts and stand behind you. You’re the unsung heroes!

Do ask your host to block any and all connection requests other than those from cloudflare ip range after you complete the domain transfer to cloudflare... there are sites that keep a record of past dns responses that can be used to bypass cloudflare.

Edit - other screenshots removed
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Thank you for the candid description of the issues and your efforts to resolve them.
Interesting. ISI fighting back to regain their lost traffic (old PDF) or you mods kicked out MSS bot account and they went crying back to Beijing and Chinese initiated a warning shot.

Whatever it is, we all SpeedLimited folks😉 stand solidly behind you Mr X.

Plz take your time, fight back and get back OUR forum from these DDOS morons.
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Nice work guys. Can we get Tweets restored? Having issues with tweets not displaying
Everything is there. I have just disabled some features to keep the forum as light as possible so that while we are monitoring the activity.
Ddos can be stoped right by making a protection sofware to detect human or not human visitors ?

I see Arab Defense Forum use it
Everything is there. I have just disabled some features to keep the forum as light as possible so that while we are monitoring the activity.
Thank you. Keep up the good work and do what you need to do in meantime.
Ddos can be stoped right by making a protection sofware to detect human or not human visitors ?

I see Arab Defense Forum use it
I know but it happened on the same day we updated the software so we had to go through many possible reasons.

Preventing DDoS by itself is easy
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