France offers full support in nuclear submarines, jet engines and underwater drones to India

Looks like we found ourselves a terrorism sympathizers.

Are you also just as happy about all the TTP attacks in Pakistan.
bhai you dont get the point

they are frutated to the most extreme level not because there own nation is in such a mess but why despite every dirty trick by the western ecosystem niether MODI nor Indian economy is showing any sign of bending and still growing


since niether they have money to buy arms from european nation and after NATO & USA left Afghanistan they have no hope left to get any more weapons or upgrades & updates to there existing western origin weapons it really really hurts them bad when they see every G7 head of state welcoming PM MODI and offering him full support and the latest DUAL USE technology and wepons the money can buy
Have you seen India's votes in UN? How many are against Russia? India is perhaps the only big country that can buy Russian oil and weapons and western weapons at the same time.

Can Pakistan do it? Nope!
Can Bangladesh even think about doing it? Hell No.

Know your place.

Yes, we know our place, like we did in Feb 2019.
They are making it about the recent arrest of CEO of telegram in France.

Apparently he is a UAE citizen.

However the reality could be that they have been secretly offered the F35As by USA , with Tacit approval of Israel .

UAE sits at the entrance of the Persian Gulf. 3 squadrons of F35As will be enough to keep Iran from doing something stupid . And save millions of American tax dollars spent on maintaining F35 sqds in the Gulf

Tragically life does not follow your conspiracy theory script. UAE-France relations are too important.
Yeah, well in a few years beggers will have stealth....
China is not ready to revive BHASHA dam project until the remaing loan reapyment is done first and your dreaming 5th gen just cuase Chinese are taking actual feedback from potential coustmor for further improovements in software or hardware of there J31

but ok if you think a nation like pakistan can have 5th gen from so called SOFT LOAN but worlds fifth largets and fastest growing economy with more than 690 billion USD$$s in its foriegn exchange reserves cant buy the same il say its great that you are so optimistic ;) :P
China is not ready to revive BHASHA dam project until the remaing loan reapyment is done first and your dreaming 5th gen just cuase Chinese are taking actual feedback from potential coustmor for further improovements in software or hardware of there J31

but ok if you think a nation like pakistan can have 5th gen from so called SOFT LOAN but worlds fifth largets and fastest growing economy with more than 690 billion USD$$s in its foriegn exchange reserves cant buy the same il say its great that you are so optimistic ;) :P
Put another way India the worlds economic super power has few to no options on a 5th gen plane. It's go indigenous which will take decades to field one or get involved in other foreign programs like with the Russians. The US won't be selling the F35.
China is not ready to revive BHASHA dam project until the remaing loan reapyment is done first and your dreaming 5th gen just cuase Chinese are taking actual feedback from potential coustmor for further improovements in software or hardware of there J31

but ok if you think a nation like pakistan can have 5th gen from so called SOFT LOAN but worlds fifth largets and fastest growing economy with more than 690 billion USD$$s in its foriegn exchange reserves cant buy the same il say its great that you are so optimistic ;) :P

Then maybe buy it, rather then the fanboys chat on the internet.
Then maybe buy it, rather then the fanboys chat on the internet.
well you dont have money to give fuel and parking charges for PIA planes at major airports in west and east asia or buy 8 F16 BLK52 on market price and you dream to buy J31 ya ya sure ;) :P

i remmeber @Zarvan who used to boast once that PAK -Russia friendship in 2019 and that it will soon bring T90 MBTs and SU35 fighter jets to Pakistan ;) :P
well you dont have money to give fuel and parking charges for PIA planes at major airports in west and east asia or buy 8 F16 BLK52 on market price and you dream to buy J31 ya ya sure ;) :P

i remmeber @Zarvan who used to boast once that PAK -Russia friendship in 2019 and that it will soon bring T90 MBTs and SU35 fighter jets to Pakistan ;) :P
Russian deputy pm was in Pakistan recently signed several MOU. SU 30 lacks AESA that is we have J 10 C.
Put another way India the worlds economic super power has few to no options on a 5th gen plane. It's go indigenous which will take decades to field one or get involved in other foreign programs like with the Russians. The US won't be selling the F35.
Fact is USA is armtwisting India on GE404 engines delays so it buys its F35 L II with which USA is also ready to sell couple of notable assets

USA is also ready to tranfer at least 8 squads of ex USAF F16 upgraded to Verssion "V" for less than half the price of current F16 BLK72 that to with all new engines , FRC, Avionicks , and weapons suits and new gen CFTs
Russian deputy pm was in Pakistan recently signed several MOU. SU 30 lacks AESA that is we have J 10 C.
@Zarvan ji India already tested and now doing user trails of 1500 TERM GaN based VIRUPAKSHA AESA radar on SU 30

besides that already 80 SEPECAT JAGUARS of IAF have second gen ELTA EL 2052 AESA radar while 36 Dassault Rafales have RBE-2AA AESA radars while 83 LCA MK1A already ordered and first 40 are coming with latest gen GaN TERM based ELTA AESA radars so no issues ;) :P

and the best part is all fighters of IAF are now commanly intigrated with ASRAAM WVRs and ASTRA MK 1 BVR accept Rafale and Jaguars which have IRST or MICA twins ans WVRs and MAGIC II & METEOR as BVRs respectively ;) :P
China is not ready to revive BHASHA dam project until the remaing loan reapyment is done first and your dreaming 5th gen just cuase Chinese are taking actual feedback from potential coustmor for further improovements in software or hardware of there J31

but ok if you think a nation like pakistan can have 5th gen from so called SOFT LOAN but worlds fifth largets and fastest growing economy with more than 690 billion USD$$s in its foriegn exchange reserves cant buy the same il say its great that you are so optimistic ;) :P

I think it has more to do with the fact that
China will sell J31 to Pakistan for a 12 year softloan with 10% interest rate

Something similar to what they did with sale of 25 J10Cs for 1.25 billion USD

The difference is that 40 J31s will cost upwards of 6 billion USD

Thats a lot of money for PAF to take a loan
I think it has more to do with the fact that
China will sell J31 to Pakistan for a 12 year softloan with 10% interest rate

Something similar to what they did with sale of 25 J10Cs for 1.25 billion USD

The difference is that 40 J31s will cost upwards of 6 billion USD

Thats a lot of money for PAF to take a loan
he he he its getting even better and better for us with this attitude of theres ;) :P

they are like that broke paindoo whos kids are hungry but to show his rich niegbour he keeps bringing new motor vehicle even after selling his only peice of land just to keep his ego high ;) :P

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