Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

A fresh CNN report has concluded that Israel used American-made bombs in Sunday's attack on a refugee tent encampment in Rafah which killed 45 people, including women and children.

According to more from CNN's analysis:

The GBU-39, which is manufactured by Boeing, is a high-precision munition “designed to attack strategically important point targets,” and result in low collateral damage, explosive weapons expert Chris Cobb-Smith told CNN Tuesday. However, “using any munition, even of this size, will always incur risks in a densely populated area,” said Cobb-Smith, who is also a former British Army artillery officer.
Apparently the munition triggered secondary explosions and fires at the camp, which rapidly spread and burned out of control.
According to more from CNN's analysis:

Apparently the munition triggered secondary explosions and fires at the camp, which rapidly spread and burned out of control.

Yep, saw that on CNN, too. It's basically the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). Saw its first use in Afghanistan. The idea is basically to compact a conventional bomb into a smaller/narrower munition to be able to load more on bombers and fit weapons bays. In Afghanistan it was mostly use on B-52s, B1s and B2s while some F-15E Strike Eagles also dropped them. In this case here with these demons it's pretty clear they're using them with their F-35s. Basically, using Palestinian women and children and babies and sick and hungry and starving and old and maimed as target practice.

Of course, the US is just as complicit as they're definitely requesting data on effectiveness and other technical stuff. It's not every day you get that kind of actual valuable in-the-field data. How many children under 10 were taken out with one munition? How many under 8? Under 6? Fill out chart - submit to R&D Laboratory, analyze and offer suggestions on improvement for increased children elimination per munition.

Heck if the US gave this scum-sucking lowlifes the R9X, why would we be surprised they also gave them the SDB, right? The R9X is about as cruel of a weapon as can be and most definitely will be added to the list of banned weapons in due time.

The US used it specifically to kill Zarqawi which ok, fine. That was a legitimate target. Not sure they used it on Suleimani I don't think so. But why on earth would you give it to these murderous scums of the earth to use against hapless Palestinian civilians? Oh yeah, forgot: Hamas uses them as human shields so it's ok. I mean after all; Hamas has tons of other places to go to away from civilians how dare they be among their people in an open-air prison!?!?! It's not like Gaza doesn't have tremendous strategic depth I mean come on.

Out of the hundreds of disturbing photos of wounded, maimed & killed Palestinians, there's a good handful that are embedded in my mind and I can't get rid of. A few stand out of the children of course, particularly the one of the most adorable little baby girl, couldn't have been older than 1-1/2 maybe 2 years old in her violet, pink & red dress in her father's arms and her face had all these burn marks from white phosphorous. And she wasn't even crying but had this look of complete and utter shellshock gaze. It was indescribable. That one sent my wife into a 45-minute hysterical crying session.

The other that I just can't get rid of is the male nurse in the Al Shifa Hospital courtyard after one of the demon pilots sent an R9X into that court and you could hear the specific sound that thing makes. Totally different from the conventional, explosive hellfire missile as its blades open up and spin and it whistles really loudly before impact. And the male nurse who was screaming in the aftermath on the ground holding his amputated left leg after the blades ripped it off right below the thigh. That was so messed up that it'll stay with me forever.

Who's the mentally twisted freak who thinks up a weapon like that, and worse, the one who uses it on people in a hospital courtyard then goes home and sleeps comfortably.

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