Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This isn't about fair or unfair.
in your view..
Palestinians can demand all they want but they have no means of enforcing the dismantlement of Israel.
are Palestinians demanding or are they deserving of what are their full rights they are legally entitled to? The world will enforce on Israel, not Palestinians- they will oversee and enforce the Palestinian statehood and reparations Israel owes Palestinians.

I'm just being factual and fair about the situation bro
Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
in your opinion..which is very interesting.
They are barely surviving the Israeli onslaught.
and how does that make Palestinians entitled to less than their internationally agreed up rights that Israel owes them?
Meanwhile, Israel is planning to ethnicly cleanse them.
the world is watching and will has started to hold Israel accountable for its crimes. Technology is recording and tracking so much of Israel's crimes. it will be easy to convict Israeli and IDF leaders, unless white/Zio supremacy interferes successfully.
Muslim nations won't militarily intervene(that includes Iran).
Muslim resistance forces have already intervened and they may be enough- Israel's military seems to be running at 50% efficiency now- how come small rag tag Gaza militants are ready to fight Israel for another 2-4 years but Israel doesnt seem able to keep fighting for another year despite all its resources?
Under the circumstances, the only thing that can help them is a combination of sanctions and pressure at a global scale on Israel for a workable compromise.
False narrative- there are more options- regional resistance forces will probably intensify attacks on Israel, and like Ukraine, Israel will have to "fall" or accept the world's terms for ending the war- aka a loss for Israel. Why do you overestimate Israel's military strength when it has shown us that its much weaker than it should be for all the resources and military tech it has access to? damn.
Even Hamas knows this and has softened its stance to accepting '67 borders.
Then why cant Israel give Palestinians and Hamas the '67 borders territories today? because Israel's govt is a serial story teller scammer- they commit..and then they break the deal....then change the deal again....then dont do their part once they sign...over and over...!
Seen the following comment:

A special report to the International Red Cross has detailed multiple accounts of Israeli soldiers raping children, recently widowed wives ... and bayoneting all the old and disabled.

One IDF unit wiped out all the kids in a blind school, and then stacked the bodies to take pictures before feeding the dead to wild dogs.

Can anyone verify this?

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