Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Ottomans refused to sell Palestine, they claimed it was land where Muslims have shed blood to liberate so they will not betray the martyrs, but those who came afterwards sold it but kept it hidden for decades, their security is the security of Israel, they are the shadow of Israel.
Ottomans from old times- protected Palestine.

Ottomans of today (AKA Erdogan's govt which is NATO's loyal servant)- SOLD Palestine wholesale to Israel.


Understand something- the Muslim and Arab countries that will accuse Iran of sectarianism after this war is over, are the same Muslim and Arab countries that that betrayed Palestine during the Gaza war.
The stance taken by Norway/Spain/Ireland is quite commendable
  • Official Recognition of State of Palestine
Also it is quite commendable what South Africa has done to raise the voice in International Court to hold Israel Accountable.

While Norway/Spain position on Palestine is commendable , there is also an angle in relation to ongoing war in Ukraine where the European nations are quite keen to take on Russia

There is on Strong voice for Palestinians , they are mostly viewed as just pylons from US politician point of view

On social media I have seen Italians and Spanish people a bit more understanding of Palestinian issue
Ok, they've recognized Palestine- NOW WHAT? (serious question)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on the Islamic world to take action against Israel in response to the latest deadly strike in the Gaza Strip. Erdogan, 70, told lawmakers from his AKP party today that Israel represented a threat to 'all of humanity.'

More hot air? Or is he serious?
Traitorous Erdogan learned to KEEP ACTING in front of his "peoples" (aka Muslims) as the war continues, from Zelensky.
Swedish police unleash their dogs on students as they demonstrate in solidarity with Gaza in Stockholm and arrest a number of them.

Sweden has gone the Neo-nazi route- sad....look at them joining NATO and supporting Ukraine- nazi stuff!

Most countries that support Ukraine also support Israel- the world will enter a more pronounced coordinated war against Neo-Nazis in the world very soon, the signs are visible now.
For nine months on Zio Hedge, I have been reposting news and views from a different perspective. Mostly from here.

My thoughts. Americans are simply too ignorant of the world around them and are easily manipulated.

Wednesday. Bible tune up day across the Bible Belt. Also my day off, my day of rest. Bible Thumpers day. Even had the Jehovah Witness knock on my door. I try to be nice, but leave me alone.

Americans will not begin to understand what their government is doing in their name until it hits home.

Keep up the protests. Boycott all Israeli and American businesses.

Saudi textbooks remove Palestine from most maps, says Israeli study​

References to Israel as an 'enemy' have also been altered in new editions of school curricula, in an apparent toning down of hostile language

Sweden has gone the Neo-nazi route- sad....look at them joining NATO and supporting Ukraine- nazi stuff!

Most countries that support Ukraine also support Israel- the world will enter a more pronounced coordinated war against Neo-Nazis in the world very soon, the signs are visible now.
Please leave out the Nazi slur.

Call it what it is, ZIONISM
I don’t know what else needs to be proven to show the red line has been permanently crossed. I think the Americans are living in a parallel universe…..
See my comment about Bible Tune Up Day, every Wednesday all across the Bible Belt.
I don’t know what else needs to be proven to show the red line has been permanently crossed. I think the Americans are living in a parallel universe…..

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