Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent | Al Jazeera monitors the occupation forces storming the cities of Ramallah and Nablus in the West Bank

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: Occupation forces storm the cities of Tulkarm, Nablus, Al-Bireh, and Ramallah in the West Bank

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: Confrontations broke out between Palestinian youths and the occupation forces as they stormed the city of Ramallah.

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: 21 martyrs, including children, in Israeli raids on various areas in the city of #Rafah since this morning.

Urgent | Ministry of Health in Gaza: Deliberately targeting ambulances and killing their crews is a complex crime for which the occupation must be held accountable

Colonel Hanoch Dova:

After more than 7 months of war in Gaza, we must ask: Is the Israeli army meeting expectations? Despite the unimaginable sacrifices of soldiers and field commanders, it must be recognized that the military operation did not achieve a strategic change, nor did it achieve a worthy achievement that would improve Israel's security, and it is clear that the political level has a major role in this situation, which may be disastrous for The future of the country, and the military leadership, which failed on October 7, is complicit in the failure - at this time the leaders of the regular and reserve army, risking what is most precious to them, with no benefit or goal in sight, are expected to come out loud for change.
So that is her, ey? That two bit zionist pig. And I thought she was insufferable before this? Oooff.
Imagine this witchy wench with presidential ambition? Despite my profound dislike of the Orangutan Baboon, I was so happy dancing in the street naked when I heard her campaign finally fell on its face. The scary part of that whole process, was how much $$$ was given to her campaign, making it last as long as it did knowing quite well she had less than 30% chance of beating the orange monkey. That's the scary part, the financial power these scum-sucking shadow ballers have to control key figures they see would unabashedly help their deceitful & murderous cause.

This is true. Another country which has been an undeniable supporter of the zionist and their crimes for almost a century is finally starting to come around.

I also think one of the biggest motivations for France to stick it to the US is because of the US' treachery in this most recent nuclear submarine deal that France had with (another zionist pig file) Australia for a mega $20 billion and the contract was all printed ready to sign when the US & UK swept in like pterodactyls and seized the deal right out from under France's legs.

There were other instances for sure, such as France's opposition to the Iraq disaster perpetuated by the US zionists hoard, but I honestly think this was the straw that finally broke the camel's back.

And let's not forget, despite the US' liberation of France in both world wars and the debt of gratitude the French owe Americans, it wasn't much longer where tensions began to fester with the US' opposition to France's nuclear program and the endless spying missions by U2s and SR-71s over France and countless times it sent Mirages to intercept those airspace violations. This is all documented stuff so there's no love lost there, for sure. And it's been brewing to the point where it might just blow up.

And here's another insufferable wench, this Liz Warren. And guess what? She's my state's representative and we will most certainly remember her double standards loyal to her greasy, zionist pockets, this two-faced wicked witch of the east. We will remember come reelection time.
The French, among others, have to deal with the blowback from the decades of wars in the MENA region. I don’t think France is being altruistic, they know they need influence in the MENA and Francophone Africa to maintain their competitive economic edge which undergirds their economy and social services.

Recent talk of western nations being forced to take refugees from Gaza must have been the last straw.

Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry​

Mossad director Yossi Cohen personally involved in secret plot to pressure Fatou Bensouda to drop Palestine investigation, sources say
With a young new leader in neighboring Senegal, and all the anti-French coups in west Africa, the region is poised to make its voice heard. Threats against a prominent West African diplomat could be the spark to West Africa hardening against Israel and those that do business with it, with larger ramifications in the US-China Cold War, and global commodities trade for decades to come. This is why letting Israel go unchecked is harmful to greater US interests.

All as a consequence of the war in Palestine. Palestine is indeed setting the world free.
A high-ranking Egyptian source told Cairo News:
- “There are no communications with the Israeli side regarding the allegations of the existence of tunnels on the Gaza Strip border with Egypt.”
“Israel” uses these allegations to justify the continuation of the Palestinian Rafah operation and the prolongation of the war for political purposes..
- "Israel" deliberately prolongs the war to evade its internal crises.

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