Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Brother I would like to yet again remind you…….

I know you are very passionate and hurting at what’s going on in Palestine but you must not make this a sectarian issue. Sunni Shia etc it’s not relevant here. We are all the same. The enemy today are those that are killing innocent Palestinians.
Please save the rest for another day. Focus on giving us info on what is going on.
I desperately hope it ends brother.
Where is the sectarian issue? Criticizing Iranian regime is sectarian? I'm not gonna stop doing that. So better to tell me now if that violates rules or not as I'll just head back to the original forum.
Where is the sectarian issue? Criticizing Iranian regime is sectarian? I'm not gonna stop doing that. So better to tell me now if that violates rules or not as I'll just head back to the original forum.

stop it thats enough this mentality is exactly why we are in this mess
I think the best understanding about this conflict comes from the Palestinian and the Israeli sources. In case of Israel, there is definite muzzling of their media, which makes sense from their perspective.

This guy is saying that the little withdrawal of the Israeli forces is about Israel resigning to a very long conflict. I think, if this guy is right, we are looking at Israel fighting on multiple fronts for Israel's very existence.

stop it thats enough this mentality is exactly why we are in this mess
You stop and mind your business. If it's against rules to criticize Iranian government I won't post here you can make it Iranian propaganda thread if you want. There is nothing sectarian about anything I posted. Just people upset it's making Iran look bad. Iran and Hezbollah will deservedly get bad cred for backstabbing Hamas and Gaza and lying about unity of fronts.
I think the best understanding about this conflict comes from the Palestinian and the Israeli sources. In case of Israel, there is definite muzzling of their media, which makes sense from their perspective.

This guy is saying that the little withdrawal of the Israeli forces is about Israel resigning to a very long conflict. I think, if this guy is right, we are looking at Israel fighting on multiple fronts for Israel's very existence.

Thanks for sharing this video.
You stop and mind your business. If it's against rules to criticize Iranian government I won't post here you can make it Iranian propaganda thread if you want. There is nothing sectarian about anything I posted. Just people upset it's making Iran look bad. Iran and Hezbollah will deservedly get bad cred for backstabbing Hamas and Gaza and lying about unity of fronts.

cut the trolling please

just because its not against forum rules doesnt excuse you from using common sense

None of those are from Palestine

So why should Palestinians tolerate them because everyone else hated them

The Israeli are becoming reviled in the middle east, the entire region despises them, especially now

For regional peace and security the Jews need to go to Europe or America
Where is the sectarian issue? Criticizing Iranian regime is sectarian? I'm not gonna stop doing that. So better to tell me now if that violates rules or not as I'll just head back to the original forum.

I don’t wish to enter an argument or debate. I was just merely pointing out we are all one and united. We are singing from the same page. I see all of us very sensitive and hurting.
I stand firmly with Palestinians.
None of those are from Palestine

So why should Palestinians tolerate them because everyone else hated them

The Israeli are becoming reviled in the middle east, the entire region despises them, especially now

For regional peace and security the Jews need to go to Europe or America
@RescueRanger @Musings Imagine if someone said Muslims and Europe or America instead of Middle East.
When one country can without any push back do as what we see in Gaza then so can others, it's become easier.

This is one of the negative externalities no one is talking about now.


and as the saying goes

When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty

There is two forms of resistance

Violent and non-violent

When non-violent resistance is made impossible then violent resistance becomes inevitable

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