Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You can talk to me if you have any question about Islam in whatever thread. I have read whole Quran verses more than once (with translation as I am not fluent in Arabic) and also I read some verses in Bible as well so I am also a bit understand about Christianity as well. I also understand Hinduism and Budhism as well.

What are the English lyrics to ‘Ode to Joy’?​

O friends, not these tones!
But let’s strike up more agreeable ones,
And more joyful.


Joy, beautiful spark of Divinity,
Daughter of Elysium,
We enter, drunk with fire,
Heavenly one, thy sanctuary!
Thy magic binds again
What custom strictly divided;
All people become brothers,
Where thy gentle wing abides.

Whoever has succeeded in the great attempt,
To be a friend’s friend,
Whoever has won a lovely woman,
Add his to the jubilation!
Yes, and also whoever has just one soul
To call his own in this world!
And he who never managed it should slink
Weeping from this union!

All creatures drink of joy
At nature’s breasts.
All the Just, all the Evil
Follow her trail of roses.
Kisses she gave us and grapevines,
A friend, proven in death.
Ecstasy was given to the worm
And the cherub stands before God.

Gladly, as His suns fly
through the heavens’ grand plan
Go on, brothers, your way,
Joyful, like a hero to victory.

Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss to all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Are you collapsing, millions?
Do you sense the creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy!
Above stars must He dwell
Still waiting for my free Qur'an in the mail.

The Islamic society appears to not think I am serious. But that's ok.

Forty-two years ago I wrote an essay in highschool. An assignment like any other.

My English teacher pulled me aside one day and told me she entered my composition for some state contest and told me she's leaving America to live in Egypt.

This is back in the early 1980s. Rest of the semester, English teacher was telling us how great Allah is.

Back then, I knew almost nothing of Islam.

Refraining from using the phrase "Allah is great" or "Peace unto Muhammad", whatever.

Do not wish to offend.

But once I become a Muslim, or true believer, dissident, or whatever, watch out.

I already see a few here who have the "spirit". I hope they will offer me their kindness.

Try this website

You can talk to me if you have any question about Islam in whatever thread. I have read whole Quran verses more than once (with translation as I am not fluent in Arabic) and also I read some verses in Bible as well so I am also a bit understand about Christianity as well. I also understand Hinduism and Budhism as well.
I was familiar with over 40 religions by the age of 12.

Read the Quran once or twice years ago.

Studied under some one with a degree in Greek and Hebrew who retranslated the Bible from the god awful Masoretic text most Bibles today are based on.

All I want is the truth.
Still waiting for my free Qur'an in the mail.

The Islamic society appears to not think I am serious. But that's ok.

Forty-two years ago I wrote an essay in highschool. An assignment like any other.

My English teacher pulled me aside one day and told me she entered my composition for some state contest and told me she's leaving America to live in Egypt.

This is back in the early 1980s. Rest of the semester, English teacher was telling us how great Allah is.

Back then, I knew almost nothing of Islam.

Refraining from using the phrase "Allah is great" or "Peace unto Muhammad", whatever.

Do not wish to offend.

But once I become a Muslim, or true believer, dissident, or whatever, watch out.

I already see a few here who have the "spirit". I hope they will offer me their kindness.

Let us know when you take the Shahada. That will be a great day IsA.

I don't mean to pry so if you feel uncomfortable answering this, just tell me nunya. Is your hearing disability at 100%? I only ask because if it's not, listening to the Qur'an being recited by a well-versed reciter is like nothing else. It would also help to learn the Arabic language as you can follow the literature once you start learning it, understanding it becomes easier. While reading and learning the Qur'an in English is perfectly fine, understanding it in Arabic is even better.
Yes, if you have a Bible with a good reference, it will say it was translated from the Masoretic text.

Written by the Masorites.

Who are the Masorites?

They changed their name from the Pharisees.

Kind of funny listening to the evangelicals warning me of the Pharisees corrupting the word of God, using a Bible the Pharisees corrupted over 1,800 years ago.
Let us know when you take the Shahada. That will be a great day IsA.

I don't mean to pry so if you feel uncomfortable answering this, just tell me nunya. Is your hearing disability at 100%? I only ask because if it's not, listening to the Qur'an being recited by a well-versed reciter is like nothing else. It would also help to learn the Arabic language as you can follow the literature once you start learning it, understanding it becomes easier. While reading and learning the Qur'an in English is perfectly fine, understanding it in Arabic is even better.
Thank you.

I am profoundly deaf. I can hear with hearing aids, but rather be deaf, if you can understand that.

For me to hear and understand Arabic, I will need someone next to me, with patience.
Yes, if you have a Bible with a good reference, it will say it was translated from the Masoretic text.

Written by the Masorites.

Who are the Masorites?

They changed their name from the Pharisees.

Kind of funny listening to the evangelicals warning me of the Pharisees corrupting the word of God, using a Bible the Pharisees corrupted over 1,800 years ago.
Knowing this, I can understand why the Lord will bring forth another Prophet.

I am willing to be open minded.
Thank you.

I am profoundly deaf. I can hear with hearing aids, but rather be deaf, if you can understand that.

For me to hear and understand Arabic, I will need someone next to me, with patience.

Check with your local masjid (mosque), most of them have Qur'an recitations for small groups on certain days. Even Qur'an lessons and many of them have special needs assistance also. There's many volunteers who will offer to help for nothing in return as it's part of Muslims' charitable duties.
Check with your local masjid (mosque), most of them have Qur'an recitations for small groups on certain days. Even Qur'an lessons and many of them have special needs assistance also. There's many volunteers who will offer to help for nothing in return as it's part of Muslims' charitable duties.

I live in the middle of the buckle of the Bible Belt.

Anyone you describe will have to travel 50 miles to me, at least.

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