Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

These demented fcuks are hell bent on starting a nuclear war. They've already planned it and it's inevitable. Sometimes I think to myself that the Lord is taking the good people before the impending "Great War" because it's been said that war would bring suffering like never seen before. Survivors of such a war would hope that they'd died....

Don’t personally understand this bit about “European Unity”.

France and Germany are the two major powers in Europe and they desperately want to get back to normal relations with Russia.

They know their economies will slowly die without access to cheap Russian oil and gas and sales to the relatively large Russian market.

If this Ukraine war goes on much longer, they would rather choose Russia over the paranoid and frankly irrelevant EU countries like Poland.

The US “masterstroke” is yet to be seen as it relies on the Western Europeans killing their economies for “European Unity”. I don’t think this will happen.

The whole EU thing was designed to challenge US dominance. France and Germany cannot challenge the US individually but they figured the combined economic power of the continent could do so. That experiment has failed as China came out of nowhere to leapfrog them and take second place.

Of course the Europeans are miffed -- France especially, lol -- and they are hoping the US and China can trade blows to damage each other while the EU leapfrogs them. One could argue that Western Europe plus Russia could have become a juggernaut, but Germany and Austria have very strong cultural bonds with Eastern Europe (Holy Roman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire) and the hatreds between Russia and much of Eastern Europe are too strong.

Anyway, that's a whole different discussion and off topic...
Yes it really took off under Bill Clinton and become absolute under Bush Jr.

Obama knew the score with the Zionist stranglehold when he got in and just knew he had to toe the line as otherwise he would not even make it to the end of his first term!
Lehman Bros bankrupt was a soft coup of American Jewish elite, Wall St soft coup, they take over power after several stupids actions by Bush non-Jew administration, like 911 self attacks.

Obama was the candidate of Soros.

Of course Soros dont give a fck about Israel. Soros is a very known anti-zionist jew, the perfect main image of Jew American elite who rule coldly, smartly, hiddenly and ruthlessly.

Zionism I guess it was something useful in the past, particularly from the 1970s (USA peak oil) to keep control in Middle East, and to make networking between rich Jews in USA, but currently it's unnecessary.
Libya and Iraq are good examples of how modern technology let rule oil rich countries in the middle chaos through drone killings and electronic espionage, so it's to expect a USA backstabbing against Israel and GCC soon or later.
How were Al-Qassam able to lure the occupation soldiers into the ambush announced by Abu Ubaida?


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