Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Muslim males on the borders with terrorist Israel, have a duty towards God to intervene and strike the Israeli Nazi regime. This means Muslim males of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. With their full force. Must exact pressure on Israel until it stops the genocide. Their full pressure to their best ability. Irregardless of what their commanders say. If you want to be independent and take the initiative then you need to take the initiative. Otherwise continue being at the mercy of some disgusting Jewish terrorists that behave like they own the world.
Muslim males on the borders with terrorist Israel, have a duty towards God to intervene and strike the Israeli Nazi regime. This means Muslim males of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. With their full force. Must exact pressure on Israel until it stops the genocide. Their full pressure to their best ability. Irregardless of what their commanders say. If you want to be independent and take the initiative then you need to take the initiative. Otherwise continue being at the mercy of some disgusting Jewish terrorists that behave like they own the world.
Gaza needs to be backed up, not for sake of Gaza only, Gaza did everything it could and more to check Jewish pride and terror. The rest need to do so too. This is not sacrificing your nations for Palestine. You impose your equations you come out on top. Hesitancy to join Gaza through diplomatic and/or military means, with real effective actions, is what emboldened this enemy and gave it a confidence that it shouldn't have.

Soldiers on all these borders need to start directing strikes at Israel to increase pressure on it. Do not wait for leadership orders. There is no leadership in this region besides crooks and outright collaborators. We lack leadership at the moment you're a grassroots movement of young men supported by God. So heeds God call and don't wait for a order. The Israelis will get the message.
293 confirmed KIA in Gaza since start of operation (per Isareli sources) and 1,810 injured. Total casualties are 2,103 since start of operation plus the 4,543 casualties (1143 killed, 3,400 wounded) on Oct 7th. Total israeli casualties 6,646.

Not counting the Hezbollah conflict in the north roughly another 60ish casualties (30 KIA).
Endless words and no action

I would like China to be bold for once and say that they only recognise a single unified Palestine with equal rights for all.

Now that would be bold and at least in line with internationally accepted rules of justice and dignity.

They should do that as it would raise their status but far too timid and myopic to do something like this.
293 confirmed KIA in Gaza since start of operation (per Isareli sources) and 1,810 injured. Total casualties are 2,103 since start of operation plus the 4,543 casualties (1143 killed, 3,400 wounded) on Oct 7th. Total israeli casualties 6,646.

Not counting the Hezbollah conflict in the north roughly another 60ish casualties (30 KIA).

israelis/zionists are not revealing their REAL casualty figures. There is NO independent verification for the figures they put out.
more Egyptians need to start taking the fight to Zionists

we need a Global intifada to it every Zionist local worldwide including consulates and embassies

all Zionists should be targeted
I would like China to be bold for once and say that they only recognise a single unified Palestine with equal rights for all.
Now that would be bold and at least in line with internationally accepted rules of justice and dignity.
They should do that as it would raise their status but far too timid and myopic to do something like this.

A prolonged Middle East conflict benefits China just as a prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict benefits China.
It is Russia which is missing a trick here: How many Russians have died due to the American weapons in Ukraine? Probably tens of thousands of Russian casualties along with major dent to Russia in other ways. And yet What has Russia done to squeeze America in the Israel-Palestine conflict since October? Precious little. Russia could pressure America to concede some concessions by squeezing Israel--you know, Uncle Sam would do anything to protect Israel.

I have heard of Russian presence in the Syria side of the Golan Heights but what has that done? Israel is free to flying into Syria and bomb whatever; surely even a depleted Russia can do something about that, can it not?
Turkey needs all kinds of lethal equipment to stop the occupation of Palestine and to stop the Zionists, also ATGMs are deadly. One hit from an angle attack can destroy all armor and send the Zionist dog with its tail between its legs. Would be lovely footage for PR.

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