Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

On what facts are you basing your assumptions?

McDonalds ,Starbucks for starters
Lunch and dinner will also contribute to the killing and maiming of little Palestinian children .
Should the ICC get to issuing those arrest warrants, I do wonder how aggressive they'll be in enforcing them on the two zionist demons, particularly Shatanyahu.

When George Stephanopoulos asked the demon whether he was worried about possible arrest warrants while traveling and he replied, on live TV in front of the entire world that Khan was the one who should be "worried" was basically a mafia hit heads up. Straight up, blatant, criminal, drug cartel style it's mind-blowing. The unabashed, unconcerned audacity it takes to throw a vile threat of that magnitude at an individual of the stature of Karim Khan, on live TV, in front of the whole world just goes to show how emboldened these vile, cretinous, vermin demons have become through their murderous campaign and the US' (and others) unconditional support.

He was basically giving the prosecutor general of the International Criminal Court of Justice a warning that if he proceeds any further with those warrants that a contract hit was coming his way. Just think about how crazy that is. And how that will/has affected the aggressiveness Karim Khan & co. would need to actually make those arrests.

And with the disgusting, filthy-evil, infamously shameful reputation of their intel hit-squad's well-known record of carrying out world-wide assassinations of all types has to be a cause for concern, even serious anxiety to the extent that it could very well have a major impact on that level of aggressiveness they would need to actually put handcuffs on that cretin and his co-demon should the opportunity arise.

I'm dying to see how aggressively they'll pursue those arrests, let alone execute them in the first place.

Biden has already stated that they will not arrest him. I'm sure the others will follow the same pattern.

What the world wants is harmonious justice, where we act for the greater good of all rather than its parts. What we forget is that states are rational actors, pursuing their national interests using irrational means.

Someone said that they want to provoke fire reaction by egyptians and use it as excuse for bombing and demolishing border wall in order to expell palestinians from gaza, for me it is plausible scenario.

The end goal is to get rid of the Palestinian equation all together. The end game reminds me of a video I watched on Facebook, it was entertaining but had a lesson. The setting was in Africa, a school teacher posed a mathematical problem on the chalk board and asked the student to solve it. The student, stares at the equation for awhile, and then grabs the eraser and wipes out the math problem completely, turns around and tells the teacher problem solved. While the students sitting at the desk smiled, in silent approval. The teacher had a concerned face and said nothing, as it was dominated with tactic approval of the class.

One of the viewers made a comment saying, future warlord in the making. Other's laughed, but he didn't and said if you don't nip the problem in the bud it will eventually grow and swallow you whole.

The region will be swallowed in a regional conflict, as the Arab's were never successful in nipping the problem in the bud since 1948. Right now, the leadership is trying to pacify the population by force or economic coercion, but what will they do once the tap runs dry? You can not run a country, when the people and state organs are on a different trajectory, eventually, the problems will come out and others will take advantage.

I have said this before but with these two(Russia-China) balancing out the Zio-US then there is a real chance for Muslim unity at last.

If the majority of the key powerful Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan join to form a block like EU/Nato then the rest will be jumping at the chance to join. Puppets/collaborators will either blow with the wind or be swept aside.

End of the day, no matter whether religious or secular there is this unique emotional attachment between all Muslims in the world due to shared religion.

Here in lies, the problem, we are looking outside to solve our internal issues. When you invite outside actors, they will look after their self-interest and not from your point-of-view. You will in essence become their puppets.

The central issue has been exposed in this Hamas-Israeli Conflict, is the neutering of the Islamic World, it was paralyzed it could not act and neither could it formulate a plan. The divisions within are to great to create a united front. The Islamic World since Pakistan's formation had 70 plus years to create a regional block; and failed due to selfish personal interests of each King or dictator.

Let, me take you back to METO/CENTO, with Pakistan point-of-view. Per the U.S. national archies, the American political and military officials responsible for the creation said, Pakistan, was always concerned about India, it viewed everything from that lens it wanted guarantees. As per, one of the U.S. generals he said it was such a short-sighted view that he considered METO/CENTO to be useless and ineffective and a waste of time. He stated that if Pakistan had focused on the bigger issue of containing the Soviets and armed themselves, the Indian threat would have been contained. However, it was the short-sightedness of Pakistan's leadership, which later led to a conflict when Ayub told China in 1962 that Pakistan wasn't ready, but suddenly, three years later, it was in 1965 and requested CENTO to provide arms which was refused and for good reason. **Note: Pakistan first signed agreement with Turkey.**

The goal of the Baghdad Pact was to unify the Arab states into a military bloc. Turkey and Iraq signed the agreement with the hope of getting other Arab states to join. They looked to Egypt, believing that if Egypt signed on, the others would follow. However, Egyptian leader Nasser reacted negatively, fearing that Egypt would lose its leadership in the region to Turkey and give it more control.

In the end, there was no unity. The Americans favored India and Israel in the Middle East. Pakistan lost its influence in the region, and Israel replaced Egypt as the dominant power.

We have never been able to put our immature differences aside and work together. As Sun Tzu said, "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." This seems to be true as each leader is ruling over the ashes of the Islamic World, instead of working together as one Ummah (Nation) as our Prophet told us to be.
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McDonalds ,Starbucks for starters
Lunch and dinner will also contribute to the killing and maiming of little Palestinian children .
You got all that business wrong.. those are concessions that Arabs bought.. all the meat, fries and what have you are locally made..and locally sold..
Former Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations, Moataz Ahmadin, to Al-Arabi: We may see an escalation in the coming days between Israel and #Egypt, and I expect that the round of negotiations will not be held tomorrow..

German Foreign Minister: The decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding and must be implemented..

She should ask first to International Court to chase to whoever that blow up NordStream.

USA is playing good cop bad cop against Israel, through European corrupt vassals.

American Jewish Elite is backstabbing their Israel cousins, so you can imagine what they will do later to Eurasian vassals gentiles.
West has bigger fish to fry with Russia-China-Iran alliance for which they need Arabs on their side. Israel will be made a pariah just like South Africa and withdrawl from Palastine will be forced upon it. This will be followed by normalization and the formation of a counter-alliance.
🔴#Urgent | Egyptian media, according to a security source: The Philadelphia Axis is not only security-related, but it also has a role in the flow of humanitarian aid..

You got all that business wrong.. those are concessions that Arabs bought.. all the meat, fries and what have are locally made..and locally sold..
Perhaps you should do some more research about how franchises work and once you discover who the franchise owners pay, all over the world, then you will see that it doesn’t matter where you buy your McFlurry. You can do a little extra research once you’ve understood where the franchise money goes and see who the top 5 or so shareholders are at ownership level… I don’t want to spoil the ending for you, but there’s a strong Zionist theme there

For KFC specifically, the owner of their middle east operations Mohamed Alabbar is a huge Israel fanboy, sympathizer, and advocator for normalisation. He spent a ton of money for healthcare in Isreal and announced he wants Israeli children to live normal safe lives. Since the 7th, he said absolutely nothing about Palestinian children and their rights for a normal and safe life.

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