Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

OK here's my take on current situation for what it's worth.

Iran and Hezbolla don't want to be drawn into a conflict as intense as what we are seeing in Gaza, as a deterrent and to maintain some balance to Israeli aggression in Lebanon they are carrying out limited strikes which has left a number of their fighters dead. For Iran seeing Hamas completely destroyed is also an issue so they are treading with caution with their moves.

Israel for its part knows it has to deal with hezbolla, Netanyahu needs to show himself as a strong man in control who will restore peace, thats his only option for political and self survival. His version of peace is seeing Gaza unhabitable with a plan to move Palestinians out of there and then to root out hezbolla in Lebanon. Netanyahu knows he can't do it alone so wants to draw in the US and others.

The GCC states don't care how many Palestinians must die as long as the end result is a defeated or weaken hamas, hezbolla and Iran. Remember the Saudis for a long time have also wanted the US to get involved and deal with Iran militarily, although they restarted diplomatic relations they want nothing but to see Iran weakened or the mullahs removed. So as long as Israel carries on doing what they like, they will give lip service to condemn and offer some money for rebuilding. Netanyahu has said a few times how he will look at the gcc Arabs to support in post war gaza his referring to money to pay for rebuild.

Egypt and Jordan are hand tied they are dependant on US aid and like the GCC countries are aligned in political thinking. Sisi is a US yes man, he also doesn't want any crisis coming into Egypt and had drawn a red line of Palestinians being forced into the sinai. This seems to be working as we are hearing Israeli officials calling for ethnic cleansing by saying resettlement of Palestinians from gaza to voluntary countries and not into the sinai now.

One doesn't know how things will play out but right now it seems there isn't enough pressure on Israel to stop what it's doing. If anything it seems to be redrploying and escalating if the news is to believed.

Regardless of what happens, I won't stop championing the Palestinian cause and their struggle for freedom from tyranny however in my own way I can. I would ask all those who support palestine to do the same. Boycotting, lobbying your local politicians, increasing awareness to people who know little about this conflict and helping out charitably are things we can all do. Ofcourse our prayers as well are with the oppressed, but some action however little is required of the collective, as muslim leaders are fractured, alone, scared, or don't care.
Ofcourse our prayers as well are with the oppressed, but some action however little is required of the collective, as muslim leaders are fractured, alone, scared, or don't care
Yup, unless you believe you change is something only others can do whilst you watch via a screen.
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:

  • Targeted an IOF Apache helicopter with a SAM-7 anti-aircraft missile, east of Gaza, causing a direct hit.

Mujahideen Brigades:
  • Targeted an israeli helicopter with a SAM-7 anti-aircraft missile, in Al-Shujaiya area, directly hitting it.

These have great implication if true.
I hope Israel soon realise that their restraint is being used against them by people who wish them no well. There is only one solution, a military campaign using all they have (rockets, bombs, nuclear)
OK here's my take on current situation for what it's worth.

Iran and Hezbolla don't want to be drawn into a conflict as intense as what we are seeing in Gaza, as a deterrent and to maintain some balance to Israeli aggression in Lebanon they are carrying out limited strikes which has left a number of their fighters dead. For Iran seeing Hamas completely destroyed is also an issue so they are treading with caution with their moves.

Israel for its part knows it has to deal with hezbolla, Netanyahu needs to show himself as a strong man in control who will restore peace, thats his only option for political and self survival. His version of peace is seeing Gaza unhabitable with a plan to move Palestinians out of there and then to root out hezbolla in Lebanon. Netanyahu knows he can't do it alone so wants to draw in the US and others.

The GCC states don't care how many Palestinians must die as long as the end result is a defeated or weaken hamas, hezbolla and Iran. Remember the Saudis for a long time have also wanted the US to get involved and deal with Iran militarily, although they restarted diplomatic relations they want nothing but to see Iran weakened or the mullahs removed. So as long as Israel carries on doing what they like, they will give lip service to condemn and offer some money for rebuilding. Netanyahu has said a few times how he will look at the gcc Arabs to support in post war gaza his referring to money to pay for rebuild.

Egypt and Jordan are hand tied they are dependant on US aid and like the GCC countries are aligned in political thinking. Sisi is a US yes man, he also doesn't want any crisis coming into Egypt and had drawn a red line of Palestinians being forced into the sinai. This seems to be working as we are hearing Israeli officials calling for ethnic cleansing by saying resettlement of Palestinians from gaza to voluntary countries and not into the sinai now.

One doesn't know how things will play out but right now it seems there isn't enough pressure on Israel to stop what it's doing. If anything it seems to be redrploying and escalating if the news is to believed.

Regardless of what happens, I won't stop championing the Palestinian cause and their struggle for freedom from tyranny however in my own way I can. I would ask all those who support palestine to do the same. Boycotting, lobbying your local politicians, increasing awareness to people who know little about this conflict and helping out charitably are things we can all do. Ofcourse our prayers as well are with the oppressed, but some action however little is required of the collective, as muslim leaders are fractured, alone, scared, or don't care.

At the end of the day Hezbollah themselves are not a state, nor do they have the resources of a state

They also are in Lebanon which has a mixed population and whilst they have a lot more offensive capabilities, the Israeli are animals and will target the Lebanese population that will put inevitable pressure on Hezbollah

As a result unless directly attacked or Lebanese territory invaded this low level attacks by Hezbollah is all you will see

In the meantime Iran is bolstering Hezbollah stocks in preparation for a possible conflict
The U.S is doing the same for Israel

So whilst their is a constant low level conflict at the moment in the North both sides are wary

Iran to be fair is doing what it can THIS IS ON THE ARAB STATES

The OIC was ready to declare sanctions and additional actions across the Muslim world

Who stopped it???
Saudi, Egypt, UAE, Jordan

Why the hell would anyone point fingers at Iran when the Arabs are the problem

At a population level however Israel and the Jews are detested and the hatred is absolutely brimming

The Palestinian cause is energised across the world and we now need to unleash sustained pressure against Israel
It's very difficult for a guerrilla movement to restore deterrence against a much stronger power. Especially since Hezbollah usually tries to avoid targeting civilians or resorting to illegal means of warfare that the Zionists use (e.g. cluster munitions in HUGE numbers, white phosphorus, etc). Their best hope is to extract a clear cost from Israel. Intelligently to prevent major escalation, perhaps by targeting Israel's offshore gas facilities - extract a cost without a big loss of life which would tip them into full war.

That is the line of thinking I was in.

Maybe an attack on an economic target like a port but being careful to minimise civilian casualties.

Hezbollah would have to fire hundreds of rockets and missiles at once in order to overwhelm the defences, but it would probably restore deterrence as the Zionists would feel that the massive economic price would not be worth assasinating top resistance officials.

Haifa port is the closest and so would present a tempting target due to sheer amount and breadth of weapons that Hezbollah to direct at it.
I hope Israel soon realise that their restraint is being used against them by people who wish them no well. There is only one solution, a military campaign using all they have (rockets, bombs, nuclear)

What restraint??? They are a horrendous apartheid state that has inflicted a brutal apartheid occupation upon millions of Palestinians

The PALESTINIANS after 75 years now outnumber the Jews across Gaza, Israel and the west bank

Do you know the biggest weapon against Israel for the Palestinians is marriage and children

When the average age of Palestinians is 19 and the average age of Jews in Israel is 43, you realise a mass of the Palestinians population is heading towards marriage and family
Whilst the Jews have passed it

The PALESTINIANS are the future

That's why Israel is so eager for ethnic cleansing

Because they don't have any options and being murderous just makes people hate them even more
What restraint??? They are a horrendous apartheid state that has inflicted a brutal apartheid occupation upon millions of Palestinians
They have still not carpet bombed Gaza from the Sky. That is restraint. Same with Lebanon
Bro if they dont care - why should we expect the western world to care? They will do whats right for them.

I wasn't crazy. Right from the beginning I had already shared my thoughts on the role of main actors. Without the help of these actors the Palestinians are set to suffer immensely. The main actors didn't disappoint. As expected, the Arabs haven't delivered. It has gone to such an extreme that ordinary Arabs are dancing and really don't give a shit about their blood brothers dying in Palestine. It is horrible to watch.

The entire world is watching and scolding the GCC Arabs for being cowards. The Palestinians should absolutely blame the GCC Arabs. This is where the fault lies.

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