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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Can i just add that these Western countries shouting they will recognize Palestine as a state are probably trying to manipulate the world into forgiving Israel for genocide and its reparations debt IN PLACE of a Palestinian state- NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Recognition of the Palestinian state should remain a separate and unconnected event from Israel fairly and squarely settling the debt it owes Palestinians.

Recognition of a Palestinian state will have ZERO impact on Israeli actions. They will attack and occupy Palestinian land, whether it's an official UN state or occupied territory. Israel will be shielded and supported by the same countries, including the Muslim slaves. UN will be an impotent spectator chained by US vetos.

This whole two-state drama is a side show to legitimize Israel


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Yes. All of the above and that's the importance of finding that shoeless shoehorn Shaytan guilty without a shadow of a doubt so that evil & vile entity has to pay up MAJOR reparations to the Palestinians.

Never mind the unfairness that making countries like the UAE and Saudiya and Turkey and even Egypt that will be forking out billion of $ to rebuild Gaza take that responsibility. Happens every time this criminal entity goes on one of its genocidal temper tantrums. But were the criminals to have an ICC court-mandated order to pay restitutions to the tens of thousands of dead Palestinians and their families, especially if those two heads of state do get convicted, that would be heavenly. I know it's a fantastical stretch by any stretch of the imagination, but let's hope for the best and that's the way it should be!

With the zionist entity's foreign reserves at $90 or $100 billion and whatever its GDP is, damn right it pays restitutions for the destruction of the entire strip and the incomprehensible death toll. This piece of **** entity needs to pay and pay a heavy price for its crimes and recklessness thinking it can just wipe an entire country (that's really what Gaza is despite its small size) and wipe out entire generations of families off the surface of the earth and then just go about its business as if nothing happened? Hell no! Screw that ten times over it needs to be punished and punished hard. Losing to a bunch of slipper-wearing tracksuit Mujahedeen is just the shaming part. Then the real beatdown needs to happen; hitting them where it really hurts, THEIR ZIONIST POCKETS!!!! Then they'll have come full circle from the Holocaust to this shame oh the irony that would be.

GCC Arabs this time shoud refuse to rebuild Gaza as this only encourages the entity and its supporters to do the same again.

Even if the entity cannot be made to pay, then the US/Europe that have on the whole made this possible should pay billions every year to support life in Gaza.

Hit their genocidal friends where it hurts in the pockets.

Also justice should mean that the agressor pays and that is the entity.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Recognition of a Palestinian state will have ZERO impact on Israeli actions. They will attack and occupy Palestinian land, whether it's an official UN state or occupied territory. Israel will be shielded and supported by the same countries, including the Muslim slaves. UN will be an impotent spectator chained by US vetos.

This whole two-state drama is a side show to legitimize Israel

I think we need to wait and see as the US has even lost its UK ally over the ICC statement that it will seek arrest warrants for the Zionist criminals Netanyahu and Gallant.

Even the US has not explicity come out against an immediate Rafah ceasefire as of yet.

Without any other friends like UK, the US may not be able to wantonly veto the inevitable resolution that will demand an immediate ceasefire in Rafah.

The whole of Europe, including Germany, have stated that Netanyahu will be arrested and handed to "The Hague" if he steps foot on their soil. ICC Judges approval for seeking of arrest warrants is just a formality.

Remember the west is not a monolithic block and the smaller European countries have been negatively affected by US wars with mass immigration and they fear a world where Asian Giants like China can trample over them in the decades to come. It is in their interest to support these institutions and get as many upcoming "Global South" countries to also support them.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Al-Aqsa Channel: The occupation tried to expand the ground incursion into Rafah, but failed in the face of the Palestinian resistance


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Columbia University students stage a sit-in again against the war on Gaza



Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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Axios: International Justice’s decision to stop the attack in Rafah may lead to the Security Council issuing an order for an immediate ceasefire..“And pressure on the Biden administration not to use its veto.”

That will certainly put to "test" Mr Bidens "Rafah Redlines" ... and the hypocrisy of Biden ...


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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That will certainly put to "test" Mr Bidens "Rafah Redlines" ... and the hypocrisy of Biden ...

Even if the US vetoes then it would still be progress as it would show the US is complicit in genocide.

All that may happen is that both the ICC and ICJ will then issue arrest warrants for Biden etc. for complicity in genocide.

Whole world against US => US will lose in the end.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I think we need to wait and see as the US has even lost its UK ally over the ICC statement that it will seek arrest warrants for the Zionist criminals Netanyahu and Gallant.

Even the US has not explicity come out against an immediate Rafah ceasefire as of yet.

Without any other friends like UK, the US may not be able to wantonly veto the inevitable resolution that will demand an immediate ceasefire in Rafah.

Not a single member of Congress or the Executive will pause even a microsecond to worry about what Europe or the rest of the world wants. Every single US politician knows the Zionists' demands and their power in the US. This is even more so in an election year.

The whole of Europe, including Germany, have stated that Netanyahu will be arrested and handed to "The Hague" if he steps foot on their soil. ICC Judges approval for seeking of arrest warrants is just a formality.

Europe has its own problems with Russia and it knows that it needs the US far more than the US needs it.

Remember the west is not a monolithic block and the smaller European countries have been negatively affected by US wars with mass immigration and they fear a world where Asian Giants like China can trample over them in the decades to come. It is in their interest to support these institutions and get as many upcoming "Global South" countries to also support them.

Sorry, but only the Global South thinks it is important in global affairs. The lion's share of the planet's wealth, technology and innovation is in the US and its allies or in China. The situation will only get worse when you look at emerging technologies and where the world is headed in the coming decades.


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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