Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


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Apr 10, 2024
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I thought he was an idf soldier. Look at how pathetic he looked when he got pushed and manhandled at the end.

One thing I've noticed about white racists and jews is that they ALL like to attack women but not men. They will not engage in hand to hand combat with men but will start pushing women, pulling off their headscarves etc.

I am so GLAD that the birthrates of these racist zionist genociders is falling so low and beyond replacement levels. I hope the races they belong to all die out and become extinct. F**K all of em.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Not a single member of Congress or the Executive will pause even a microsecond to worry about what Europe or the rest of the world wants. Every single US politician knows the Zionists' demands and their power in the US. This is even more so in an election year.

Europe has its own problems with Russia and it knows that it needs the US far more than the US needs it.

Sorry, but only the Global South thinks it is important in global affairs. The lion's share of the planet's wealth, technology and innovation is in the US and its allies or in China. The situation will only get worse when you look at emerging technologies and where the world is headed in the coming decades.

Sadly I have to agree with your overall post.
Neither the US or the Israelis care enough about the 'world opinion' to make a significant course change. And countries like China and Russia, while happy to see America embroiled in another bleeding conflict, are not, at least as of now, doing enough material or even intelligence support to the Palestinians/Arabs; contrast China and Russia with how much Europe has done for Israel in this conflict. And the Global South is too poor, too powerless to be making enough difference.

The Israelis know that the world will move on IF/WHEN Israel totally subjugates Gaza. The world will move on because people have their lives to live, bills to pay, children to raise etc etc and so wars in distant tiny lands are not priority. But the Muslim world will not forget and forgive; at least its 'street' will not; whether that can translate into a potent force within our lifetime--only time will tell.

To prevent an Israeli total victory, the Gazans must be supplied and all surrounding fronts--Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria--must get fully involved IF/WHEN there is imminent Gazans capitulation. If that won't happen then forget Palestine probably in our lifetime.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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China is part of the "Global South"

Well, I don't know about that. China is a power all by itself.

and you are not able to see that Europe is likely to break away from US when it is no longer "top dog". France would love to kick the US influence out of Europe as soon as the time is correct.

France would love to do that but it has zero chance. Many countries in Europe, especially Eastern Europe, are staunchly pro-US. They will kick France and embrace US any day of the week.

Why would Europe need the US over Russia? Germany had to be dragged kicking and screaming to supply Leopard 2 to Ukraine and France/Italy are barely sending anything.

If Russia was to occupy Ukraine that was historically part of one country, why should Western Europe care in the least bit? This is a centuries old Eastern European squabble that the US is exploiting to fight a proxy-war with Russia. Russia has zero interest in attacking any ex-Soviet countries and that includes Poland that is terrified of them.

Yes, the Ukraine war has been a masterstroke of engineering by the US. It has awakened ancient hatreds between ex-Soviet states and Russia, and made sure that Ukraine is an anchor that will weigh Europe down for decades. If Western Europe embraces Russia, it will fatally fracture European unity. If they maintain European unity, then Russia will remain an enemy.


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Apr 10, 2024
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To be fair, that probably doesn't mean much.
Many Jews changed their name to sound local in order to avoid persecution in the past and are reverting to their original names.

Yes but these european jews ARE racially and ethnically russian, polish, lithuanian, ukrainian etc. They HAVE NO racial or ethnic heritage from the area that is called israel but is in fact PPalestine. They are NOT a Middle Eastern or semitic people. They are white europeans.


Sep 14, 2006
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I thought he was an idf soldier. Look at how pathetic he looked when he got pushed and manhandled at the end.

One thing I've noticed about white racists and jews is that they ALL like to attack women but not men. They will not engage in hand to hand combat with men but will start pushing women, pulling off their headscarves etc.

I am so GLAD that the birthrates of these racist zionist genociders is falling so low and beyond replacement levels. I hope the races they belong to all die out and become extinct. F**K all of em.

The tall gent came over and asked the sisters in Hijab what happened. He may have been Muslim or had Muslim friends and got angry when he tried to walk up on the lady with phone who is black.
His soul left his body when he was confronted and shoved. You're right they're horrible little ba*tards and always pick on women and kids.
Hilariously he boasts about being an 'IDF solider', probably the most weak military personal in the world, whose only victories are on TikTok.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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The tall gent came over and asked the sisters in Hijab what happened. He may have been Muslim or had Muslim friends and got angry when he tried to walk up on the lady with phone who is black.
His soul left his body when he was confronted and shoved. You're right they're horrible little ba*tards and always pick on women and kids.
Hilariously he boasts about being an 'IDF solider', probably the most weak military personal in the world, whose only victories are on TikTok.

IDF IS the weakest and LEAST masculine army in the world. They are ONLY made capable by the air support, unlimited supply of advanced weapons and finances from america and the west. If that were stopped, forget about national militaries, even the Lahore police force would beat them. These israelis are only good at murdering babies, children and unarmed civilians.
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